The grace you have expands your heart, and gives you capacity for receiving yet more grace. THREE EXPERIENCES.1. THE FILLING.1. His supreme divinity.II. The favour of God;2. So Christ deserves that we should spend the spirit for Him.IV. Of this He is always full. — Having rendered some service to Lord North, the Prime Minister, during the American war, he received a polite communication from that nobleman, desiring to know if he stood in need of anything which it was in his power to bestow. Let us labour to be like Him, full of grace.5. Are you rising higher and yet higher through the uplifting of the hand of this Saviour? If you have received life you can receive it more abundantly. Take grace as the favour of God: Both Christ and believers are God's beloved (Matthew 3:17; 2 Samuel 12:25).2. THE EXPOSITION.1. Christ offers grace for — not grace, you have none, brother sinner; you would never take it — but for sin and its condemnation.(A. )If any one is to obtain grace, His fulness must do it: our crumbs and morsels, our tiny drops and bits, they verily will not do it. What is this grace but grace superseding grace, grace supplanting grace — as the blossom supplants the bud, and as the fruit supplants the blossom — as the noon supersedes the morning, and as summer supplants spring — grace superseding and surpassing grace. A. CHRISTIANS HAVE RECEIVED OF THIS FULNESS —1. H. Spurgeon.I. The abundance in Jesus Christ is intended —1. (2) If virtue is to be attained, sanctifying energy resides in Him to perfection. Now, every blessing that comes from God is sent in just such an envelope, with the selfsame message, "And more to follow." If we have received Christ then —1. All the saints have received all of grace out of the fulness of Christ. )The plenteousness of graceDr. As thy day so shall thy strength be. )The fulness of ChristS. If so, beware of pride, and of vanity, and of vain-glorying, and of boasting. H. When a begger asks you for a penny, and you give him one, he does not ask you for a sixpence; or if you give him a shilling, he would not consider that an argument why you should give him a sovereign. Yet, if the texts are true, all that is to be done can be done now. All alike are empty of merit and satisfaction.2. Bridge, M. A.We have received grace in abundance from Christ, but whatever grace there is in Him there is somewhat in the saints answerable thereunto, as the impression answers to the stamp.1. The Word or speech and revelation of God. His perfect obedience secured an everlasting wellspring of merit; and now risen from the dead there is a fulness of prevalence in His intercession, of cleansing power, and of peace, when the Spirit applies the blood to the guilty conscience.3. What a mighty encouragement there is here to come to Jesus Christ and be filled!(W. THE RECEIPTS WE HAVE ALREADY HAD ARE NOT TRIFLES. 2. (4)Other Scriptures (Romans 5:15, 17, etc.)1. Many blessings, such as spiritual illumination, faith, pardon, acceptance, the aids of the Spirit, sanctification, hope, and the happiness begun in this world, and perfected in the world to come.2. With Him who is Himself ours. Trust nature to get all the good that is in them, and send that good up again.2. Thus may we know the people of God, for of His fulness all have received.1. Even Paul was the chief of sinners, less than the least of all saints, and confessed that he was nothing.III. Like the waves of the sea, where one comes there is another close behind it.V. "I forgive you your sins, but there is more to follow. The Word Became Flesh … 15 John testified concerning Him. But then other drops succeed them, and others them, so evenly and incessantly that we hardly realize that the waters are passing away. (2)Of truth.2. All alike are empty of merit and satisfaction.2. "By the grace of God I do." A fulness of dignity, prerogative, and qualification. We always inculcate the propriety, on the part of all our people, of living within their incomes; but the child of God cannot live beyond his income in a spiritual sense.IV. The Author of human redemption.3. Attempt great things.4. Why is all this? There is a fulness at all times; a fulness by day and by night; of comfort in affliction, of guidance in prosperity, of every Divine attribute, of wisdom, of power, of love; a fulness which it were impossible to survey, much less to explore.(C. The saint's fulness is only particular, His is universal (Colossians 1:19). The grace of Christ was love in fulness.IV. A. Cudworth. As thy day so shall thy strength be. The supply of water or of gas to our houses is sometimes insufficient, not because the reservoirs are low, but because the pipes which connect our dwellings with the main service are choked up or broken. Should they not be —1. All the saints have received all of grace out of the fulness of Christ. )If any one is to obtain grace, His fulness must do it: our crumbs and morsels, our tiny drops and bits, they verily will not do it. This will appear —I. With Him who is Himself ours. THE SAME SPIRIT IS IN A CHRISTIAN THAT IS IN CHRIST (chap. The fulness belongs to Christ personally. A SENTENCE OF ADMONITION TO BELIEVERS. THE POSITION OF THE FULNESS IS RICHLY ENCOURAGING TO US IN THE MATTER OF OBTAINING IT. Not so (see Philippians 2:12).2. )Grace for graceA. Of adoption (Galatians 4:5).3. Attempt great things.4. A. A. In Christ there is a fountain of knowledge inexhaustible. The fulness belongs to Christ personally. Friends may depart, but friendship in fulness abides in Jesus. His perfect humanity.2. Why is all this? They could say, "We beheld"; we "Whom having not seen we love." And so, if I may venture to vulgarise the great theme that I am trying to speak about, God has given us His