The Newcomer Guide system will serve as a way to help new players, with veteran players who choose to be part of the system being assigned special identification icons and access to a channel to answer questions to new players. After further scrutiny, gazing at crystal balls, and a visit to the Darkmoon Faire (we love the food), we have called forth the following guilds. This channel allows new players to ask questions, even if they don’t have a helpful guild, even if they don’t have access to city chat channels, without relying on the sometimes toxic LFG system. Why would people do this? Not everyone can do beyond LFR and it wouldn't be fair to make it higher, punishing those not in a raiding guild or some high level pvper. Are you a knowledgeable player who wants to help newcomers as they are 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. The Horde guide recruiter is called Eyla Pathleader and you can Why? Those saying "It shouldn't be LFR" are really trying to gatekeep hard. world so that Newcomers will be able to recognize you, and vice versa. It’s too early to see how this will work out. again. While the system may have good intentions, Reddit is full of posts about how to get this with little effort, trying to go through the mentor program without being there to mentor new players at all. Upon reaching Level 20, new players will continue to journey ahead on their own NEXT | Disable ads, get exclusive content, and more! The Mentor system revolves around a new chat channel: Newcomer. By accepting you agree to our privacy policy. You don't have to kill everything -- how to reward…, What do you think the endgame progression system…, When is WoW patch 9.0.1, the Shadowlands pre-patch,…, How much prep work do you do before a pre-patch or…, What would you think about World of Warcraft never…, Relearning how to play a Shadow Priest, Balance…. We recently introduced the Guild Mentoring Program and asked for a few great guilds to volunteer their time and services. channels and by icons above their characters' heads that only they can see. I think the requirement to have killed Nzoth should be AotC at the very least. the Newcomer Chat channel. What Do Blizzard's Recent Changes Mean for the Future of WoW Classic? What do the Guides receive for helping? At the moment, a ton of people qualify. All rights reserved. the embassies. Veteran players can become Guides in Shadowlands and help new players learning the game? As a guide, your main role will be to answer questions in By leaving comments on this site you agree to follow our  commenting and community guidelines. The Guide System is a new feature in Shadowlands where veteran players who are willing to help new players can do so more easily, via the Newcomer Chat. Earn at least two of the following achievements. Blizzard Watch uses minimal cookies to improve your experience and is in full compliance with the GDPR. A new guide mentor system is currently being tested on the #Shadowlands Beta. Why would they pay people to do the job when players will do it for free? maybe 3 or 4 achievements done on top of the 3000 / lvl 50. I think LFR is perfectly acceptable because it's a lot harder to manage than normal+ due to it being randoms and having to get team work out of it.Personally, I don't think raiding/pvp stuff should be a requirement AT ALL. Frost Mage in Shadowlands - DPS Strengths, Best Covenants, Soulbinds and Legendaries, November 12th Update to Shadowlands Pre-Expansion Patch Notes - Live on November 17th, Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season Four, Elethium Setting - Blacksmithing Socket Removed, Increased XP Required from Level 50 to 60, Raid Loot Tokens for Weapons, Shields, & Offhand, Updated Mount Sources - Rares, Adventures, & Covenants. New players will automatically be added to a Newcomer Chat channel, where Complete at least two of the following achievements. But what is the Mentor system? And because there are qualifications required to become a Guide, their questions will be answered by knowledgeable players who really want to help. in the game. Is there incentive? If you no longer wish to be a guide, you can speak to guide recruiters Or will this only be another avenue for spammers selling services, advertising websites? Realistically you should only need one of those achievements instead of two and the options being: Have you people even killed lfr N'zoth? starting zone. Anybody could get the typical LFR/Normal Ny'alotha clear, for instance. Existing players can become Guides — as long as they meet the requirements — and start answering new player questions to make it easier to jump into this nearly 16-year-old game. Have fun meeting new people! Home / World of Warcraft / Mentor System. Blizzard Watch is a safe space for all readers. Let’s dig into the Guide Mentor system to see what it’s all about. Comments have compared this to a similar system in Final Fantasy XIV, which eventually rewards a two-seater mount. If you’ve never been reported for bad behavior; if you’ve completed 3000+ quests; if you’ve accomplished two or more of the mix of simple and difficult achievements; and if you want to answer the same questions over and over again, then the Newcomer chat channel is looking for you! on the same faction who will be their guides as they level through the new I think LFR is perfectly acceptable because it's a lot harder to manage than normal+ due to it being randoms and having to get team work out of it. And if mentoring isn’t what you hoped it would be, or if you quickly find they are asking questions you just cannot answer, report back to the same Recruiter to opt out. The feature is not available for Free Trial accounts and you will not be What is Sage Advice and why it belongs in every D&D player's to... With the launch of Shadowlands pre-patch on October 13, a new Mentor system will encourage veteran players to help newbies get started. You will be marked with a special icon in the eligible to become a guide due to parental controls, or when you have a penalty WoW Shadowlands: Das Mentoren-Programm - Anforderungen jetzt bekannt Quelle: buffed 20.08.2020 um 13:30 Uhr von Philipp Sattler - Mit der kommenden WoW-Erweiterung