This continues until all the cards have been used. Too many mistakes make you look sloppy and not serious about your Roleplaying. The role-play continues until the students have completed all the situations and agreed on a suggestion for each one. The students begin by turning over the first situation card and making appropriate suggestions, according to the prompt on the card. Give a copy of the two-page worksheet to each student. When a pair thinks they have completed the suggestion, a student from the pair brings the strip back to you. The students read the dialogues with their partner and compare answers. At first, my students were a bit reluctant, but they liked it as they made up their own dialogues and presented them in front of the class. ... anyone can make a yoga role play … If you’ve created an Original Character (OC), write down everything that makes them unique. One student turns over their worksheet and their partner reads out a suggestion from the first exercise. worksheets, lesson plans,  activities, etc. Next, students read phrases that are used to say yes or no to a suggestion and categorize them. When the students have finished, they present their role-plays to the class. Talk about when you expect to send your replies, and when you can’t. If you’re coming into RP focused on shipping your character, this will be a glaring red light to other Roleplayers. Afterwards, pairs of students take it in turns to role-play one of their dialogues in front of the class and feedback is given. We’re glad you liked it. Sometimes it feels like you’re carrying the storyline when you don’t get those details. They won’t give me two minutes to reply, they won’t answer back, and on top of that, they say it’s boring!! I hate lack of details in my roleplays! Well, that happens to all of us. In this part of the activity, the students make the same suggestion several times but give a different excuse each time they speak to a classmate. We love talking about Roleplay! This lesson teaches useful expressions for discussing problems and possible solutions. Interactive Version - Here is a making suggestions interactive PDF to help students learn how to make and respond to suggestions with more advanced phrases. Interactive Version - This free making suggestions interactive lesson contains a range of exercises to help students learn language for making, accepting and rejecting suggestions. When the students have finished, they give feedback to the class on their holiday plans. 10 Roleplayer Tips To Make You Write Better RP. The rest of the students continue the game until most or all of the students have finished.

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