Son, and in Him all that pertains to life and all that pertains to godliness. A fountain of living water? (1) If sin is to be overcome the conquering power dwells in Him in its fulness. FOUR DUTIES. THE SAME SPIRIT IS IN A CHRISTIAN THAT IS IN CHRIST (chap. IN THE POETRY AND METAPHORS WHICH DESCRIBE HIM. 2. Colossians 1:19): —I. C. Tittman, D. D.I. In short, His fulness is without measure or end; therefore draw manfully and without fear, and drink with pleasure and joy! To relieve our poverty.3. Glory be unto Christ for His fulness, for of it have all the saints received — Old Testament saints and New, martyrs, reformers, saints on earth, saints in glory, etc., etc. Now the law is so tempered by the gospel as to seem gospel. A young heir to a large estate, though not of full age, generally gets an allowance suitable to the position he is to occupy. Love loves to make a thing loved like itself.IV. And they are not barely given to Him; He is "Good" Shepherd, Bread "of Life," etc. THE RELATIONSHIP OF CHRIST AS THE SECOND ADAM A COMMON PERSON BETWEEN GOD AND US (Romans 5:15; John 5:26). BY THE UNION THERE IS BETWEEN CHRIST AND A BELIEVER. Accordingly we shall find angels and men to be dry, heaven to be empty, the earth to be unproductive, and, in short, all things to be of no value, if we wish to be partakers of the gifts of God in any other way than through Christ.III. The names which Christ bears witness to, His all-sufficiency, Sun of Righteousness, Morning Star, Raiment, Bread of Life, Door, Good Shepherd, etc., are given to Christ to show that He is all they signify to the soul. (1) I cannot be a Christian of the highest type. H. Whatever grace Christ hath received He hath received not for Himself but for others (Ephesians 4:8; John 17:19; Isaiah 61:1, 2).3. We are assured that WE HAVE NO REASON TO FEAR THE WANT OF ANYTHING, provided that we draw from the fulness of Christ, which is in every respect so complete as to be inexhaustable.(J. Spurgeon. An office in the Church.But whichever it is it comes from Christ. "Wouldst thou have me see thee," said Socrates "then speak." Even Paul was the chief of sinners, less than the least of all saints, and confessed that he was nothing.III. Angels, John, Moses.II. The grace of Christ was love in fulness.IV. A DISCRIMINATION OF CHARACTER. The fountain of life and light.4. Why should any of God's people vilify and degrade the gift of God whereby they are enriched?2. Not that he is deprived of his peace, but that becomes secondary. Nothing was lacking in Him to constitute human perfection — sinlessness, sympathy, the virtues of both sexes, human nature in its completeness.2. V. THE RECEIPTS WE HAVE ALREADY HAD ARE NOT TRIFLES. The Author and Dispenser of salvation.II. Now, every blessing that comes from God is sent in just such an envelope, with the selfsame message, "And more to follow." And they all received all that they had.II. If you have received life you can receive it more abundantly. Peter must have a look from Christ before he could repent.3. THE RELATIONSHIP OF CHRIST AS THE SECOND ADAM A COMMON PERSON BETWEEN GOD AND US (Romans 5:15; John 5:26).III. Spurgeon. How comforting to know that Jesus has a supply book, which exactly meets our want book! What you have received is a pledge of what you may receive.V. As spiritual Hebrews, they had a noble idea of the majesty, the righteousness, the purity of God, and also of the moral splendour of the Divine Law. The supply of water or of gas to our houses is sometimes insufficient, not because the reservoirs are low, but because the pipes which connect our dwellings with the main service are choked up or broken. )Christ's fulnessA. Robinson. In a few days' time, the good man had another letter by the post, and letters by.the post were rarities in those days; when he opened it there was five pounds again, with just these words, "And more to follow." Bridge, M. A SENTENCE OF ADMONITION TO BELIEVERS. (3) Without Him we can do nothing, but we can do all things through Him. (1) In Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Others, grace in the believer resembling grace in the Saviour; but that would only give us the moral qualities of Christ, and leave us destitute of those evangelical blessings which He came especially to bestow.4. But —, (1)Though little in quantity it may be great in quality. "He giveth more grace," grace following in grace, and further in superabounding grace, when grace turns into glory.II. Now the law is so tempered by the gospel as to seem gospel. The woman of the house handed the water to him, and said, "Do you know anything of the water of life?" (2) But the believer dots not rest long in his peace. (1)All of them. John 15:26).(W. Friends may depart, but friendship in fulness abides in Jesus. Angels, John, Moses.II. News fail to reach us, not because our correspondent has neglected to write, but because the means of transmission have been imperfect. Bread eaten and gone? H. What have you received? GRACE IN ABUNDANCE. All, whether Jews or Gentiles, if indeed they would obtain grace and be really found before God, are required (and indeed they can do no other) to fill their little flasks from this well — a well which flows and overflows for ever and ever; they must drink their fill from this fountain-head of living water, springing up into eternal life. All that you have received is from fulness. (1) In Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. III. Others, grace in the believer resembling grace in the Saviour; but that would only give us the moral qualities of Christ, and leave us destitute of those evangelical blessings which He came especially to bestow.4.

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