¿Quién fue Agatha Christie y cuál es su legado? The person who answered the phone was very helpful. Sin embargo, tus teachers siempre dirán que es mejor enfrentar el problema de raíz y encontrar una orientación o dato necesario para seguir con el aprendizaje. gracias a esta pajina aprove el examen para la sele gracias. Whose is a pronoun used in questions to ask who owns something or has something. (Correct), The classroom, which captain has just stepped out, is very neat. – This is the place where I spent my last three years. (Nos referimos a la edad de la laptop, “la cual tiene 5 años”). (Ahora conocemos que Nico fue el director ejecutivo). For getting (Para saber dónde queda la biblioteca). ¡Hasta la próxima! For the pronoun to be relevant in the situation, the construction has to become ‘of which’: The tree, the branches of which were caught by the man, was planted by a foreigner. (Aquí queremos saber cuál es el tamaño de la orden). For example, while you wouldn’t say, “The book, who is 500 pages, was released in 1923,” you could say, “The book, whose 500 … All rights reserved. (Para recalcar que queremos leer ese libro). Quiero que me ayuden y me explique esta regal del verbos get – María, who was my art teacher, is a wonderful actress. – The man whom you met yesterday is actually the new boss. – Mr. Orlock is the gentleman for whom we’ve been waiting so eagerly. Whose is the possessive form of both who and which (2). Gracias por la consulta and sorry, must have been a typo. That means that whose is normally followed by a noun. (Nos referimos a la persona que contestó el teléfono). Técnicamente, esto se llama “non-defining relative clauses with the pronoun who”. (Correct), The classroom, whose captain has just stepped out, is very neat. Su dirección de correo no se hará público. Hay mucho más por practicar y aprender, te recomendamos buscar en Google: defining and non-defining relative clause exercises, ten por seguro que verás una mejora significativa en tu expresión verbal y escrita. En los siguientes casos “whom” sí es esencial (y esto sí viene en los exámenes): 1) En inglés formal, después de una preposición: – The man to whom you talked yesterday is in fact the new manager. (Wrong). Ah, but don’t take it for granted! For instance, it can be used in questions with a limited set of answers. – Alright, who ate my apple pie? Esperamos que este post haya aclarado algunas de tus dudas. – This is the place where I spent my last three years. As in that last example above, whose—unlike who or who’s—may apply to inanimate objects or other non-person entities. It is also correct! Conversation: 10 maneras de mostrar desacuerdo en inglés británico, Car Vocabulary: Las diferencias entre el inglés británico y americano, 5 canciones de Led Zeppelin para practicar inglés, 5 canciones de The Cure para practicar inglés [Parte 1]. Don’t be tricked: on the one hand, because grammazons mark possessive nouns with apostrophe + s, it’s tempting to think that who’s (not whose) is the possessive form of who. We use infinitives when referring to PURPOSE (OBJECTIVES). Do you know where the library IS? El uso del “that” como “que” es bastante flexible, ya que puede utilizarse tanto en personas como en cosas o ideas. In this case “whose” must refer to a living being. Sin embargo, if I’m not mistaken, en el apartado “WHERE”, la pregunta “Do you know where is the library?” es incorrecta y debería ser: La explicación tradicional te dirá que “whom” se puede utilizar cuando el “who” (quién) es el objeto de un verbo o una preposición. In the family of relative pronouns, whose can be described as a younger brother of ‘who’, which is normally used for humans. El uso de “whose” indica alguna propiedad o pertenencia. 4) Which Te recomendamos leer las siguientes publicaciones : – ¿Cuándo se debe utilizar “hear” y “listen”? There is often confusion about the use of who, whose, whom, that, which or where. ¿Qué es un phrasal verb y cuándo se debe utilizar? ► Te recomendamos: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “have to” y “must”? – Politicians have become individuals in whom no one believes any longer. Thanks so much but i’d like to add this blog into Britanico’s app. This might work in some cases, but for the most part, it ends up sounding clumsy or stilted: He was watching the movie whose title I couldn’t remember earlier. Which and that, the relative pronouns for animals and objects, do not have an equivalent; so, “whose” can be used here as well, such as in “the movie, whose name I can’t remember.” Whose is appropriate for inanimate objects in all cases except the interrogative case, where “whose” is in the beginning of a sentence. We use who when referring to people or when we want to know the person. – There’s the musician whose old guitar was stolen. