Food and raiment God has promised, therefore we may expect them. How strange that any man can live, and not pour out his desires to God! Be inspired in your walk with Jesus Christ Shall man only, of all the creatures on earth, vex himself and be filled with anxious cares about the future? Especially is the remark just made of value in reference to those in early life. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Jesus has given us all the logical tools to counter lies and fears with truth, and in so doing we can obey his command to command our emotions. How strange that anyone is willing to go to eternity with this sad reflection: "I have gone through this world, spent my probation, wasted my strength, and am dying, and have never prayed!" Matthew 6:34​—“Do Not Worry About Tomorrow”, Share Let thy Spirit convince us of sin in the want of this disposition, and take away the worldliness of our hearts.Barnes' Notes on the BibleTake therefore no thought ... - That is, no anxiety. The pagan, and they who know not God, will be anxious about the future; but they who know him, and have caught the spirit of Jesus, may surely trust him for the supply of their wants. Enough for each day are its own troubles. Since the extent and efficacy of the divine providence is so great, and since you are the objects of its peculiar care, you need not vex yourselves about futurity. If you do, it will bring its own trouble, and it will also bring the proper supply of your needs. Copyright © 2020 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Christ has here forcibly taught the necessity of charity, of prayer, and of all religious duties.2. How many streams ripple in the wilderness, and how many cataracts age after age, have poured their thunders on the air, unheard and unseen by mortals! That conflict is more than enough for the day, without anticipating a further mischief. It is good physic which God dispenses daily to his children, according to the need and the strength of each. Matthew 6:34. We daily have the same necessities, are exposed to the same dangers, tread upon the borders of the same heaven or hell. And of what avail is it to deceive people? Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. It is wholly uncertain whether you live to see another day. Meaning of Matthew 6:34 Jesus, who spoke those words, assured his listeners that they would not need to be overly worried, or unduly anxious, about future problems. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary34. Especially is the remark just made of value in reference to those in early life. Key Thought. How good it is to live this way, never dwelling on the past, and never worrying about the future. Safe in His hand, we shall outride the storm and come to a haven of peace. Sanhedrim, fol. Take therefore no thought ... - That is, no anxiety. Be not anxious for the future, how you shall live next year, or when you are old, or what you shall leave behind you. It is good physic which God dispenses daily to his children, according to the need and the strength of each. He gives it to the lily, and in a day it fades and is gone. — Matthew 6:34 NLT. Salem Media Group. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. It is wholly uncertain whether you live to see another day. Ignorant, inexperienced, and in danger, how should they look to God to guide and aid them! Care not then for the morow but let ye morow care for it selfe: for the daye present hath ever ynough of his awne trouble. If they are, they cannot be performed acceptably. He gives it to the wings of the butterfly, and soon it dies and its beauty is forgotten. Understand the meaning of Matthew 6:34 using all available Bible versions and commentary. 8. "Boast not of thyself tomorrow": a man cannot promise or assure himself, that he shall have a morrow, and therefore it is great weakness and folly to be anxiously thoughtful about it. Christ has here, in a particular manner, urged the duty of prayer. The morrow is here introduced by a "prosopopeia", as if it was a person sufficiently thoughtful and careful for the necessaries of it: every day brings along with it fresh care and thought, being attended with fresh wants and troubles; and therefore, it is very unadvisable, to bring the cares and troubles of two days upon one; as he does, who is anxiously concerned today, for the things of tomorrow; sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Take therefore no thought for the morrow — That is, for futurity, according to the Hebrew idiom, as the word is used, Genesis 30:33 . "THE PROBLEM OF OUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE THINGS IN THIS WORLD." How awful will be the reflection of the soul through all eternity: "I was offered eternal life, but I never asked for it. Seek first the kingdom of God, and make religion your business: say not that this is the way to starve; no, it is the way to be well provided for, even in this world. The pagan, and they who know not God, will be anxious about the future; but they who know him, and have caught the spirit of Jesus, may surely trust him for the supply of their wants. Therefore be not anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be solicitous for the things of itself. He holds the winds in his hands, and can still their howlings, and calm the heaving billows. Each day has enough trouble of its own." It will be time enough when you feel the evils of a succeeding time. Sufficient to the day [is] its own evil. How many lilies and roses does he cause to blossom in solitude where no man is, where they "waste their sweetness on the desert air!" Satisfied with the troubles of today, let us not add to those troubles by anxieties about tomorrow. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof—An admirable practical maxim, and better rendered in our version than in almost any other, not excepting the preceding English ones. 6:34 The morrow shall take thought for itself - That is, he careful for the morrow when it comes. He gives it to the lily, and in a day it fades and is gone. But this can be done without worrying, which betrays a lack of trust in God to be there and care for us in the future, or boasting, which shows a lack of belief that God will have his own ideas and will sovereignly direct us in the future. A. Those who ask receive, and they who seek find. These words of Jesus are part of his famous Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew chapters 5-7. God, "our" Father, will then befriend us, and in life and death all will be well. At the same time that it is so simple that it can be understood by a child, it contains the expression of all the needs of man at any age and in every rank of life.The duty of prayer is urged by every consideration. 2. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of But they are involuntary only to the point that we do not take every thought captive (2 Cor 10:5) and stay our minds on Christ (Isa 26:3). God is with us here and now, to find him there can be no dreaming or worrying about tomorrow. Though you will have needs, yet God will provide for them as they occur. How strange that anyone is willing to go to eternity with this sad reflection: "I have gone through this world, spent my probation, wasted my strength, and am dying, and have never prayed!"

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