The whole story revolves round Lomov’s marriage proposal to Chubukov’s daughter Natalya. How have you the right to give away somebody else’s property? She is a skilled house-keeper. I don’t like such selfish persons. She argues with Lomov about the ownership of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of her dog Squeezer. He is extremely happy to hear it. He thinks that he has come to borrow money from him. Water! He makes mention of his meadows which touch their birchwoods. Physically, he is a wrack. Ans. (a) Chubukov feels that Lomov is the right for his daughter. pull with a jerk (फड़कना); lunatic = mad (पागल); apron = apron (एप्रन); neglige = gown (गाऊन); shelling = removing shells (छिलके उतारना); splendid = beautiful (सुंदर); stacked = stored (संग्रह किया); hay = straw (भूसा); ball = a kind of dance (नाच); pause = stop (रुकना) I, [PAGE 147] : Inherited = received as heir (विरासत में मिलना); affectionate = loving (प्रिय); wedged = lying in between (के बीच में); dispute = quarrel (झगड़ा) ; in perpetuity = in continuation (लगातार); reckoned = understood (समझा) I, [PAGE 148] : Dessiatins = a currency (एक मुद्रा); unfairness = injustice (अन्याय); implore = request (प्रार्थना करनाr); bake = heat (पकाना); make head and tail = understand (समझना); threshing = separating grain and chaff (अनाज और भूसा अलग करना); gipsies = nomadic (खानाबदोश); impudent = rude (अभद्र); landgrabber = one who grabs others’ land (दूसरे की जमीन हड़पने वाला ); carafe = a water container (पानी का पात्र) I, [PAGE 149] : Mowers = crop cutters (फसल काटने वाला); meadows = grasslands (घास के मैदान); clutches = holds (पकड़ना); restrain = control (नियंत्रित करना); excruciating = strong (मजबूत) I, [PAGE 150) : Accustomed = habitual (आदी); yelling = shouting (चिल्लाना); give up = renounce (त्याग देना); right = claim (दावा); agitating = becoming exciting (उत्तेजित होना) ; calmly = peacefully (शांति से )I, [PAGE 151) : Pettifogger = a clever person (चालाक आदमी ); tried = sued (मुकद्दमा चलाया) ; embezzlement = financial misappropriation (गबन); lunacy = madness (पागलपन); drunkard = one who drinks too much wine (बहुत शराब पीने वाला ); hump-backed = with curved back (कुबड़ा); guzzling = drinking (पीना); gambler = one who gambles (जुआरी); backbiters = criticizing others behind their backs (चुगलखोर); intriguer = planner (षड्यंत्रकारी); malicious = full of ill-will (दुर्भावनापूर्ण); numb = senseless (सुन्न); staggers = falls (गिरना); rascal = rogue (धूर्त); villain = scoundrel (बदमाश) ; scarecrow = figure in the field to scare birds (डरेबा); monster = devil (शैतान); impudence = arrogance (घमण्ड); blind hen = an abuse (गाली); turnip-ghost = an abuse (गाली); confounded=confused (घबराया हुआ); stuffed sausage = an abuse (गाली); wizen-faced frump = an abuse (गाली) I, [PAGE 152] :Wails = weeps (रोना); hysterics = mad cries (पागलों जैसी चीखें); exhausted = tired (थका हुआ); heated =angry (नाराज); evidence = proof (सबूत /प्रमाण)I, [PAGE 153) : Twisted = bent (मुड़ा हुआ ); heaps better = much better (अधिक बेहतर); pedigree = race (जाति); overshot = when the lower jaw is shorter than the upper (जब निचला जबड़ा ऊपर वाले भाग से छोटा हो ); thoroughbred = pure hied (शुद्ध जाति); cab = carriage (बग्गी); contradiction = disagreement (असहमति) I, [PAGE 154): Acknowledge = admit (प्रवेश करने देना); implore = request (प्रार्थना करना); muzzle = nose and mouth of an animal (थूथन); a whole verst = much behind (बहुत पीछे); whip = cane with a string (चाबुक) I, [PAGE 155] : Beetles = insects (कीड़े); tracking = following (पीछा करना); pup = small dog (छोटा कुत्ता); Partridge ,.

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