NOTE: You may want to go back and read how to prepare for your first meeting. Signup in advance and fill out your profile, we will match you up with other business owners who are a good fit for your session. Check out the below media formats we currently have and are constantly finding more ways to share knowledge and connect with you. It’s a healthy kind of pressure. That is exactly what this Hong Kong mastermind is for! what challenges you're facing now, ask for exactly the kind of help or support you need, and have 3-5 other people brainstorm a solution. A hot seat is a member of the group who is the center of attention for that meeting. And that can be a very important thing when doing business in China and I found that hugely invaluable. Helpful hint: Whenever you think to yourself, "I don't need to write that down. Laura is a passionate advocate for women in business. She's worked with thousands of women to grow themselves and their businesses. Each member has an opportunity to share the challenges they are facing and ask questions of the group for a set amount of time. All online, with the occasional meetup when all in the same country. Every Facilitator has their own style, but the focus is always on keeping the mastermind group meetings on track with the success of members as the #1 goal. After that hot seat, the next person at the table has their turn on the hot seat. So you must come in person. No matter how large or small your mastermind group, being the center of attention can be daunting, especially when you're baring the soul of your business. Here at Global From Asia we have a few different types of masterminds, and want to give you the run down of which ones you can choose from. We normally do these on weekday evenings, but also have full day events on the weekend. As an entrepreneur may not have a boss to check up on their work, this mastermind helps give that kind of good pressure to execute. Get the Free Email Course: Asia Business Unleashed, Join A Mastermind With Other Business People Doing Business In Asia. That you had to be someone less to live with someone else when, of course, you have to be someone more. Hellooooo accountability! This is the basic format of a mastermind. Don’t just wait until the next meetup, chat on Facebook or meetup for one on one coffee meetings. The thought of being in the limelight - the Hot Seat - where all eyes are on you can be scary. See how many questions you can answer correctly in the looming two-minute time limit… Have you ever wondered what it feels like sitting in the gruelling hot seat of Mastermind?Well, now's your chance to have a taste. So if you can make it now, I’d love to have you apply. Ahh, the dreaded Hot Seat. You’ll get to know each other on a deeper level, build trust, open yourself up, and break through various limiting beliefs. These mastermind sessions are for 4 to 6 people, where our VIP community management pairs you up with the right mix. The author, Napoleon Hill, suggests we surround ourselves with people who are also growing themselves and their businesses. Welcome to your first mastermind group call. @, Consumers Guide to Hiring a Professional Coach. We limit the size so that the group is manageable. You're facing a challenge in your business; your mastermind group is there to help. Masterminds came from the infamous book “Think and Grow Rich”. You could be asking a specific question, asking for advice about a problem you're facing, getting help with a decision you're facing, or wanting feedback and ideas on changes you want to make. Follow You'll have more time to share your story later. Normally each week 1 person in the mastermind is on the “hot seat” and shares deeply their business and problems and others try to help. They know and trust the other members, as well as respect their knowledge. So that means you’ll have to be living in Hong Kong or able to get here for each meeting. We are all learners and teachers;Sharing your knowledge and experience can only lead you to greater achievements.And this is what this event was about..networking, amazing speeches and flow of useful information for those who are thirsty to learn and those who want to pass this on.

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