The imago (adult) is 12–14 mm (1/2-5/8") in length, with long legs. Order. Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle. This means they have four separate stages during their lifetime. The first is the two sickle-shaped jaws protruding from its abnormally large head, which it uses to catch prey. Six-spotted Tiger Beetles live in woody places, and they like shady openings such as dirt paths and fallen logs to hunt caterpillars, ants, spiders, and many other kinds of arthropods. Habitat. They can also render a painful bite to humans, so one must be careful not to make them feel threatened. It is carnivorous throughout the span of its life. One of the most eye-catching of these cylindrical, skinny-legged creatures is the Six Spotted Green Tiger Beetle. Some individuals may have fewer spots or no spots at all. It lives along the paths of forested regions, instead of the open sandy areas where most tiger beetles are found. The Australian tiger beetle, Cicindela hudsoni, was clocked running at a remarkable 2.5 meters per second.That's the equivalent of 5.6 miles per hour and makes it the fastest running insect in the world. The fastest species of tiger beetle can run at a speed of 9 km/h (5.6 mph), which, relative to its body length, is about 22 times the speed of former Olympic sprinter Michael Johnson,[1] the equivalent of a human running at 480 miles per hour (770 km/h). While strolling along one of the paths of your favorite Indiana state park or reservoir this spring, take time to look around your feet. There are 147 different species of tiger beetle, but this one, with its conspicuous metallic green, is the prevalent one in the region. This species is not gregarious, but sometimes many beetles may be seen in one fallen log. The larvae of tiger beetles live in cylindrical burrows as much as a meter deep. They live along sea and lake shores, on sand dunes, around playa lakebeds and on clay banks or woodland paths, being particularly fond of sandy surfaces, Although they are strong enough to subdue their prey, they do not bite humans unless handled. Bright metallic green with 0-8 white spots on the edge of the wing covers (elytra). Even as a larva, it will wait for its prey, a juicy arthropod or a yummy spider, to meander close by. Coleoptera. This species is not gregarious, but sometimes many beetles may be seen in one fallen log. The large white mandibles, give these attractive insects a ferocious appearance. Of all the animal species on earth, approximately 40 percent of them are beetles. Description: 1/2 inch long. Jeff Hahn, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota. The adult form of the beetle emerges within a month. The females lay eggs in sandy patches, and the larvae burrow into the ground when they hatch. Running a close second is another Australian species, Cicindela eburneola, which ran an impressive 4.2 miles per hour. This is not always true, however, as some individuals have fewer spots, or none at all. The other is a hooked hump on its back, which prevents it from being pulled out of the ground. The imago (adult) is 12–14 mm (1/2-5/8") in length, with long legs. Nature School For Teachers - Fall 2020 Launch! Fast! Copyright © 2020 State of Indiana - All rights reserved. Tiger beetles often have large bulging eyes, long, slender legs and large curved mandibles. The fast-moving adults run down their prey and are extremely fast on the wing, their reaction times being of the same order as that of common houseflies. Carabidae. They can also render a painful bite to humans, so one must be careful not to make them feel threatened. The beetle is sexually mature in the spring, mates, and dies during the summer months. Both the common name and the species name refer to the number of small white spots on the beetle's metallic-green to metallic-blue elytra, usually numbering six. This iridescent, brightly colored insect is the only tiger beetle in the North East that is shade tolerant. The six-spotted green tiger beetle is an active creature with the ability to run and fly at great speeds; this is not the case for most beetles. The egg hatches and the second stage, known as the larval stage, begins.

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