Another example: Coat the chicken with salt and pepper to season it. These tufts or groups likewise display an orderly and definite grouping in different mammals, which suggests the origin of such groups from the existence in primitive mammals of a scaly coat comparable to that of reptiles, and indeed directly inherited therefrom. A complex sentence with “coat” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. ‘I’m going now,’ she said, fastening her coat. The flutter of a black trench coat blended with the dark sky as Gabriel twisted them in midair, so he'd hit back first, with her protected in his arms. axillary or terminal spikes; they have four stamens, which bear at the back four small herbaceous petal-like structures, and four free carpels, which ripen to form four small green fleshy fruits, each containing one seed within a hard inner coat;. The boy wore a green coat. EARTH-STAR (Geaster), in botany, a kind of puff-ball, with a distinct outer coat which, on separating from the inner, splits into several divisions, which become reflexed and spread like a star. FALLOW-DEER (that is, DUN Deer, in contradistinction to the red deer, Cervus [Dama] dama), a medium-sized representative of the family Cervidae, characterized by its expanded or palmated antlers, which generally have no bez-tine, rather long tail (black above and white below), and a coat spotted with white in summer but uniformly coloured in winter. Foam and coat totally encapsulates Asbestos giving a fully adhered seamless roofing system. If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. Between the column is a finely detailed carving of the Royal coat of arms. Interesting that he has a blue frock coat and Shako. in 1799, in memory of the diamond crescent which he had presented to Nelson after the battle of the Nile, and which Nelson wore on his coat as if it were an order. The average length is about 5 ft.; there is no under-fur, and the coat is smooth, black in colour, with the exception of a white horseshoe-mark on the chest. broadcloth frock coat and waistcoat, with light-coloured trousers, and immaculate collar and cuffs. Perhaps because David wore his hat always and the long, A foreigner of this character they had never before seen, with, Well, I've had more out of it all, I guess, than if I'd trebled the millions and wiped Manana off the Mexican, Presently he straightened himself up, and his fingers ran down the front of his, I had grown well accustomed to wearing a damaged slouch hat, blue woolen shirt, and pants crammed into boot-tops, and gloried in the absence of, For our Mistress or Governess always ordered us to follow her, and to take all opportunitiss, as we came down Stairs from the Galleries, or as we past over the Kennels in the Streets, to lift up our, The young Slut nothing daunted by what I had said (says the Constable) presently pluck'd up her, You were always a great deal too much in the house over there, and you have exchanged your games with the little screaming beggars for one with the grownup child, the rose-thrower-the fop, who, for your sake, and not to be recognized, covers up his purple, After some consideration as to whether it was his duty to give as much as the ten dollars, which first presented itself to his mind as the proper sum to bestow, he concluded to follow his convictions, and thus assist one who was more needy than himself, and trust in the Lord to provide the, One of the guides, at great risk, rushed after him and seized him by the, One of the guides, at great risk, had rushed after him, and seizing him by the, He came on deck at eleven o'clock, with the quadrant under his, Thinking that this lady was probably not rich, this excellent man had collected a sum of money, which he had placed in one of the pockets of the little one's, The Emperor was very gay, and paid more attention to his toilet, giving me orders to renew his wardrobe, and to order better fitting, Throughout the day he was in a state of charming gayety, and contrary to his usual custom, having made a second toilet for dinner, wore the, Prince Kourakin, always remarkable for the magnificence as well as the singular taste of his toilet, wore at the ball a, Nevertheless, the Emperor soon decided what course to take; and a few days afterwards his Majesty, who during the toilet had not opened his mouth, came suddenly out of his preoccupation just as I handed him his. He needed a razor and a trench coat to begin feeling normal again. Mind now, don't forget to put out my new coat, added Rostov, fingering his new mustache. Hope this helps! lactose monohydrate is present in the tablet film coat. The boy who wore a green coat carried his sister home. 6. Sentences are everywhere. All riveting and punching of the steel members is done at the shop, where also they receive the usual coat of oil or paint. CK 1 1887576 I need my coat. Their fur is pretty, warm and as yet inexpensive, and is useful for rugs, coat linings, stoles, muffs, trimmings and perambulator aprons. The buds, conspicuous for their size, are protected by a coat of a glutinous substance, which is impervious to water; in spring this melts, and the bud-scales are then cast off. She plunged into her coat and stomped into her boots. CK 1 258811 I must buy a new winter coat. Alex removed his rain coat and put it around her shoulders. The whole is again put through the cleaning process and evenly reduced in thickness by revolving emery wheels, and eventually finished off in the palest buff colour. The horns of the bucks are heavy, and have a peculiar forward curvature at the tips; the colour of the coat is red-fawn, with a broad brown band down the back. Moreover, while the faint markings on the foals born after hybrids completely disappeared with the foals' coat, the stripes on the three pure-bred colts persisted. Coat Length Medium/Long grooming Requirement Once a week Trimming None Requires Professional Groomer Grooming Cavaliers should be groomed thoroughly once a week. When first born these are clothed with a uniform slaty-grey fur, which in due course gives place to a coat of more tawny hue than the adult livery. In summer, the wapiti's coatis sleek and tawny brown, with a large buff-coloured rump patch. "I've got to go wash my hands and shuck this coat," she said. Coat Color: warm cinnamon brown, colored to the roots. This time, there was no mistaking the weapons lining his trench coat or the sword along one thigh. Drawing, at last, two pistols from under his coat, he declared that he would not fall alive into the hands of the police who were watching his movements. This coat is open in front, leaving the chest bare. The weapons lining his body and tucked into pockets of his trench coat were items of comfort rather than necessity; his hands alone had ended the lives of more humans and Immortals than there were stars in the sky he stared into. She dived into her coat, snapping it as she opened the front door. His family's coat of arms, if they had those then. "Jacob, bring a bottle!" It is clear from literary evidence that the helmet (helm) and coat of chain mail (byrne) were also in common use. These cookies do not store any personal information. The verb: Hannah removed her fur coat with a graceful flourish to reveal her snug clothing and perfect body. A compound-complex sentence with “coat” contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. The upper parts in summer are usually brownish and the under parts white; but in winter the whole coat, in this phase of the species, turns white. The boy wore a green coat; he carried his sister home. The embryo undergoes differentiation into an outer layer of cells that produce a chitinoid coat, a middle layer of cells, and a central spherical hexacanth body closely enveloped by the middle coat. Coat of Arms dated 1675, built into arched gateway. The skin is clothed with a thick coat of coarse black hair of a bristly nature, but there are a few whitish hairs on the face and in the groin. Cut your coat to suit your cloth. Here he is proudly modeling his trademark red duffle coat with floppy blue and yellow rain hat. There is also the felt coat of the Zir jamah are loose trousers and also drawers worn under the .shaivar, or tight trousers. Weegy: The hydrosphere contains the earth's water. He was armed but hadn't yet replaced the trench coat she cost him soon after they met. MARKHOR (" snake-eater"), the Pushtu name of a large Himalayan wild goat (Capra falconeri), characterized by its spirally twisted horns, and long shaggy winter coat. Share what’s outside your window and all around you.

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