The system has come with pros and cons as discussed below. So straight A grades alone are not sufficient if that is the only thing an applicant has to offer! Currently, more than 32% of the student population at the university and college level are international students. When a crime is committed, it is the judicial system’s responsibility to enforce and apply the laws. As a result of this “war”, people that fall into the racial minority have suffered as a direct consequence of unjust legislation. Some argue that getting rid of the electoral college could make American presidential elections even more expensive than they already are, exacerbating what some see as America’s campaign finance problem. The system has come with pros and cons as discussed below. They further stated that most people cling to employment to avoid losing insurance cover offered by their employers. The overall collegiate experience has been described as highly interactive and practical. Over the last couple of decades, prison systems have adopted the use of solitary confinement as a means of punishment and have progressively depended on it to help maintain obedience and discipline inside the prison structure. This process can take up to 25 years to exhaust. If you follow U.S. federal elections and you don’t live in a swing state, you might find yourself grumbling that some voters get all the attention. The current Healthcare was as a result of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. Solitary confinement is a form of incarceration in which a prisoner is isolated in a cell for multiple hours, days, or weeks with limited to no human contact. Top subjects are History, Literature, and Social Sciences. The American legal system has many good points. Post-graduation opportunities are available with proper guidance and research. Include... What are the main similarities between democracy and monarchy. The American legal system has many good points. Stop by SmartAsset’s. With a few exceptions, the majority of colleges and universities in the United States are among the most highly ranked in the world and have a reputation for their rigorous academics and high-quality student experience. First, I will define the jail system, and what this system can do for the citizens. Education is one of the most talked-about topics. will help you with any book or any question. With marijuana being discussed, there are many pros and cons that can be found in this situation. ©2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The pros and cons of the jury system show that there are faults. Each criminal in the court room received the same sentence in the same amount of time without the chance of pleading their case. This system prevents every single trial from going to court and thus overcrowding the court system to the point where it simply can't function. Kate O’Hare, Jack London, and Assata Shakur provide an accurate and historical view of the American judicial system as unethical, Although the Constitution states that all criminals are entitled to a fair trial in court and the opportunity to obtain a lawyer, this system illegally followed their own rules. The high standards of academic excellence unfortunately come with a price tag. Morality Legally, convicts are given a lawyer to help plead their case in court, no matter if they can afford one or not. This is one of the main reasons as to why university education in the United States is especially valued. Morality But communities would plunge into anarchy if they could not act on moral assumptions less certain than that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. This one is either a pro or a con, depending on your point of view. Pro #1: It keeps smaller states relevant in national politics. It comes as no surprise to anyone that the prestige and academic excellence offered by American education is almost unparalleled. How Much Do I Need to Save for Retirement? Imagine a U.S. presidential with no electoral college. Attorney Quality Second address the cons and pros about the jail system by illustrating the topic into main bullet points. That is what happens every time that a criminal is sentenced to death. In all the societies the rich have access to health care more easily since they can afford. The tuition fees offered by the majority of the universities in the United States happen to be among the highest in the world, often going upwards of $45-50,000 per year (depending on the course or degree). One reason that some analysts support the electoral college is that it encourages candidates to pay attention to small states and not just get out the vote in big, populous states and cities. Pros of the current health care in the United States. The government may adopt rationing of medical services as seen in countries like France, Canada among others. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the electoral college in the context of modern American politics. Some players stand to gain from the system while others stand to lose. Background Summary Physicians at Execution 4. Other exams that may be required depending on the course include the GRE, ACT, MCAT and LSAT exams. America’s prison population has increased by 700% (2.4 million current inmates) since the start of the war on drugs in 1971. The American judicial system is one that convicts and incarcerates prisoners for various crimes. Universal care eliminates competition in the industry as the pay is similar across the board. In a recent survey about top universities in the world, 42 of the top 100 universities in the world are located in the United States. Morality I will go over the pros and cons described in the article and give my opinion on how I feel about them. There’s a movement to encourage states to split their electors in proportion to the percentage of the state vote that each candidate gets. Pros And Cons Of The American Foster Care System 1702 Words | 7 Pages. And even within swing states, certain counties are more competitive than others. 