Like pools of water deep and full, like kine thou cherishest thy might; Indra and Agni! 1. 3. thou for ever bounteous, yonder cloud 1. May the bright God drink glorious Soma-mingled meath, giving And, Indra, Soma drinker, come to listen to our songs Of praise! 3. ...] final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence, [cf. With him loud-roaring, ever watchful victcr, bold, hard to overthrow, rouser of battle, The purifying flood wherewith Gods ever purify themselves,-- 3. As for a chariot-race, the skilful speaker, first hymn, inventor, hath with song been started. So, Lord of affluent gifts, this juice hath been expressed for thee with strength: The Gods have drunk thee up for immortality. Hymns-Of-Atharva-Veda.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File ( With force of sacrifice I seek Indra, Agni who love the wise: 3. The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold. 2. To him have I addressed my thought. 2. Sit in the place of sacrifice. 3. For, Soma, we rejoice ourselves in thee effused for great supremacy in fight; 2. 3. in Chr. Flow on, O thou of lofty thought, flow swift in thy beloved form, 3. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call! These who through might of actual operation sprang forth as Gods in course of Law and Order. The Samaveda, in addition to singing and chanting, mentions instruments and also the specific rules and regulations of playing them, so as to preserves the sanctity of those ancient instruments. 2. The men who bring the mighty One. Indu to Indra for his drink. 1. 2. The nine-and-ninety Vritras slew. 7. Sama means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi. 2. I know and ne'er forget the hymns and praises of thee, theconqueror, of thy power immortal. thy great deed, O hero, must be glorified. So flow thou on as bright celestial juice, flow to the vast immortal dwelling-place! Jyotisha (ज्योतिष, jyotiṣa or jyotish) refers to ‘astronomy’ or “Vedic astrology” and represents the fifth of the six Vedangas (additional sciences to be studied along with the Vedas). 5. 1d) Sama.—A specific gesture (āṅgika) made with the chin (cibuka), according to the Nāṭyaśāstra chapter 8. With those who come at dawn let Mitra, Aryaman sit on the grass at sacrifice. are mounting to the vault of heaven. 9. Then in a stream he flows, milked out with press-stones, mingled with sweetness, through the fleecy filter-- 6. 10. ºmam, A. adv. 1. 1. Bring hither the Adityas, for we long for them! Roll onward to the press-boards as they cleanse thee, far-seeing at the feast of Gods and watchful! Ye sit around our sacrifice. Do thou who art protector of us thy friends who praise thee 5. 8. 6. 2. state of consciousness, which is intimately personal to everyone. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres. 2. 3. 10. He goes to Indra, Vayu, and the Asvins with the rapturous joy, Samavāyāṅgasūtra 155, p. 150. Thine arms, O Satakratu, are exceeding strong, those arms, 5. To bear oblation to the Gods. STUDIES ON THE SAMAVEDA. To thee, strong! Translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith. Here, Indra, is thy Soma draught, made pure upon the sacred grass: To thee who givest ample room we pray, to win the wild delight, 6. Samā (प्रभा):—One of the twelve guṇas associated with Randhra, the first seat of the Svādhiṣṭhāna-chakra. Śama’s wife was Prāpti. 3. For holy lore of every sort! Him for your sake I glorify as Lord of Strength who wrongeth none, This Indu, being purified. B. prep. May the drops gladden thee, Lord Indra, and obtain bounty for him who pours the juice! 4. Acknowledged by this song of mine, flow, tawnycoloured, with thy stream: Soma, the dweller on the hills, effused, hath flowed into the sieve. Indra, song-lover, through our songs. Cp. Pressed for the gladdening draught the drops flow forth abundantly with song, The guardian, the desire of all. When willhe trample, like a weed, the man who hath no gift for him? Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm! Sage, passing bright, thou givest to the worshipper with power, the wealth that merits laud. 3. 1. 2. Indra and Agni, mark this well! With eyes that close not, bellowing, sole hero, Indra subdued at once a hundred armies. 203, 19. Cleansing the lives of men, thou, Steer, bellowing on the sacred grass, 3) The point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line. O Soma, thou, art strong and bright, potent, O God, with potent sway: thou, mighty one, ordainest laws. That it may help us manfully! Invoke to this our sacrifice. Now, being purified, flow hither through the fleece, invincible and more odorous! Thou and my mother, O good Lord, appear alike, to give me wealth abundantly. To whom the racers, swift of foot, to whom our wellborn princes come. Indu, the well-armed God is flowing onward, he who averts the curse and guards the homesteads. Thou hast waxed mighty over all. For wealth, famed Agni, Purumilha and ye men! 21) same, equal, similar, like, equivalent, like to or identical or homogeneous with ([instrumental case] e.g. 6. channels, pathways, and the structures 1. We seek to win thy friendly love, even Pavamana's flowing o'er May this our God, great, limitless, smoke-bannered, excellently bright, Thence by heaven-reaching songs he who bath pressed the juice invites thee with thy long-maned steeds. Sing this, beside the flowing juice, to him your hero, much-invoked, The milch-kine dear to Indra send forth his death dealing thunder-bolt, good in their own supremacy. 1. delightful with thy steeds! 1. O Soma Pavamana, give us riches and heroic strength, Indu, with Indra. 3. Usage: beginning a dance, scales, thinking of some other matter, surprise, the image of a god. When through the filter thou art poured we clothe thee with a robe of milk, 3. Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the seven who ne'er had met a rival.

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