What if there are no pasture-based dairies near you? Do you know?? I love this article!! I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight before calling it quits with my Kerrygold obsession. Thanks for this post!! I love the article and you will be featured on natural living Monday IF you link back! Thank you for sharing, Angela! medianet_crid = "729319656"; Why does the UN IPAC not mention water vapor’s impact? I realize buying straight from a local farm is always best! But the irradiated stigma makes that a practical impossibility. It is almost 90% grass fed, and supplemented with feed that includes soy and corn. Cheers anyone? Even the cheap stuff is better than margarine and fake spreads. I’m not surprised or disappointed to learn Kerrygold cows are only 90% grass-fed. It is not certified organic by the USDA, but the cows are out on pasture year round. New Zealand has very strict regulations for its cows, so this butter is happily hormone-free, antibiotic-free, and additive-free. I noticed Organic Valley had gone up quite a bit too, tho. I missed that because in the beginning of this article you wrote that supplemental feed was only given during the winter. Campbell Soup and Heinz their tomatoes, etc. I rarely pay more than $2-2.50 a pound. Your email address will not be published. And they do nto have to put it on the label unless it changes product’s taste or texture. It takes time to create the creamy, complex flavors in every batch of organic butter, but it's worth it. I drink skim milk and use real butter. But taste it and see. It’s too incredible not to share. It cannot be hidden by calling it a “flavor”, natural or artificial. I’ll stick with the Kerrygold as the best I can afford…and it tastes really good. Then churn, churn, churn. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. It makes a pretty picture but it appears to have a dark side. The result is a tangier or slightly piquant flavor to the cultured butter, and the beneficial cultures that are good for gut health. I use Kerrygold unsalted butter in my bullet proof coffee daily. I am unable to attach so I can’t show my pic of ingredients on my unsalted butter label where “cultures” is listed last. And I need to know the cows I’m drinking milk from, are in pastures grazing on grass—right now the extremely rich spring grass which nutrifies dairy to its highest level. Hey Ryan, I don’t see a 100% grass-fed statement on there. This may be a really dumb question, but why does your raw butter label state, “Not for human consumption?”, Raw dairy is illegal in many states. I want to like KG best because they are the cheapest. 90% Grass-Fed:  According to Kerrgold. I emailed Kerrygold asking that and they said they can’t say exact days spent outside because it varies depending on the year. A flavorful, protein-packed, organic milk that’s perfect for those watching their sugar or lactose, Organic Valley Ultra milk is craveably creamy—and fit for the whole family. Thanks for all the research – more than I’ve done. I agree with Kristin that calling farmers ‘hillbillies’ is pretty poor behavior. I cannot think of any reason a manufacturer would add MSG to butter, salted or unsalted. All night long. Commercial, homogenized, pasteurized milk is not a healthy product. I’ve said before that butter is a health food, but butter from grass-fed cows is even better — a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins A, D, & K-2, heart-disease preventing CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and so much more. If this is possible for you, that is fantastic! THANK YOU for doing the research and providing us with your findings. Here’s an interesting Huff Post article about raw milk…. I’ve spent a lot of time on farms that are practicing regenerative ag and can say that while this is may be true for large, mass-produced farms, this isn’t always the case. Corporations’ profits are a higher priority than health, so many products can be labeled dishonestly. which help to DIGEST the milk. Kerrygold also makes and sells an unsalted butter (no salt). But I am very happy to use private label butter (Kroger brand etc,) and drive a Chevrolet as I personally don’t see the difference to be worth the difference in price. Anyways, sorry for the long-winded reply… I probably peeved off a few gluten/wheat-eaters, but I don’t care, I feel great without it!!!! Pasteurization covers a multitude of sins so to speak. Kerrygold has responded to consumer questions and admitted that probably about 3% of the grains they feed during the winter may contain GMOs. People rave about this stuff but I don’t get it. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kerry Gold has to travel a long way. I, too, live in the middle of the city so have to drive to the farms or markets to source this amazing, nutrient-rich food. I am one that ignores most food expiration dates but even I probably would toss that one. I spoke to Organic Valley over the phone. I’m not a math wiz, but from my simple calculations this means the cows are supplemented (not consuming grass) only 44 days a year. I was kind of blinded by the organic label and thought the expense was high enough! I welcome comments on this post; however, comments that are rude (a direct insult to me, name calling, or written in a nasty way) will not be approved. Not being snarky— just have never seen that. You should literally be more worried about spinach, romaine lettuce, meat, and wherever the next big E.Coli outbreak will come from. Hey Lauraw, That’s because in Florida we have a law that says raw dairy products are to be sold only for “pet consumption.” Different states have different laws. I went straight to Kerrygold: Our ongoing discussions with the grain and dairy industry have established that of this approximately 10% grain/supplements, approximately 20 to 25% may be from GM sources. It is worth once a year hair cuts, old cars, eat simply to eat high quality, no cable/satellite, buy clothes used, etc. Sometimes I also buy a 56fl oz of Coconut Oil and it costs $15…. Anyway, if one doesn’t have to compromise a good deal is always welcome but GMOs are never acceptable. I spoke to Organic Valley over the phone. Every time I have some, I smile. My sister contacted Challenge regarding their unsalted butter and they use a fermented process too but didn’t answer the question if it was msg or not. . I warmly invite you to join our Facebook community, be inspired on Pinterest, and subscribe to the blog. But if you live in an area where local grass-fed dairy is hard to come by, Kerrygold is still one of the few semi-decent options for you to buy pre-made butter as many grocery stores (including giants like Costco and Trader Joe’s) carry it. I’d much rather fly butter from Ireland than support conventional dairy farming.

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