You can additionally travel (for 1 spirit point) or send any body part as well as send your Stand through these holes as a bonus action. You may do this a second time as an action, and a third time by spending 1 spirit point as a bonus action. Projectiles are deflected and attacks are countered by your or your stand's weapons. If the time of death written is reached, they die instantly. Your movement increased by +20 feet. At 5th level, when releasing destructive energy, you can target 1 extra creature within a 5 ft. radius of your original target. When a creature steps in one, they must succeed a DC 10+your Stand’s Wisdom modifier Perception check or have their movement speed he dropped to 0 until the end of their next turn and take 2d8 cold damage. And with that, we have completed every Stand from part 3! You gain the ability to steal and replace abstract concepts like gravity and morality (which will be the examples) with altered versions within a 200 ft. radius of your Stand. These bombs will detonate if you use your reaction or bonus action to manually detonate it. While in Darkness, your Stand can not be hit. The Cream Starter Alignment Stand is a an offensive-defensive Stand the size of a large lighter. Stand Users live for combat in all forms. You lose all weapon proficiencies. You may spend 1 spirit point upon using this to have them roll with a disadvantage. The target must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + 1/5 the number of Stands used to perform this action rounded down Dexterity saving throw. As an action, you may ignite the gasoline inside any creatures in a 30 ft. line who have been damaged by this action within 1 minute . On a success, you gain an extra attack when you or your stand uses a melee attack. The Judgement Alignment Stand is as close as a Stand can come to being a fey. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. At 14th level, while you are below 10 hit points, you can make one additional attack when you take the attack action. On a success, they take a 1d12 of damage. On a 20, you can see the entire target and surroundings up to 50 ft. You must know your target’s general appearance. You can only do so once per turn, and it requires at least 5 of your Stands to occupy the same space. These images consist of anything and everything that will happen around you within 100 ft. until the start of your next turn. Stand user is Negative Picardia. On a failure, it piques their interest, and they must touch it. The Joy Division Alignment Stand is situational at best. The damage increases at level 8 (2d6), level 11 (3d6) and level 14 (5d6). At 14th level, you may use "Time Erase" as a reaction for 1 spirit point, if it wasn't already active before. On a hit, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage. They must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. After doing so, you have advantage on any checks to locate them. Your Stand is immune to all damage except Fire, Thunder, and Force. as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. You can determine any creature’s size within 120 feet at will, and shrinking creatures to 0 can be done as an action for 2 spirit points. This feature must recharge (5-6) before it can be used again. These changes are permanent and can only be changed/reversed with this feature. Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to. You can bind your Stand to a different creature as an action. If more than 1 creature activates the trigger on a single turn, they must all make the roll on that turn. Stray Cat and Ratt make sense for a combo Stand, right? Your Stand can not take actions. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Stand’s Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. At 20th level, your Stand can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. I'll have to take care of you, right here, right now. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to immediately gain the maximum amount of Exchange Blows stacks or, if you already have the maximum amount of stacks, you may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to cause your successful hits to become critical hits until the start of your next turn; you may spend 1 additional spirit point during that bonus action to cause all of your attacks to always successfully hit as well. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Your Stand can move 15 ft. for your Character’s position. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are 30. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may use this on your footwear and extend a spike out at a creature within 15 ft. of you, dealing 1d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit (you may do this 2 times as a bonus action at 5th level, 3 times at 9th level, 4 times at 11th level, and 5 times at 14th level). At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can grant a creature 2d8 + your Stand’s Constitution modifier temporary hit points. Controlling the angle and force of the reflection... it's on target! is doubled, and you can spend 2 spirit points to make an unarmed strike as a reaction. Your Stand can move up to 240 feet away from your character's position.

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