Shadowlands … find her at 52, 18 standing near a bonfire at the Stormwind Embassy. But no pressure. Some of requirements need to be amped up a bit. With the launch of Shadowlands pre-patch on October 13, a new Mentor system will encourage veteran players to help newbies get started. find her at 40, 80 near the Orgrimmar Embassy. Blizzard seems to have realized providing rewards is not the answer. Really hope trolls dont decide to take part in that.....and if they do and troll they face severe III consequences, It should include something similar to have a level 50 character on both horde and alliance (a guide shouldn’t be faction specific they should be someone who plays the game and knows things about both factions to help give a well rounded response). Not just anyone can become a Guide, but many veteran players can. Getting that kill is way harder than getting aotc and I'm not joking, Have u defeated N'zoth in LFR? New players and guides can recognize each other in the chat Currently, there are no rewards that guides get from this program. Seems about right now. The Alliance guide recruiter is named Celeste Periwinkle and you can Will this just be a Q&A channel? After the launch of patch 9.0, report to the Recruiter Celeste Periwinkle near the Stormwind Embassy (coordinates 52, 18) or Eyla Pathleader outside the Orgrimmar Embassy (coordinates 40, 80) to volunteer. You could be the reason they stay or leave the game. Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season Four, Everything Coming in the Death's Rising Shadowlands Pre-Patch Event on Nov 10, The Raid Race During the Holidays: the Top Guilds Speak Up. I assume once the actual expansion launches these may change, but yea i'm not a fan of the LFR requirement, it should be normal or heroic. These include talking to guide recruiters and completing some achievements Those saying "It shouldn't be LFR" are really trying to gatekeep hard. Guide Mentor System - Help New Players Starting Out in Shadowlands publicado hace 21 días por Neryssa The Guide System is a new feature in Shadowlands where veteran players who are willing to help new players can do so more easily, via the Newcomer Chat. Beta for Azeroth anyone? Not everyone can do beyond LFR and it wouldn't be fair to make it higher, punishing those not in a raiding guild or some high level pvper. This is to ensure Guides are there because they want to be. Mentor players will receive a special icon in the world and become eligible … on your account history. because i can tell u is even harder than mythic...THAT IS A MESS and I truly admire the person how killed him in LFR, they should rise the requirements, if you are going to guide newconers you really need good knowgle of the game, personally i'll set the minimun of 3 of those achievements, rise the terrific trio to Quintessential Quintet, from key stone conqueror to key stone master, the waking dream to AOTC N'zoth, I know those may look hard to get but you are supposed to have tons of knowgle about the game to be able to guid new players.And about the trolls who deside to join and to a mess they should be banned for some weeks. The call was heard and answered with many potential candidates sending in their applications to do their part. Blizzard Watch is made possible by people like you. Is there incentive? Certain conditions must be met to become a guide in World of Warcraft. When you become a Mentor, you’re one of the first voices a new player sees. At level 1, as new players start Exile’s Reach, this channel is automatically opened up to them. Veteran players can become Guides in Shadowlands and help new players by answering questions they have about the game in the Newcomer Chat channel. Will this be a place to provide portals, gold, bags, gear, and other necessities for those starting their adventure? In this post, we went through the Guide system from both perspectives! It's not too difficult to fill those achievements, but you must have played a good chunk of the game to achieve them. Remember all the bugs in bfa? Why would people do this? WoW: Das Mentoren-Programm ist da - helft den Nachwuchsspielern! Nothing, really, excepting for the satisfaction of a job well done. Anyone in LFR can kill Nzoth and we all know how capable LFR players can be. But what is the Mentor system? And what does being a Guide give you? To become a guide in Shadowlands, you must: No rewards are currently associated with the program. Newbies want to know about quests, what mount you have, etc. Newcomers and Guides will be able to identify each other out in the world with a special icon, but beyond the icon indicating they’re a Guide, there are no rewards. and will no longer have access to the Newcomer Chat channel. by answering questions they have about the game in the Newcomer Chat channel. they talk with other new players and seek advice from experienced players In Shadowlands Build 35598, the Newcomer Guide System has been updated with new requirements for those wanting to guide new players. The idea of a system that connects experienced players who want to help and newer players who could use the help is a pretty good one, and that idea is one coming to Shadowlands with the Guide Mentor System. Raiding and pvp aren't things newbies are gonna care about/ask about 99% of the time.What should be required: lvl 50 char on both Horde and Alliance (Faction changing doesn't count), 3000 quests, and maybe Loremaster. When the character reaches level 20, they’ll automatically be removed from the Newcomer chat, with no way to rejoin it on that character. Guides are there to help newbies. Those requirements represent levelling, PvP, dungeons, raids, and solo content respectively; it's great that this requires competency in at least 2 areas of the game. Things like this likely contributed to the massive layoffs at blizz. Existing players can become Guides — as long as they meet the requirements — and start answering new player questions to make it easier to jump into this nearly 16-year-old game. You must first seek out guide recruiters in Orgrimmar and Stormwind near This mindset is an increasing trend with this company, it seems to me. 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