Mariner contacts Rutherford and tells him to get his transporters online. Amina Ramsey, Tawny Newsome as Ensign Beckett Mariner, … Durga expresses concern that the Rubidoux should have already arrived, and Ramsey notes that Captain Dayton is not known for being punctual. The ship's power is offline, and Ramsey notes that she told Dayton to get the energy coils replaced a month prior. As they talk, the filtration system suffers a surge in pressure. Release Dates Mariner rushes off before Prachett tells her she's going the wrong way, much to Mariner's embarrassment. Boimler is sent to a Starfleet medical ship after a transporter accident puts him "out of phase.". Durga restores the artificial gravity and the systems start to come online. The title of course being a unoriginal take on Shakespeare famous comedy "Much ado about nothing". Rutherford runs into sickbay, and says he knows what to do. She asks if normal dogs hover and spit lightning, and Boimler says they don't. T'Ana notes how they have a great medical spa on Endicronimas V known as The Farm, where Boimler will be given the best care possible. Mariner tells her that she thought she was still on the USS Oakland, and was not aware that she was promoted to captain. An ensign aboard the U.S.S. She politely declines his offer of a drink and walks off with Mariner, while Ransom just nervously laughs that Ramsey is just kidding around. Ramsey introduces Mariner to her senior staff, Ottessa Warren, Drew Prachett, a Rigelian, and Durga, a Vulcan, and says that when it comes to boots-on-the-ground planetary action, Mariner is one of the best officers to be with. The Dog Was this review helpful to you? We get to rub shoulders with the visiting crew, maybe impress another captain." ", "Do not trouble yourself with the journey. "And they can make me a real boy again? The Dog Phibeas thanks them, and he dives back into the water with a few more of the other amphibious beings. Rutherford seems frustrated that Mariner turned down the opportunity to help him test the transporter, wanting him to iron out the kinks in his experiment, and Rutherford says that without any tests, he won't know what kinks to iron out. "How am I supposed to know?! It isn't! However, the ensign suffering from accelerated growth and reverse-aging simply says that Boimler's abnormality is already cured and that he shouldn't be at The Farm any more. ... Ensign D'Vana Tendi (voice) Eugene Cordero. Boimler is happy to be back to normal, and the ensign congratulates him before pushing the button to eject Boimler. Mariner ignores her, but Ramsey notes that she can definitely tell that Mariner is acting off, saying that she's been screwing up all day except for here. Later, however, Boimler reports the planned mutiny to the Edosian specialist. “Much Ado About Boimler” Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1, Episode 7 – Debuted Thursday, September 17th, 2020 Written by M. Willis Directed by … Ramsey orders Warren to beam them back to the Cerritos, but Warren replies that there are too many people on the bridge, and that there's not enough time to beam them all out. Meanwhile, back on the Rubidoux, Dayton informs Ramsey and Mariner that they shut down power to the Rubidoux because the entity attacking them feeds on electricity. The start of “Much Ado About Boimler” features a log entry from Jack Ransom stating that he, Captain Freeman, and Lt. Shax or training for a top-secret mission that apparently involves botany. Warren seems put off by this story, noting that she was quite fond of Rubichik, having spoken at his funeral, and that he loved his car. Use the HTML below. It was really fun!" Tendi then realizes that her dog is a freak, and she shouts this out to The Dog. Mariner tries to blame the mistake on the boots, but Ramsey just tells her to step it up. (voice), Edosian Division 14 Officer Rutherford suggests that Tendi is messing with them and the dog is perfectly normal, but as soon as he says this, the dog begins to shapeshift, and crawl on the walls and ceiling, much to Boimler and Rutherford's discomfort. On the Rubidoux, Ramsey and Mariner continue to look for the crew. ", "Anyway, I'm into it. Ramsey, Durga, Warren, Prachett, and Mariner are getting ready for their away mission down to Khwopa, and Ramsey is telling a story about her encounter with four Borg drones, and how Durga saved them all by taking out the drones with Vulcan martial arts. With Tawny Newsome, Jack Quaid, Noël Wells, Eugene Cordero. Mariner then speaks about a time when she and Ramsey stole Professor Saul Rubichik's special car, and drove it into the bay. (voice), Lieutenant Ottessa Warren The long-term problem is that if they keep investing in Mariner like this, she actually WILL work things out and have to leave the cast. Mariner retorts that she doesn't like everyone telling her to rank up and take charge, saying that she's perfectly happy being a really good ensign. Ramsey simply assures her that it was a long time ago, but Mariner says that she still does similar mischief all the time, citing that a week ago, she put a scorpion in Jack Ransom's bed, and that he almost died from the resulting sting. He runs his tricorder over Boimler, and the loud transport sound stops, but the phasing effect remains, much to Boimler's disappointment. ", "If those freaks think they can mutiny, they're in for a rude awakening!" Mariner agrees to this. Company Credits "Much Ado About Boimler" He tells them that Boimler told him about their plan, and confines them all to their quarters, telling them to be more like Boimler. Durga can't help but wonder why Mariner is still an ensign with such a reputation. