parenting, Filed Under: Bible Lessons, Character Building Tagged With: Bible, Bible Lessons, character development, Christianity, faith, Jesus, kids, teaching, Worshipful. Just be sure to choose ones that are actually geared towards educating. “If you focus on teaching your kids to be compassionate, kind, ethical, tolerant people, then the chances are that they’ll gravitate toward beliefs or non-beliefs that reflect that. God spoke, often with smoke and fire and burning bushes. It’s not a question parents can answer in a tidy sound bite. Studying God’s Word more brought me closer to him, and being closer to him gave me peace and understanding about who he was. And there are a lot of great tips and tools you can use to help children learn how to memorize scripture. Use this guide as a simple, practical starting place for learning how to teach your children about God. This lesson focus on the trait of being, In our Character development series, I always like to start with our memorization verse. “Why doesn’t God just make it rain?” my oldest daughter, Mikayla, asked one evening last June as a wildfire raged near our community. I let the kids brainstorm first, and we used those words and scriptures first. If you don’t know if you believe in God, be honest and say that you don’t know or that you struggle in your belief. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. And never underestimate a child because we can’t always tell whether a child’s too young or not to be saved. Vance and his wife, Marcia, have four children. But there are a lot of other great character training resources too. Jack has written 1088 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Let them tape down the index cards, layered, to complete the sentence. Play “Fact, Fiction, Belief” to ensure that your kids know what a belief is. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:9, Righteous – “Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right.” – Psalm 119:137, Forgiving – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9. Teach your children that learning about the Bible can be fun and enjoyable. My family was sitting around the table one Sunday evening, enjoying an all-too-frequent dinner selection of pizza, carrot sticks and root beer. This lesson for kids is another piece of my character development series, which I will describe more below. The heart of my blog is the character development series for teaching kids. Who hasn’t wondered why He doesn’t speak with that same audible clarity today? Leaving My Family Is Hard. Recognizing when God speaks, when His Word gives instruction to our lives or when His Spirit nudges us in a certain direction, is an ongoing part of every faith journey. God’s Word will have its way with them, one way or the other (Isaiah 55:11). And they can be a wonderful tool to help teach kids the Bible. The idea is to make an attribute flip book that gives character qualities of God as well as scripture to reference that show those attributes. Just as God saved us, so too will He redeem all the things He has made. It’s definitely a must-have to teach kids the Bible. Something went wrong please contact us at What do you want the president to prioritize in the next four years? If you believe in God, tell your child and let them know that not everyone believes in God. Here is the link to our. I was saying good night to my youngest daughter, 3-year-old Lexi, after a day spent at a nearby reservoir. One of the common misconceptions when it comes to teaching children about the Bible is that you have to go to extreme lengths with elaborate lessons and crafts in order for them to learn anything. I wanted to focus on his attributes today. Today's kids are confronted with a shortage of godly examples in a society that is moving toward "freedom from religion" instead of "freedom of religion." “When you approach religion and God in an open and honest way, you can encourage your child to realize that it’s a wonderful thing to be able to make up your own mind,” Thomas Russell says. I suppose most kids ask a similar question, a natural response after studying the dramatic scriptural accounts of God’s revelation to His people. But, raising a child is such an important, seriously sobering task, it should at least come with a handbook, don't you think? Every week your kids more than likely head to church to learn more about the Bible, God, and Jesus. Genuine worship comes from really knowing and understanding the character of God. On mornings in late summer, our girls enjoy running down to the garden to see if any berries are “ready”—not that being unready ever prevents them from enjoying these tastes of God’s goodness. It was changing quickly—a dark front was rumbling in to re-shroud those brilliant colors—so I stayed down next to my daughter. But my response that night wasn’t about the Bible or the Holy Spirit. And so it’s a great opportunity to incorporate teaching them about the Bible while they play. What I love are the “teachable moments” that come in life; a moral decision a movie character has to make; a death in the family that shakes everyone to the core; a story where someone goes from being homeless to getting a college degree. So you need to stay on top of this. And certainly not the end of that conversation. But there will be times when your kids will want to sit down and watch a movie or TV show. A parent's example is often the single-most important factor in leading a child to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. From books that teach kids about specific virtues to whole character training curriculum’s. You can even find fun little games and activities that you can do with your kids to train them up in different Biblical virtues. Find age-appropriate Bible resources and lessons to incorporate into your family-fun times, as well as your child's education. Be honest, but try not to be passionate when explaining your beliefs or non-beliefs. I reminded him that it is not we who do these good works, but the Spirit of God that motivates us or enables us to do good works that God has planned for us to do (Eph 2:10). Each character trait has 7-9 lessons. I believe that raising your children is more than just a job. But don’t skip this one. Vance Fry has lived and worked as an editor and writer in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 2010. Without applying pressure, parents who demonstrate godly living and genuine transformation can make a child want to know more about God, read the Bible, attend church, and eventually ask Jesus Christ to be their Savior. And the more that you learn how to integrate teaching your kids about God, the more easily and naturally it will become. God’s Word is powerful. Why doesn’t my son listen to me? Thank you! First, as a parent, you must live out your faith in your own life. A lot of local Christian private schools will even allow you to bring your children into their sports and extracurricular activities as well. But if you can ever do this while sharing a bowl of fresh fruit—all the better. Living your faith starts with simple things, like showing love, kindness, and generosity. A friend once said, “I don’t know how you can’t believe in God’s love once you’ve had a really good mango.”. Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More. Teaching children to memorize God’s Word is equivalent to equipping them with The Sword of the Spirit. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Previous post: Biblical Signs Of The Declining Morality Of America And The World, Next post: Amazing Details About the 12 Apostles in the Bible. Hovering over the tab will reveal all of the words. “…repeated exposure to the Word of God can make fertile ground for the Spirit of God to make them children of God”.

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