Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. “Anyone who has tried to get a group of a dozen or so to leave a particular place at a particular time will appreciate that it usually takes more than one brief exhortation to accomplish this.” (Morris), ii. 28, 29 As Jesus once again picks up the theme of His going and coming (cf. 7 Cf. 15 and 16. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. And they will live in this relationship loving one another. Arise, let us go from here.”. From now on, you do know him. Jesus is contrasting here his Understand the Work of The Holy Spirit (14:17; 14:26; 15:26; 16:8-11; 16:13, 14), 1. He focuses His ministry to believers on the Person of Christ, C. Trust God even When You're Unsure as to What He's Doing (14:18, 22), 2. Be not cast down and disquieted. seems to refer particularly to all things concerning the Messiah; i.e. The emphasis here however, is that God will come to make His home in believers on earth, where 14:2 suggests that in eternity believers will make their home with God in heaven. The holiness of God shone in the spotless purity of Christ's life. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. Some say that this return is the coming of Christ in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.14 They cite the fact that the verse is embedded between passages on the coming of the Spirit. “I will not leave you orphaned. The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed upon the disciples of Christ, and not on the world. Eph. No, this is why I came in the first place. Und er sah einen Feigenbaum von ferne, der Blätter hatte; da trat er hinzu, ob er … Trust me. And the Pharaoh said to his servants, "We will not find a man wise and knowledgeable as this man because of the spirit of the Lord is with him" (Jub. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me. Christ is the sinner's Way to the Father and to heaven, in his person as God manifest in the flesh, in his atoning sacrifice, and as our Advocate. “You’ve heard me tell you, ‘I’m going away, and I’m coming back.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I’m on my way to the Father because the Father is the goal and purpose of my life. 47-50 “If anyone hears what I am saying and doesn’t take it seriously, I don’t reject him. (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1978): 461-63. Barrett poses the idea that the difficulty might be solved on the basis of scribal error in an underlying Aramaic text. But, this does not seem to appear anywhere else in John or other biblical writers. Such are partakers of the Holy Spirit's new-creating grace. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do. Observe the prospect Christ had of an approaching conflict, not only with men, but with the powers of darkness. 36, (Waco, Texas: Word Books, Publishers, 1987):256. It’s the message of the Father who sent me. After citing several examples of O.T. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Yet the Father is not greater than the Son in essence or being; They are both equally God. Apparently the Arians used this verse often in defining their Christology wherein they held the Son to be something less than the Father, a created being of the Father.28 The basic problem with an Arian view is that it requires that one understand passages such as 8:58 and 20:28 as supporting something other than Jesus' essential deity. No one gets to the Father apart from me. “Has nothing in Me — no point of appliance whereon to fasten his attack.” (Alford), ii. 2. In these, the Paraclete performs several essential functions: 1) teaching and reminding (14:26); 2) testifying about Christ (15:26); 3) guiding into all truth; revealing the future and making the things of Christ known to the disciples as well as glorifying Christ (16:13, 14). 4 Ezra 14:22: "If then I have found in favor before you, send the Holy Spirit to me.". But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn’t destroy you. theoreo, and the fact that the Spirit is non corporeal) and thus they fail to know (ginosko) the Spirit. Jesus' need to encourage their hearts with peace 14:1, 27, 28). The fragrance of the oils filled the house. But not so with the disciples. These mysteries will be fully known in heaven. In light of this and other factors it has commonly been referred to as a "farewell discourse. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. In this way we do not have to read ginoskete as a future (as Murray suggests) and the future of eimi makes clear what the passage has been emphasizing the whole way through, namely, the new indwelling role of the Spirit as opposed to the older economy. 29 The idea that Jesus has come from God seems to be related in John as a statement of subordination to authority, not the derivation of his essence. The first option hardly seems to be in the mind of the apostle as he writes this,29 but the second seems to be more in line with the fact that as a man, He was not equal to God the Father.30 But, the context seems to point in a direction different than these explanations. I will come speedily to you at my resurrection. 14 and 15- 16 form two distinct versions of the last discourse. F. F. Bruce, The Gospel of John, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983): 24-27. There may be some value however, in understanding chapter 14 and chapters 15-16 as two versions of the same discourse. Joel B. human sight, and are therefore unable to penetrate into spiritual realities (cf. 16 Cf. He has nothing in Me: Jesus could confidently and truthfully say that Satan had absolutely no hook, no foothold, no toehold of deception in Him. Now Satan, the ruler of this world, will be thrown out. Let your heart be kept with full trust in God. And the person who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and make myself plain to him.”, Judas (not Iscariot) said, “Master, why is it that you are about to make yourself plain to us but not to the world?”.

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