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. "Barf! No one seems to mind as they all cheer, happy to be safe. "Disagree. Boimler volunteers to be transported, and Rutherford successfully transports him to an adjacent transporter pad. Tendi meanwhile comes face to face with a real dog and introduces herself. Looking for some great streaming picks? Ramsey, Mariner, Warren, Durga, and Prachett beam to the Rubidoux in environmental suits. "Oh, alright, alright, calm down. ", 24-hour clock; accelerated growth; accident; acid reflux; action figure; admiral; air; airlock; alien entity; alien horse; Andorian; artificial gravity; authority; babysitter; Bajoran; barf; bark; baseball; bathroom; bay; "beam me up"; bed; body; bog; bog planet; boots (gravity boots); Borg; boy; break; bridge; butt; Caitian; cane; captain ("cap'n"); captain's ready room; car; carbon; Cas9 snipping; cascade valves; cellular degradation; Cerritos, USS; cinnamon roll; color; combadge; commander; conference room; confined to quarters; crate; creator; crew; crying; cyborg; death; delta radiation; disputed territory; Division 14 (D-14); DNA; doctor; dog; duty; Earth; Endicronimas V; Endicronimas V butterfly; Endicronimas V suns; Edosian; egg; electricity; emergency; emergency transport; energy coil; ensign; environmental suit; explorers; face; Farm, The; first contact; first officer; first officer's log; four attacking Borg; freak; free weight; friend; funeral; gem; germination; girl; Gorn; grade; gratitude; hair; hallway; handshake; heart; hovering; hug; illnesses; inert carbon; information; Jellico, Edward; kabuto; Khwopa; Khwopa native; Khwopa's moon; kidding; king; kissing; lieutenant; lifeform (artificial lifeform); lightning; long range scan; lungs; lying; mask; massage; medical spa; medical specialist; medical tricorder; mentor; millicochrane; minute; mission; mitochondria; month; musical; mutiny; mysteries; Napean; neutrino field transporter accident; number one; nurse; NX; Oakland, USS; "okeydokey"; officers; Orion (planet); Orion (species); Osler; Osler-type; overpressure; paradise planet; people; percent; Personal Access Display Device; phase coil; photon torpedo; picture; pier; pineapple; Pisepian agricultural colony; planet; plasma; props; protein; protein bonds; quarantine; rat; red alert; rendezvous; repair; resort planet; reverse aging; Rigelian; Rubichik, Saul; Rubidoux, USS; rules; rulot seed; safe room; sailing ship; samples; science project; scorpion; seconds; seeds; service cap; sextant; ship; sickbay; sleep; smell; snot; space; space entity; space explorer; space vessel lifeform (unnamed); spitting; spore; sprinting; stardate; Starfleet; Starfleet Academy; Starfleet insignia; Starfleet uniform (2370s); Starfleet uniform (early 2380s); stuff; subsonic pulse; sword; Syltrack; thing; time; time travel police; traitors; transfer of command; transporter; transporter room; trash bags; tricorder; Trill; trinkets; turbolift; type 2 phaser; type 3 phaser; Type 6A shuttlecraft (unnamed); umbrella; urination; visiting captain's log; Vulcan; Vulcan jujitsu; waders; waste pipe; water; water filtration; water filtration system; wheelchair; Yosemite. Mariner seems flustered that she forgot their tricorders, and Durga scolds her for the mistake. 4 of 35 people found this review helpful. At that moment, Commander Ransom approaches them and flirts with Ramsey, offering to buy her a drink. He then wishes everyone a successful recovery, before letting out another seemingly sinister laugh. Boimler seems uncomfortable with this, but joins in with their chant and determination to take the ship. | Barry J. Kelly As Ramsey records her log in the ready room, Mariner is goofing around, making Ramsey laugh. Search for "Much Ado About Boimler" on, Title: Kind of a biggie. As the team works, Mariner tries to make small talk with Durga, who simply brushes her off, citing it not being important to the mission at hand. Written by Boimler ignores the dog and says that he's looking forward to working with the visiting crew, but Mariner just guesses he's excited for a new captain to kiss up to. Durga begins to question Mariner's abilities as a Starfleet officer, but Ramsey calms Mariner down, expressing faith in her. Ramsey says that her offer for Mariner to join her as her first officer still stands, but while Mariner admits that she appreciates the offer, and that it's very tempting to be her first officer, she still has things she wants to figure out for herself as an ensign. "She's 5% faster and 6% smarter. The ensign who plotted the mutiny is ashamed of his actions, and apologizes to the Edosian specialist, but the Edosian specialist notes that his own reaction to hearing about their mutiny was uncalled for as well, saying that they should have just talked everything out. The Cerritos exits warp, finding the Rubidoux adrift. "No! Boimler begs Rutherford to fix him before the visiting crew arrives. Mariner says that Ramsey used to do whatever she wanted, when she wanted, but is now limited by what she can do as a captain. Mariner tries to impress her best friend from Starfleet Academy who is now a visiting captain. She predicts that the crew is probably holed up in a safe room, waiting for rescue. The atmosphere of the ship is dark, and seemingly hostile, and Boimler is surprised at the sheer number of accidents that seem to happen on the job. Boimler is joined by Tendi (Noel Wells), who recently created a hilariously disturbing genetically altered dog aptly named “The Dog” (voiced by Jennifer Hale), on the journey to the Farm. (voice), Lieutenant Durga / View production, box office, & company info, Star Trek: The Original Series: The Menagerie: Part II. The officers all walk out and marvel at the sight, and are joined by the Edosian specialist. She orders a long range sensor scan, with Mariner not realizing the command was directed at her.

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