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “have to” y “must”? Si tienes problemas para recordar su uso, solo debes aprender algo: el “whose” siempre se usa con sustantivos. ¿Cuándo se debe utilizar “hear” y “listen”? – A country whose population is mainly ignorant is doomed. Copyright PUNCH. Tienes razón, Bach, Do you know WHERE IT IS es el orden correcto, al tratarse de un “indirect question”. here vs. hear con un ejercicio que a continuation pondre . The consolation is, however, that you can either embrace ‘of which …’ or use ‘whose’ in showing possession for all nouns: The teacher, whose son is in the other class, is very caring. . “Where”, como adverbio relativo, es utilizado para referirse a lugares y locaciones, ya sea en preguntas, afirmaciones o explicaciones. In other words, whose is about possession. ► No te pierdas: ¿Cuándo y cómo se debe utilizar “too” y “very”? We have to go the supermarket,,,,,,,!, some bread and milk. 2) Después de cuantificadores como “all of”, “few of”, “many of”, “several of”, etc. On the other hand, ‘which’ collocates with non-humans. To get (Queremos saber de quién es esa bicicleta). – Do you know where the library is? – She’s the girl that I saw at the disco. Nota importante: al igual que “who”, después de una coma, usa “which” en lugar de “that”. – Which size would you like to order? You might, however, annoy a few modern complainers who think you should use whose to refer to people and animals only. In the family of relative pronouns, whose can be described as a younger brother of ‘who’, which is normally used for humans. The speech, the title of which is ‘The other side of democracy’, is filled with errors. ¡Ahora empecemos con otra guía rápida del BRITÁNICO para que mejores tu nivel de inglés en solo 5 minutos! Si tienes problemas para recordar su uso, solo debes aprender algo: el “whose” siempre se usa con sustantivos. – A country whose population is mainly ignorant is doomed. Who ate all the chocolates? For to get, The answer is “TO GET”. (Correct), The classroom, the captain of which has just stepped out, is very neat. – Whom should I contact for further queries? To getting As a matter of fact, the alternative that many of us who find such an expression awkward go for is wrong. Si deseo referir a un sujeto “they”, debo utilizar whom? ¿Alguna vez te ha pasado esto? If it doesn’t, you should use whose. You know, such fellows say, ‘The tree which branches were cut …’ The reason is that they find using ‘whose’ odd with a tree and other non-living things which, according to the Biology teacher, can neither breathe nor eat. As a result, when we say ‘The man who came yesterday is from Gabon’, we would say, ‘The toothpick which (or that) was imported from China is colourful.’. – I love people whose attitude to life is positive and courageous. Sin embargo, este uso es muy formal, se considera inusual y ya no es parte de exámenes de inglés. One way to figure out whether you should use “who’s” or “whose” is to say “who is” out loud to yourself as you read or write. 'Who' - 'whose' - 'whom' - 'that' and 'which' - are relative pronouns. Whose - gramática inglés y uso de palabras en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge University Press (Sabemos que María fue profesora de arte). Yet,  perhaps because a lot of people do not want to go the seemingly winding way, and because they believe that ‘whose’ is odd with non-humans, they choose the unacceptable  ‘which branches’  model. It can also be used to add extra information to a previous clause. Similarly, the correct thing is to say, ‘The man whose computer was stolen has reported the matter to the police.’ But is it wrong to say, ‘The tree whose branches were cut was planted by a foreigner’? PS: correct your sentence: “We have to go TO the supermarket” . (Para indicar que la vimos en la discoteca). (Sabemos que ahí va el músico cuya guitarra fue robada). Funciona como un “de quién” en las preguntas o como un “cuyo” (el adjetivo relativo posesivo) en las oraciones. Ya hemos visto cuáles son los pronombres interrogativos básicos y cómo se usan y también hemos analizado cuándo se usa «what» y cuándo «which«.. Hoy nos toca centrarnos en el uso y diferencias entre tres pronombres que nos suelen liar un poquillo: WHO, WHOSE y WHOM.. Este último es uno de los grandes desconocidos y por consiguiente, el causante de más de un quebradero de cabeza. – This is the new book that I want to read. If that makes sense in the sentence, you should use who’s. Su dirección de correo no se hará público. – This is Carol, whose sister went to college with me. But apostrophes are also used in contractions. – My laptop, which is 5 years old, is too slow for this new software update. No te preocupes, eso forma parte del aprendizaje. The other car, which was donated by the monarch, is okay. 'Where' is a relative adverb. “… It wasn’t until the 18th-century that the sticklers of grammar took notice of this centuries-long peccadillo, emphatically declaring whose to be the possessive only of the relative pronoun ‘who’ while whispering their acknowledgment that English lacks an equivalent possessive for which and that. Técnicamente, esto se llama “non-defining relative clauses with the pronoun which”. – Congratulations to all the winners, most of whom are definitely reading this blog! – Whose bicycle is this? Está muy bien el contenido, sobre todo la parte del “WHOM”. Their recommendation has been to use the construction, ‘of which’,  for inanimate objects. ► Wait a minute, ¿no estudias inglés en el BRITÁNICO? #2: Look at What Follows. Whose to Refer to People and Animals. – Julia, the security guard, addressed the spectators of the voleyball match.

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