God set Himself up as Balaam's enemy. "Because he went" (Numbers 22:22) therefore has the meaning of "went with the intention of disobeying God. Now, Baal was one of the most detestable of pagan gods; and what a place for the prophet of the true God to find himself! Alas, this also has been the record of many a Christian in our own times. Unto the elders of Midian… (Numbers 22:15). How do they get around that? See what over 145,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. 23 Timothy R. Ashley, The Book of Numbers, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993), p. 445. This is why God was angry with him. God let Balaam go with Balak’s messengers, but He was angry about Balaam’s greedy attitude and allowing the love of money to control him (vv 22-30). Balaam explained that even though he had come, he would not be able to speak anything except that which God commanded; however, Balak did not for an instant believe him. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1950), p. 291.5: Elmer Smick, Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Old Testament, Vol. Instead, it says that Balaam got up in the morning and saddled his donkey, and off he went. Amplified® There also appears in the prophetic utterances of Balaam, during that period, a strong desire of Balaam to follow the Word of God, but, like Demas of the N.T., the allurement of riches and his unholy desire to compensate Balak for the performance of a task that he could not accomplish resulted, at last, in his total departure from the truth. God was very specific with Balaam, but all he heard was, "Go ahead!" 2, Numbers (Grand Rapids: Wm. 1 (London: T. Mason and G. Lane, 1837), p. 690.15: John Joseph Owens, op. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, (Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press Publications, Inc.) 1983, 1985. The manner in which this seduction was carried out is reported in Num. And Balak said unto Balaam, Did I not earnestly send unto thee to call thee? Footnotes for Numbers 221: W. F. Albright, The Journal of Biblical Literature, an article: "The Oracles of Balaam" (Vol. God gave conditional permission. Balaam's offer to return home shows that he already knew this journey to be contrary to God's will. 25. 10:7; Acts 9:7). (1-4) Balak, king of Moab, fears an advancing Israel. Balaam claimed that he would not go against God just for money, but his greed for wealth and prestige offered by the king blinded him so that he could not see how God was trying to stop him. (EntityRef: expecting ';' at line 49, column 103) in /var/www/html/familytimes/includes/magpie6-1/rss_fetch.inc on line 230 This passage is about Balaam, his donkey and the angel. Numbers 22:22. This is only one of hundreds of examples where such unfair, unscientific, and arbitrary devices are utilized by critics who were purposely blind to the mountains of evidence against them. The number 22 is considered as one of the most powerful numbers, able to turn all dreams and desires into reality. If the men have come to call you… (Numbers 22:20). Orlinsky stated that this means, I will reward thee richly.F13, Although Balaam went "with the princes," it is clear that the companies did not travel together, perhaps because the princes came on camels and traveled more rapidly. Balaam showed God that he would do what Balak wanted him to do. This reference, therefore, is not at all an indication of later origin of this passage. Numbers 22 – Balak and Balaam A. Balak’s evil desire. 1 (Grand Rapids: Wm. Num. Why? Richard T. Ritenbaugh Balaam was one of those people who, if you give him an inch, he takes a mile. He proceeded to take the prophet up "into the high places of Baal." R.S.V. And when Balak heard that Balaam was come, he went out to meet him unto the City of Moab, which is on the border of the Arnon, which is in the utmost part of the border. In counterpoint, God will do something to try to get Balaam to change, to turn. NASB E-Prime A.S.V. 2:15,16, Balaam was referred to as having "forsaken the right way," indicating that certainly, at one time, he was in the right way. cit., p. 114. The account of this evil counsel which originated with Balaam is in Num. We sometimes use the phrase “dumb animals,” but in this case the animal was smarter than the master. Of course, Ammo was virtually on the banks of the Euphrates! The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). When men make their bed with evil, God requires them to lie in it. Numbers 24:1-25Balaam foretells the happiness of Israel. Balaam also joined forces with the Moabites against Israel and died in the battle that resulted in their defeat. The repeated warning (Numbers 22:35) indicates that Balaam had decided in his heart that he would comply with Balak's request and "curse" Israel. God gave conditional permission. 24 In Numbers 22:18, Balaam speaks of “the LORD my God.” That this was one of Balaam's greatest sins is evident in the fact that in the message of the Holy Spirit to the church at Pergamum (Revelation 2:14), one finds this: Thus, the total picture of Balaam reveals a man who by disposition and desire was a pagan, but who nevertheless had a knowledge of the true God of Israel, perhaps handed down to him from his remote ancestors of primal times. In its full capacity, this number is the master builder, which means that it provides the power to achieve almost impossible things. whether or not to go! As Smick expressed it, "Balaam's heart was swayed by his love for the `wages of unrighteousness'. Balak here acted for Midian as well as for Moab. This should have ended the whole episode, but, as we shall see, the greedy heart of Balaam led him to solicit God's permission a second time. Commentary; Illustration; Bible Survey; Topics; Find by passage; The angel and Balaam’s donkey. He proceeded to take the prophet up "into the high places of Baal." He tuned out the part that began with if. Even though I may know what God wants me to do, it can be easy for me to become blinded by the desire for money, possessions or prestige. Since Balaam is the principal actor in these chapters, we shall take a little closer look at this Biblical character. Also, it is clearly declared in the narrative before us that "the Spirit of God" enabled him to deliver valid prophecies. cit., p. 269.13: Harry M. Orlinsky, Notes on the New Translation of the Torah (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1969), p. 236.14: Adam Clarke, Commentary on the Whole Bible, Vol. To Pethor, which is by the river, to the land of the children of his people… Based upon the literal reading in the Hebrew here, which is, The land of the children of Ammo, that is, the children of Amaw, a place which has been identified as a city west of the Euphrates. Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament. Many a sinner would like to turn back when the fruits of his wickedness begin to appear; but there stands the angel of Jehovah, always, with the drawn sword, Go with the men! Long before this, "Balaam should have dropped the matter, but he was lured on by the love of money."F11. The food shared by Balaam and others afterward was in the form of a "fellowship meal" in the bond of paganism. "Because he went" (Numbers 22:22) therefore has the meaning of "went with the intention of disobeying God." Numbers Chapter 22 Summary. And it came to pass in the morning, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up into the high places of Baal; and he saw from thence the utmost part of the people." He was so angry that He came out against him, to stand in his way. God said, "Thou shalt not go!" Balaam was a man ready to obey God’s command as long as he could profit from doing so. 22:41 here, actually belongs to the following chapter where the account of Balaam's first oracle occurs. God, then, visibly to the donkey but invisibly to Balaam, set Himself up as the adversary to Balaam. The same God who opened the donkey’s mouth and eyes opened Balaam’s eyes so he could see the angel also (vv. This change in the monarchy of Moab was explained by the words, And Balak ... was king of Moab at that time (Numbers 22:4). I need to avoid Balaam’s mistake by looking past the allurement of fame or fortune to the long range benefits of following God. Young's At last, there came the time in the life of Judas when God commanded him, What thou doest, do quickly! Go with the men… (Numbers 22:35). This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company), p. 159.4: Thomas Whitelaw, The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. Also, it is clear that the anger of god was kindled against Balaam, not at the start of the journey, but afterward, as the presence of walled vineyard indicated the approach to the city. His name suggests a descent from that Beor who was the father of Bela, first king of the Edomites (Genesis 36:32). This would not be exactly the case at the time when Israel was encamped before Jericho east of Jordan, and this indicates that, The embassies to Balaam must have occupied some time, and that at the sending of the first of these Israel had not yet arrived before Jericho.F8 After all, the distance to Balaam's residence near the Euphrates would have required a great deal of time. cit., p. 291.9: J. R. Dummelow, Commentary on the Holy Bible (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1937), p. 113.10: T. Carson, New Layman's Bible Commentary, Numbers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1979), p. 269.11: Merrill F. Unger, Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, 1981), p. 216.12: T. Carson, op. God does not come out against Balaam as a normal enemy would—to do him harm—but to turn him around and give him a chance to repent. He had reached a low state of life when God had to use a beast to speak. In this way, he was guilty of gross misrepresentation. 31-35). And it came to pass in the morning, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up into the high places of Baal; and he saw from thence the utmost part of the people.". Soothsayers were proscribed under the law of Moses, and the practice of that art was utterly forbidden to Israel. Bibliography Information Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. In like manner, there are those who think, "Well, because the Bible does not say 'Thus saith the Lord,' it is okay!" Balaam evidently thought to make amends for his failure to give satisfaction to Balak, and this he did by advising Balak to accomplish the destruction of Israel by seducing them to commit adultery with the daughters of Moab. At this point Balaam had already compromised himself; and God gave his permission, in exactly the same manner as he granted Israel's request for a king. If he was not specifically told, "You shall not go," then he thought that meant he could go ahead and leave. Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. Maybe the most intriguing detail here is that the word adversary is, in Hebrew, satan, which means generally "adversary, enemy, foe." Balak honored Balaam by going to meet him, but chided him for his delay, still assuming that the delay was occasioned by Balaam's desire for greater rewards. They abide over against me… (Numbers 22:5). The food shared by Balaam and others afterward was in the form of a "fellowship meal" in the bond of paganism. Balaam explained that even though he had come, he would not be able to speak anything except that which God commanded; however, Balak did not for an instant believe him. 2, Numbers (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1970), p. 142.7: George Buchanan Gray, op. His name, Balaam, means "devourer, destroyer, or devourer of the people. The Midianites were a weak people and had probably placed themselves under the protection of Balak.F4 It is a gross error to view the narrative here as a post-Mosaic addition, as alleged by Smick: It reflects the fact that this line is a post-Mosaic sentence, or that the whole account was added in post-Mosaic times.F5 There is not a single phrase in any of these chapters that justifies such a conclusion. And Balak sacrificed oxen and sheep, and sent to Balaam, and to the princes that were with him.

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