After returning from India Jung continued to write to Iyer who had a similar intellectual approach which Jung probably favoured over the more simple approach or Ramana. This strongly suggests that Jung was fully aware that he was too frightened of what could happen to him if trod the inner path of the East and met Ramana Maharshi. He felt that Ramana took no stand on issues like the coming war. I was taken out of the world of India, and reminded in the process that India was not my task, but only a part of the path. [footnote in PDF below]. Now these quotations make it seem like Jung and Ramana's ideas about the self are very similar. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe (New York: Vintage Books, 1989) p.305. This overcompensation may have been a natural self regulating way of the mind protecting itself, but in doing so Jung was dishonest and misleading about another person and this immediatly raises the question of Jung’s integrity. “Be that as it may, in this modest, kindly, devout, and childlike spirit I encountered a man who had absorbed the wisdom of the Maharshi with utter devotion, and at the same time had surpassed his master, notwithstanding his cleverness and holiness, he had “eaten” the world. This was almost certainly edited because certain people who were really aware of Ramana Maharshi’s authenticity could obviously see that what Jung wrote about was unacceptable because Jung’s hesitancy seemed uncharacteristically ambivalent. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A record of two friendships by Miguel Serrano (Taylor Francis Books Limited),p.112. If because of these reports no one comes to me, I shall consider it a great service done to me. Jung was a psychiatrist who behaved like a prophet and was a guru, who made advantageous use of his psychotic illness to deepen his experience and make valuable contributions to psychology. Jung, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe (New York: Vintage Books, 1989) p 199, 9. though, to ground and locate them in space and time that's a rather different matter, and the trouble is that our culture has grown so sick. Paul Brunton is another guru whom Storr describes in his book ‘Feet of Clay.’ If Brunton’s predicament with Ramana was the main cause of Jung not meeting Ramana Maharshi then his mental state is also worth looking at to see how he might have influenced Jung. There were tears in his eyes of joy and appreciation as his devotees chanted ‘Arunachala Siva’. Although this seems to be Jung just rejecting Christianity, it is also the first rejection of a male father figure whom he looked up to. ), Talking Technologies by Dr Pallavi Kwatra, Enquiry vs Surrender by Dr Pallavi Kwatra, Updesa Saaram Translations by Mr Ambarish N Dave, POEM CONTRIBUTIONS BY A DEVOTEE ( THE SELF), The Magic of Arunachala: Kali, Aghori & Unconditional Love by Mira Prabhu. Second, Jung’s understanding of the self was only from an intellectual stance not from one of experiencing the atman ‘the self’ through bliss-consciousness-existence, (Sat Chit Ananda).Jung borrowed ideas from the east about the atman ‘the self’ but when he was faced with the task of meeting Ramana, the person known and honoured as an authentic guru, he studiously avoided meeting him. 1. (This is not an Official Website of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, it’s just a contribution by devotees for devotees. He changed his name when he visited India and decided to write on spiritual matters. It was precisely through being so far away from Europe, so distant in Asia from the hearth and “Your last two letters contain references to my laziness in writing…Actually-and I confess this to you with a struggle…my veneration for you has something of the character of a “religious” crush. He understood all too well the fact that ‘what is not resolved will be repeated.’. This obviously meant developing a functioning ego which was acceptable to the wider world. Jung invited Iyer and Brunton to Küsnacht, where they discussed problems of Indian philosophy. Welcome to the Website dedicated to. The actual proof of this is seen very clearly in his much later correspondence to Countess Elizabeth Klinckowstroem where for the first and only time Jung is actually honest and confesses that he was aware of the profound danger he would be in if he delved further into the east. to play the long forgotten role of healer to the West. Or has he invented this story of previous experience in view of his disenchantment with Ramana? [footnote in PDF below]. and swept me back to the far too long neglected concerns of the West, which had once expressed themselves in the quest for the Holy Grail, as well as Feet of Clay. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi 27th December 1939. (HarperCollins Publishers, 1996), p 163, 6. I often wonder if Carl Jung had visited Ramana Maharshi during his three-month visit to India in 1938-39, would the world of psychology be any different today? We know this running away business from parents etc. (HarperCollins Publishers ,1996) ,p 91, 10. He is particularly explicit that Jung was a guru. What we find in the life and teachings of Sri Ramana is the purest of India" (Forward, in The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi, Shambhala: Boston, 1972 - I can find no direct reference from Jung's writings nor from second-hand sources verifing this quote). This feeling which I still have not got rid of, hampers me considerably.” [7]. Instead of getting The book was called A Search in Secret India (London: Rider & Co., 1934). He makes the “confession” that when he first came to India, he was no novice in the practice of yoga. Jung’s behaviour as a prophetic guru would have made it very difficult if not impossible for him to meet Ramana Maharshi, who as a genuine guru would have seen through Jung’s claim to be a prophetic guru. Were these disagreements even earlier than 1939? 