Rawnsley.)I. If one half the energy were expended in the higher line of gospel effort we might have steady increase of solid wealth with permanent prosperity, and all this in a world of constantly increasing purity and peace. Of the intercession of Christ.4. Johnstone, LL. In our spirit and temper.(E. CONTENTMENT (Philippians 4:11-13). The Canaanitish woman was content with the portion of the dogs, and she had "the children's bread." Great philanthropic programmes must begin at Bethlehem, and comprehend the mysteries of Calvary if they would ascend from Bethany to the heavens. Generated by Divine grace.2. He deemed it an evil so terrible that He must give His life to atone for it Ought not this to produce in us a due sense of its enormity.4. Those who contend from the simply human view of the nature of Christ say that He began to condescend somewhere in His earthly lifetime, as if that could be a mighty argument for humility. High and wide as the noblest trees spread, so deep and wide their roots are sunk below; the more majestic and nobler a pile of building, the deeper its foundation; their height is but an earnest of their lowliness; you see their height, their lowliness is hidden; the use of sinking thus deep is not plain to sight, yet were they not thus lowly, they could not be thus lofty. THIS SPONTANEOUS, PERFECT SELF-SACRIFICE IS AN EXAMPLE, the ruling and regulative principle, indeed, of all Christian devotion and service. Its positive rule is, "Enjoy yourself;" its negative, "Don't get hurt." Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Enough that the New Testament does not reveal to us a Trinity inaccessible to those sentiments which we regard as the highest attributes of human virtue. Jesus is in the highest place, worthy of worship, worthy of the name “Lord.” Because he was humble, he is now exalted. The true worker is never finally overlooked. On the ground of this God has highly exalted Him. What condescension! If Christ, being God, for our sakes became man, may we not learn to forego, for the sake of each other, our own private advantages?1. In the work He undertook and the sacrifice He made. Sustained by the Divine promises.V. There is no religion without an imitation of Christ's self abandonment.3. Jesus willingly set his rights aside, in humility becoming a human, serving our needs. At other times it is used for the heart or affections, e.g., "A mind at rest," "A joy of mind," "A grief of mind." (4)Self-sacrificing subordination.3. "Look not every one on His own things," etc. A HOPEFUL mind. He saw beyond the cross. thou mayest build day by day that tower whose top shall reach unto heaven, to the very presence of God, the sight of God, and shalt be able to finish it; for He shall raise thee thither, who for thy sake abased Himself to us.(E. THE ALL IMPORTANT LESSONS.1. THE PRE-EXISTENT NATURE AND FORM OF BEING is here strikingly described. This can only be effected by the religion of Jesus.II. ABHORRENT OF SIN. How much are we willing to give to save a soul? We have had our popular theories of moral reform without Christ; but if anything has been demonstrated by human history, the only universal and effective method of such reform is that which starts out from Christ and His gospel. B. Pusey, D. D.The heathen had semblances or images of well-nigh every virtue. Bradley, M. LET US TRACE THE HUMILIATION AND GLORY OF CHRIST.1. We are coveting the same things that made wreck of the old nations, and forgetting the thing that has distinguished the Christian from them. His other trials, heavy enough, were only preparatory. Heaven will be the perfection of this conformity. That end is absolute righteousness in conformity to the will of God. Sustained by the Divine promises.V. In its grosser form it makes the quest for happiness the supreme thing for man. B. This is important because it is the particular grace here inculcated, and is the root of all other graces.2. Gregory. So much so that He humbled Himself to the death of the cross to destroy it. 7  Not at all. Philippians 2:5-8. Not at all. The heathen had self-devotion, contentment, contempt of the world, and of the flesh; he had fortitude, endurance, self-denial, abstemiousness, temperance, chastity, even a sort of reverence for God whom he knew not; but he had not humility. No, we must begin where Paul begins. His view of wealth and poverty — "The foxes have holes," etc.8. We too must go down. The only possible remedy is to be found in making Christ's view our own, and shaping social life and intercourse according to that. We have here also a revelation of the glory which is in reserve for those who adopt Christ's method. THE REALITY OF HIS ASSUMPTION OF HUMAN NATURE is set forth by three expressions. This is the soul of all religion (2 Corinthians 1:12; John 1:48). Learn the necessity of something more than morality.3. How He waited those thirty years; how He bore with the ignorance of His disciples, and the malignity of His murderers.VI. Elsewhere it is said that Christ in His meek endurance and self-sacrificing devotion left us an example. The Christian theory is unique in THE KIND OF LIFE THAT IT PROPOSES TO MAN FOR THE SATISFACTION OF HIS ACTIVE NATURE: a life devoted to the glory of God in redemption. Paul begins by reminding them of blessings they have been given by Christ: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion…” — he assumes that they have enjoyed all of these — “then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose” (Phil. How contrary our own view. W. Reeve, M. Some people manifest only feeling, but real charity like Christ's is always practical.3. He is the "Sun of Righteousness," "The Star out of Jacob," "The Morning Star," "The Light of the World." We devote our powers with tremendous energy to the production and acquisition of wealth and the advancement of material civilization, with the inevitable result of overproduction and periodical depression, in which much of the fancied gain disappears. NON-CONTENTIOUS. NON-COMPLAINING. Our obedience will be worthless unless we endure to the end. How much are we willing to give to save a soul? 6  He had equal status with God but didn't think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. All comes as a matter of course. Why? (Proverbs 23:17 in connection with text): — Now, while Solomon lays down the broad general principles concerning the prime importance of one's theory of things, Paul, in this passage, gives a clear and terse expression to the Christian theory of human life, and urges its acceptance with the most intense earnestness — "Have this mind," etc. ITS OBLIGATION. At the lowest point of the humiliation the ascent begins in the worship of the penitent thief, in the words of the soldier, in the reverence shown to His body, in His resurrection and triumphant ascension.5. Does net the average man oftener ask the question, Will this make me comfortable? It is hard to gain any adequate conception of how belittling and degrading such modern views are. ONE WHO PRESENTS TO US FRESHNESS AND VARIETY OF MIND AND SOUL. The drop of water has all the power and freshness which He gave it on the morning of creation. The mind that was in Him, and is to be in us, was one of —I. Pride is natural to man and must be repressed in the believer by three considerations. When, and only when, you make the drunkard a real Christian, you make sure that he will be a temperate man. Look to created things and see the power of His being. As an example, however, it may be viewed under two aspects.1. He humbled Himself, because He loved us: we must he humble, in order to love Him; for to such only will He impart His love. A HOPEFUL mind. CONDESCENDING. A. He "dwelleth in the humble and contrite heart." "How to obtain the mind of ChristC. More: How do you teach a child to read? He is the "Fountain Opened," The "Tree of Life," "The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley." In its grosser form it makes the quest for happiness the supreme thing for man. We too must go down.III. (3) What he shall be — "like Christ;" what cause for humble gratitude.II. The Holy Ghost is the Divine instrument of the Father's will in that office. ITS OBLIGATION. Girdlestone, M. A., H. B. "Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great." It was His command to do as He had done.

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