History is full of despots who behaved in similar ways. !” Martok nods reluctantly. Pat storms over to her Uncle, in fury, and confronts him. When the Admiral learns of the family reunion with Ambassador Spock’s long-lost daughter, he approves the request. In the name of my ADOPTED DAUGHTER, Doctor and Captain Pat McCoy, I will claim the Right of Vengeance on her behalf and the Federation cannot stop me from enforcing Klingon Law on Q’onos!” Spock nods and calmly accedes. Leila’s daughter, Amanda, was born approximately nine months after Stardate 3417.3. All she cared about was herself and she used everyone around her as objects for her own self- gratification. He is able to track her back to her lodgings and finds her in the bathroom … being sick to her stomach. None of the animal goes to waste. Spock manages to show calmness in spite of what he has just heard. She finds Martok and Worf conferring about the recruits’ training when she walks in and tosses the package onto the table. I would diagnose … her … as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. “May I be permitted to hug you?” “Of course, my child!”, the elderly lady responds, “My mother often hugged me, may she rest in peace.” The two women hug each other, then Amanda looks at Pat, holding her face in her hands. We’re going to need it to give us something soft to play on!” “You are insatiable, my wife!”, Sam says teasingly as he kisses her. The McCoy family is a human lineage that traces its roots to Atlanta, Georgia on Earth. (TOS novel: Shadows on the Sun), One of Joanna's great-grandchildren was Horatio McCoy, a 24th century Starfleet engineer. Based on the descriptions of her behaviors, plus what I had personally experienced at her hands, there is a name that would describe all of that. “Pat now knows some of the evidence we have. “I guess I better get up and go answer that. She is comfortably dressed for the Vulcan climate with a shawl draped loosely over her head to protect her hair from the dust and wind. “What? I empathize with you, Uncle. It’s from the young’uns I’ve been training. “Patricia-kam”, he quietly replies, “I had hoped that you would never see anything like this!” Pat begins pacing angrily back and forth. Her blonde hair covered her ears so he had no way of knowing for certain if she had inherited that trait as well. Be sure to bring that fur blanket! With all the ships coming and going, she is uncertain which one it is. “Who ARE you and why are we here?”, one of the old men asks. “That is your right, Patricia-kam, under Klingon Law. To do otherwise would have been illogical.” “I love you, my husband. “Pat surmised this might have happened. It’s good to keep the primitive skills in practice because you never know when you might need them!” She opens the parcel and pulls out a purple fur blanket that is large enough to cover their bed. As opposed to calling it a ‘homicide’ or an ‘accidental death’, as it was stated on your father’s death certificate?” Pat hesitates, then sighs. She attempted to initiate divorce proceedings, demanding total custody of her son, without any visitation rights, while completely ignoring that the younger child existed. Illogically, now I understand Patricia-kam’s descriptions of emotions being ‘jumbled up’. Kalinda had a record of frequently running away from home until she reached her age of majority. “Yes?” He hands her the parcel, she looks inside and starts laughing. They learn warrior skills first, with my assistance, then go on a quest … this hunt. “We must head to the Klingon High Council … now! “Only you can decide what is best for you, Captain McCoy! Martok turns back to Pat. I’ve been keeping a personal log that I need to transmit to him.” Sam nods in agreement and he helps his wife to her feet. Pat enters the kitchen and breathes deep, savoring the aromas. “Is it that obvious?” “There is no shame in missing your mate. “Really?” She walks over to the table, picks up a handful of images, and walks back over to the elderly prisoner. Spock is waiting at the shuttlecraft landing port. She is struggling. He recalls when his first wife, T’Ling, died, the gaping hole that was left behind for so long was agonizing. Leonard goes to the Vital Records Office, Sam contacts the local authorities, and Spock goes to the Embassy to access databases. In that case, there should be a passenger list, with their names, somewhere.” Spock shakes his head. “I will see you when you arrive. I was a police detective at the time and knew how to manipulate evidence when needed. Captain Picard was NOT happy about Worf’s action because, bottom line, Worf was still a Star Fleet officer and was bound by Star Fleet’s Code of Conduct … as am I!” “I may not agree with Star Fleet’s position, McCoy … I respect what you need to do and how it must be done.” “Thank you, my esteemed adopted father.” “However, as you are MY adopted daughter”, Martok declares, “I could claim the Right of Vengeance on your behalf! In this situation, that would be insensitive of me given this discovery of a child you never knew existed until you saw Pat’s DNA test results.” Sam enters the room at that moment. While she was married, Kalinda had a lover, who was on the police force at the time of George Dudley William Junior’s death. “Logically, this should have been expected. “How did you get this?” “Irrelevant!”, she snaps back, “That IS you, in that image, with HER!” The prisoner looks at the image, then at Pat. Would that be possible?” “We will see what we can do.”, one of the youngsters responds, “Safe journey as you return home! He never expected it to heal until he met Pat, with all of her human quirks and foibles. “I disagree, Leonard. “What?”, she inquires. Sam sends one thought to his wife, “NO!” The prisoner quietly looks back at her. The main one, the former lover of … the monster … pleaded guilty to pre-meditated murder, along with evidence tampering, child sexual abuse, along with child-selling, and was sentenced to life without parole. “Yes. Come to think of it, I do feel as if I’ve won a personal battle, if not a personal war. She, who gave birth to me, either KNEW or PARTICIPATED!” Martok nods sympathetically. If they are dead, did you, personally, have a hand in their execution given your Klingon Right of Vengeance?” “They are alive and in custody.”, Pat manages to calmly reply, “My husband is currently in the process of making arrangements to have them extradited back to their home-world for trial.” The Admiral sits back in his chair, letting go of the tension. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He clearly feels remorse for what he has done and is sickened by the fact that he had been taken in, manipulated, and used by … her. “I also need to confide in a father figure. They remained devoted to each other until my father’s death from Bendii Syndrome. “Are you DEFENDING my father’s KILLERS? Your husband will be waiting for you when you arrive. Pat can never forget what that … witch … did to her. I have never liked the thought of killing an animal for sport.” “You could capture it and tame it for a pet!”, Worf suggests. Their behaviors seemed strange to us. Now that each of them have been sent on a mission, per Star Fleet orders, his logic dictates what he must do and yet … he sighs and attempts to return to his meditation when he hears the door chime. “MEV-YAP!”, she shouts at both of them. No one can control another … not completely. If that is a court martial offense, I’m ready to accept my lumps.” She looks down at her hands and begins to fidget and stim. Spock returns to the lodgings where Leonard and Sam are waiting. A family reunion.” Pat is delighted. Martok has had copies of the images cropped to show only the face of the fugitive that Pat encountered. - See if u can answer this Leonard "Bones" McCoy trivia question! “Samok-kam, at this moment, she is so full of rage that she is not listening to logic. Given everything that had transpired on Q’onos, she is uncertain how she should approach her husband. “Where’s Gramps?” “He’s back at my home … cooking. Given that you were supposed to be kept busy training recruits on Q’onos, how did you come to learn this?” “Because the investigation, and the perpetrators involved with my father’s death, came to ME … on Q’onos!”, Pat answers, “I literally collided with my father’s killer as I was exiting a restaurant and, as a result of that mishap, he dropped his parcel that contained damning evidence.

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