368K likes. Miguel Serrano, a Chilean writer who formed a friendship late in Jung’s life commented. I really wondered how many of the thousands of people who have read these words ever As a consequence Brunton possibly put pressure on Jung not to meet Ramana Maharshi. CLICK HERE. ��"fe� To him, it wasn't just about some individual quest for psychological integration. Suppose Carl Jung HAD visited Ramana Maharshi during his visit to India?. Such books will sell even more quickly and in larger numbers than the others […] He is doing me a very good turn. But sadly it seems rather tragic that Jung did not appear to have found that elixir, the permanent transformative happiness. However, Jung left a trail of evidence in his other later correspondence. Jung’s failure to meet Ramana greatly disappointed Zimmer. But the dates fit with Brunton leaving for the Himalayas "in exile.". There is evidence that Brunton had had earlier experiences. “I’m sorry that I was under the impression when we met in Trivandrum that you introduced your friend Raman Pillai as a remote pupil of Shri Ramana. His ideas may have been similar to theirs. He obtained this knowledge from Paul Brunton and from Heinrich Zimmer. Interaction and involvement with the outside world is necessary. 0000022148 00000 n He could not, as he expressed it, “accept from others what I could not attain on my own, or make any borrowings from the East, but must shape my life out of myself'.” [footnote in PDF below]. How could I have been so stupid? CATAFALQUE offers a revolutionary new reading of the great psychologist Carl Jung as mystic, gnostic and prophet for our time. Then comes the main part of the dream. ung was aware of Ramana and of Ramana’s teachings. From a psychological view, it is highly unlikely that Jung ever tried to actually practice self enquiry and maybe he could never have even entertained the thought of doing this because this involved ignoring his ego which would have been very threatening to his new intellectual belief system and secular form of salvation. Later, he suffered a series of anxiety dreams whose terrors would frequently wake him in the night. I would temper the above observations of an author who has colored his memoir with the bitter animus of one whose childhood dreams were shattered when he realised his mentor had feet of clay. [footnote in PDF below]. Jung’s disciples might be few, but he had no doubts about his position. Zimmer attended some of the meetings at Eranos. 13. Jung recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe (New York: Vintage Books, 1989) p 56-57. "As his biography, with a sense of faithfulness, starts describing, myths that day has forgotten continue to be told by night, and powerful figures, And he refers to the "higher mysteries of yoga." around us. For example, Yogananda visited Ramana in 1935 after reading Brunton’s books. I saw him all over India, in the pictures of Ramakrishna, in Ramakrishna’s disciples, in Buddhist monks, in innumerable other figures of the daily Indian scene, and the words of his wisdom are the sous-entendu of India’s spiritual life. Jung was operating the simple defence mechanism of intellectualising what had happened. In fact, they are saying something extremely specific to get to the place of understanding that specific ,�4�Ҡ�Z�b�B�� As his biography, with a sense of faithfulness, starts describing, myths that day has forgotten continue to be told by night, and powerful figures, which He reinvigorated this typography with the four associative functions of thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition, as well as the concepts of complexes, Introversion/Extroversion. Jung was not only arrogant and rigid about truth but also about what he claimed to actually know. Jung says that Ramana equates Self and God, and that although this may seem shocking to Europeans, in fact psychology cannot distinguish them: The equation self=God is shocking to the Europeans. 0000014749 00000 n My mother spent several months in a hospital in Basel and presumably her illness had something to do with the difficulty in her marriage.” [4], Jung’s mother had a nervous breakdown when he was three years old which resulted in a long separation while she recovered in hospital. [footnote in PDF below]. island, the castle of the Grail. Jung’s wonder at who Ramana Maharshi was in The Holy Men of India is essential in attempting to understand Jung’s ambivalent comments because it is the only time Jung openly admits he doesn’t understand Ramana Maharshi at all. If a psychologist was to want to help point the way towards an interpretation, it would be easy enough to suggest taking every single detail as simply an I realised that a frightful catastrophe was in progress. I would have felt it as a theft had I attempted to accept their truth for myself.” [13]. nondescript house that no one would ever guess it had been hidden there, and it has to be brought back today, straightaway. Feet of Clay. Had they not left it at that but taken the trouble to explain how and why this all was so, I might have been convinced from the start. If one claims, as he did to have had many previous lives and to have come to earth from another planet, the less that is known about what the actual circumstances of one’s birth and childhood the better.

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