3. Top 10 Pros and Cons Patients save the period of queuing to verify their policies. On the other hand the accused gets a lighter sentence or charge. Some analysts credit the two-party system with keeping American politics stable and driving candidates to the political center, while others would like to see a multi-party system takes hold in the U.S. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the electoral college in the context of modern American politics. Cons: 1. I am student at the University of California. The rich and the poor equally get sick or die. No human life is greater than the other. Reduces voter participation by creating a “my vote doesn’t matter” feeling. Treatment of common diseases cubs spread of infectious diseases. However, this does not mean that the process is impossible. Irrevocable Mistakes Electors in these states are “unbound.” Therefore, the electoral college is based on a set of traditions that electors vote the way their state votes. The machine of justice was grinding smoothly” (London 40). If that offends your sense of fairness and you think that candidates should fight for the votes of all Americans, you may oppose the electoral college. Limited insurance coverage: Most of the US citizens get their insurance paid for by their employer. This means that employers could prefer one university’s qualification to another. Past insurance policies covered medical to a certain amount. With two elections out of the last 5 (as of 2016) having an Electoral College winner not winning the popular vote, the pros and cons of this system are frequently debated. Injustices within the executive and judicial systems against African Americans can be found in the murder and assault of unarmed black teens Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Aiyana Jones and many others. What is the difference between unitary and federal systems? Why is it indirect? 1. Cost of Death vs. Life in Prison Since they, The unsanitary environments they lived in created an increase of the possibility of contracting diseases. This means there are potential advantages as well as disadvantages which should be properly considered by any prospective student. In Jack London’s court trial, “fifteen seconds and thirty days to each hobo. The universal medical care has come with its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your perspective, that might sound like a change for the worse. The pros and cons of modern education are palpable. Many people could not access medical care during colonization for lack of qualified British doctors. The PRO and CON statements below give a five minute introduction to the death penalty debate. The Act seeks to address issues brought by private, for-profit insurance companies. If marijuana was made legal in the entire United States, the government could take advantage of this situation and make this another major source of income. It is possible to convict someone who is innocent because people can misinterpret the facts. Some argue that eliminating the electoral college would be an easy way to raise them and boost Americans’ engagement in the political process. Insurance businesses and citizens understand the system well, saving time for civic education on the need for medical cover. Typically, motorcycle gangs and street gangs are the most commonly heard about unlike prions gangs. When you go to the polls to vote for a president every four years, you’re participating in an indirect vote. As a means of developing an all-around state of mind, participation in extra-curricular activities is also encouraged. This, in turn, helps promote national cohesion and the peaceful transfer of power between presidents and helps keep the nation’s political system stable. Under United States legislation, criminals are innocent until proven guilty in a court trial, but the judicial system during the twentieth-century did not properly give them fair trials. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Here are the Pros of the Electoral College. If one state has voting issues, you can just do a recount in that state rather than creating national upheaval. Marijuana is a progressively heated issue in America today, and is one that will need to be discussed in a more critical approach in the future. The lack of trust by African Americans for the executive and judicial systems stem from racial discrimination and stereotypes within those systems toward African Americans. 6. Universal Health Care system helps the less privileged people in the society to access medical assistant anytime. Also with accessibility to screening and vaccination of diseases like tuberculosis and cancer diseases are prevented and detected at an early stage. Taxes are one area of your finances that the federal government can directly affect. Remember the 2000 election when Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college, and therefore the presidency? What are 3 roles of the executive branch? According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the United States represents only 5% of the world's population yet, at the current situation and how it arose with regard to the justice system in Wisconsin, while examining the scale of the issue and looking at the whether the various options would help tackle the issue at hand. Log in here.

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