Marketers should take the time to visit all of their potential markets, and spend some time living and working in them. Well, a marketing team was able to ride the waves and be creative, and by doing so, produced one of the most successful brand campaigns in recent history. That is the emotional customer, and I think we can agree that a company would prefer the emotional customer to the rational one. Reward Loyalty While Cultivating New Customers. This includes all promotion messaging (marketing) as well as long-term non-promotional messaging. 2. The name of the brand can be English, but all additional messages should be in the local language. Before a decision can be made whether or not a brand should be launched globally, the marketing team must do their due diligence to determine whether the product could realistically be successful overseas. Then suddenly, the Honda Accord was the most popular car in America. It’s about keeping your promise differentiated, relevant, compelling and true. The relationship between brand and content marketing can be murky if you’ve jumbled them all together. Engagement – How engaged are customers with the brand? Since you know existing customers already like your product, you must find a way to reward them for this loyalty. Editor's Note: This post was contributed by Josh Ritchie, CEO/Cofounder at Column Five. It also gives the marketing team an opportunity to meet and develop local talent. Marketing makes up the collection of activities and tactics brands use to place their messages into the market with the goal of influencing the audience to buy. Research Which Markets Have The Most Potential. In other words, when you are “branding” you’re expressing everything your brand represents from its differentiation strategy to its personality to its purpose whether that’s visually, verbally or otherwise. What might be appropriate for one market could be totally inappropriate for another. Thinking out of the box really paid off. As new campaigns are implemented, ROI must be measured. It outlines the tactics you will use to communicate your key messages to your ideal customers. In a sense, your content marketing strategy is essentially how you execute your larger brand strategy. It may seem inconvenient to dismantle the house and start from scratch. By living in a potential market, one can learn about the culture of the country, and be able to understand what might be seen as offensive. She walks up to the counter and asks to see the same handbag. Marketing is actively promoting and selling a product or service. But that doesn't mean brands from other industries won't be successful. It is a sum off all the information about a product, service, or … You can expect the same experience in London as you would in Perth. Remember what a brand is. This sounds obvious, but a comprehensive study must be done to determine which markets would be most open to the brand. This includes online analytics, which can determine whether the brand is receiving good word of mouth. Often the best way to learn about global brand expansion is to study case studies of companies and brands that have been successful with their global outreach. as finding and connecting with the audiences who will most benefit from that promise. Imagine if Louis Vuitton all of a sudden started selling inexpensive vinyl purses. It is listening to the consumer, and using that information to build a brand strategy. Throughout the campaign process, the marketers must consistently monitor analytics. These loyal customers could take this act as a slight, which would be very damaging to the brand. When developing a branding strategy, the team should eat, drink, and sleep that message. … It is important to look at the brand through the eyes of the local population. What would happen to their message? In fact, assuming they are is one reason many people’s strategies fail. But as a marketer, you know the customer relationship is key; after all, they define the brand. American car companies learned from this mistake, and started manufacturing fuel-efficient cars, as well. Whereas branding is strategic, marketing is more tactical. You learned in order to successfully launch a global brand, local customs must be understood and followed. Big Mac's, French fries, and Coca-Cola scream USA, which is often desired overseas. Like brand strategy, a content marketing strategy is the blueprint, but it's the blueprint for how you’re going to use content to support your brand strategy. She looks it over, looks at herself in the mirror holding it, and shows her friend the classic handbag. It takes a lot of work to retain existing customers, while also gaining new ones. Marketing is a push tactic. Understand their needs, their environment, and most importantly, their challenges. How might an American product be marketed in an Asian country? Strong brands are valuable assets, because when the promise is fulfilled, it creates an emotional response. 3. They are “whats,” not “hows.” Examples: A tactic is an action or a tool that’s used to accomplish an objective that’s linked to a strategy. It’s important to understand those distinctions and relationships, as they’re key to developing a comprehensive, measurable, and attainable marketing and branding plan for your organization. Since global markets have so many variables, it is nearly impossible to identify one single consumer profile. Learning this type of customer behavior is often done when the actual sales occur. Marketing Strategy – is guided by business goals, and involves segmenting markets, selecting target audiences, determining pricing, packaging and distribution, integrating media, and executing creative campaigns. Any form of fulfillment (i.e. OK, I really don’t want to, but I’ll start with what it’s not. This is dependent on local distribution channels, but as global companies grow, they can become large enough to establish their own distribution channels. You learned that a brand's global voice should be similar to its domestic voice. A successful branding strategy can take years to be perfected. Once a brand has been launched, it must be monitored just how a domestic brand would be monitored. It should focus on the big picture, but include an actionable mission that aligns with your short, mid, and long term business goals. This product was definitely a risk. messages after the sale) are not “marketing” messages but are certainly “branding” messages. What does your brand say? When deciding on a loyalty program, keep existing customers in mind when you search for ways to attract new ones. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Employees should ask customers how their brand makes them feel. Brand strategy is focused on how to build a brand in order to grow a business. In the global marketplace, a company will work with many different people who often speak different languages and have different cultural ideas. This helps everyone understand exactly how teams should work together, as well as ways to improve your process, maximize your resources, and keep everything aligned. This can include your content strategy, digital marketing, campaign development, social strategy, advertising, PR, retail marketing, etc. Marketing – is about finding and growing a market for the brand that leads to profitable sales, or in the case of non-profits, that leads to appreciation and support among key audiences. When you send out emails you’re “branding”. Globalization can be a very lucrative undertaking for many brands. Remember, these loyal customers will tell their friends and family about your brand, and they will discuss it on social media. This includes: Hence, you can see how a content marketing strategy fits into brand strategy. Many cultures look up to America and try to emulate our behavior. To be successful, the brand must find a way to adapt to foreign markets while keeping the brands message consistent. 4. They did this by offering local foods, but in the fast food model that made McDonald's a household name. Marketing is more focused on sales than branding and is based on a shorter timeframe. When teams are siloed, it’s easy to waste resources on inefficiencies, especially if there’s no clear guidance or clarity about who’s doing what. After all, you are in the same business; so what works for them, will probably work for you, as well. The only difference is that in the U.S., Coke is made with corn syrup. After all, who wants to smell like their grandfather? These two concepts are directly related, but often confused. It’s a documented plan that outlines your goals and how you plan achieve them. Remember: Whether you’re a two-person team or a marketing manager leading a team of 20, it’s important to keep the big picture in mind always. Certain fonts might not be appropriate in other cultures. Participating means the customer wants to buy. When we talk about brand strategy vs. content marketing strategy, it’s important to understand not just what each is but how they relate to each other. Coca-Cola maintains its consistency, using the same taste in every market. One season the company may want to describe its message as innovative and fun, but it still falls back on the overall message, which is luxury. It’s our job to articulate and explain the nature of each to anyone with their hands on our brands. Branding is not the act of pushing out a message. Rewarding these customers will keep them coming back, which will result in more profits. Which foreign brands do you use? That is the goal of aligning a brand with the company's business model. Developing a brand strategy usually follows the same steps. The product was a small black box, filled with the game cards. Do you understand how a brand aligns with a specific want or desire? Since a brand will need to cater to different countries, it is important the marketing team understands how each country will affect the brand's market positioning. Creating your brand strategy is not a one-day exercise. Overseas, Coke uses real sugar. Consider the brand positioning statement: "Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Are more people talking about the brand, sharing it with their friends? 2. This brand promise demands a diverse, creative attitude-laden execution across the many customer touchpoints.

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