As Ella wishes to learn why her mother left, she drinks a shrinking potion and goes into the maze alone, leaving Henry to track her down. As Ella tries to explain why she avoided the kiss, she and Henry are approached by Alice, who asks for their help with finding her father Hook. Later one evening, Henry joins his family at Granny's for supper. ("Lady of the Lake"), Henry hangs out in the mines watching David and the dwarves mining for fairy dust. Lucy believes it is more than enough proof that the curse is real and vows to give to her mother to make her remember. In New York, Henry reveals his father Neal once told him about his past research on destroying magic. Case in point: the Little Mermaid doesn't always have red hair, her name isn't always Ariel, and she's not always in a requited romance with Prince Eric. When the duo questions Ruby again, she admits she let Ashley have her car to drive out of Boston. When Emma comes downstairs, he quickly tucks the ring box into his jacket and tells Hook that he can count on him. Devin, under Regina's influence after having his heart stolen by her, says that Henry's family is in Neverland and they are coming for him. Regina notices Henry conversing with the stranger, and comes out to investigate, but the man drives away quickly on his motorcycle. Storybrooke had been restored due to a mysterious third Dark Curse, but it isn't until Henry's memories are restored through his old storybook and Regina kisses him on the forehead, which breaks the third Dark Curse. He tells David of seeing a room without windows and doors covered in blood red curtains with flames in the room, in addition to a female figure on the other side of the room who was observing him. Emma bringt ihn zurück in sein Haus in Storybrooke, Maine, mit der Absicht, ihren Sohn nicht mehr wiederzusehen. David, Emma, and Neal arrive for a showdown with Regina, though Henry ceases their fighting. He grumbles that Lucy has literally "texted him into the friendzone" now that she is done pairing him up with Jacinda and he apologizes for wasting Rogers' and Nick's time, however, Rogers insists he wants to stay. However, Lady Tremaine ends up killing the Prince instead and frames Cinderella for it. Not knowing Regina as anyone except the Evil Queen, Marian condemns her as a monster. During the evening, Henry sits at the diner counter, using a magnifying glass to inspect a storybook page for clues, as Emma and Hook watch from a nearby table. ("Pilot"), The next morning, Henry sits on his bed happily as he watches the clock move. Henry rejoins Emma, Regina, Ruby, and Snow in the graveyard, where David tells Snow about the booth's demise, and Emma urges her parents to return home to Neal. Henry, realizing Davy Jones wants his ring back, commands Hook to get the ship close to the undertow. After reading up to the part where Emma starts to believe in magic to save her son's life, Henry considers out loud that he too would be willing to believe in the impossible if it means his belief could save Lucy. Show Information Emma attempts to lead Henry out when Neal, realizing the child is his son, persistently asks for his age. Before going, Emma hugs Henry goodbye and getting advice from Hook. Locking eyes, the two exchange flirty banter before they almost share a kiss, except Ella moves away at the last moment. This triggers a bad memory in Daniel's mind, and he grabs Henry's neck and lifts him off the ground. He later stops by the Underworld's inn and enters room eight, Neal's old room in Storybrooke's inn, but he doesn't find his father there. From the window, Mr. Gold ominously recalls the Seer's prophecy about a boy leading him to his son, but who will also be his undoing. Henry does not understand how this is part of "Operation Cobra", but August asks him to do as he says. He eventually finds Roni and reports that his date with Jacinda went well. Authors They then happily waltz together in the diner as Emma and Regina watch from outside. ("Witch Hunt"), Henry spends the day with Regina, in which she treats him to ice cream and they take a walk in the Storybrooke Heritage Park. Status: Henry accepts her reason but knows she is hiding something. To throw his moms off, Henry plants his phone on a bus bound for Boston and then rides a bus to New York City with Violet. If the author isn't Walt Disney as we know him today, he could be a version of the storyteller that bends the rules of his actual persona in the same way that Once Upon a Time alters its fairytale characters. Disappointed about not having magic, Henry believes he couldn't help Emma because of this, but Regina stresses his gift is being the heart of the truest believer who brought everyone together. ("The Black Fairy"), Under the Black Fairy's Dark Curse, Henry wakes up on the rooftop where Emma and Hook's wedding took place moments earlier, except he is now completely alone and has his storybook with him. Emma states it is a treat from Regina, but Henry is adamant that she doesn't eat it. Once the spell is complete, Emma and Regina attempt to magick the elevator open, so they can gain access to Hades' lair, but the door reveals a brick wall instead. David suggests the delay will give them more time to steal back the remaining beans from Greg and Tamara, use them to open portals, and traveling to the Enchanted Forest. Once Snow reunites with her son, Henry records the story in the book with the quill, complete with a drawing of Snow with baby Neal, which he shows to David. Portrayed by: Ashley stops by with her husband and daughter, and she tells them about wanting to offer free babysitting to the newcomers who have kids. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he helped people to believe in magic. After a tremor shakes the town and Hook reappears, Henry and the heroes investigate the clock tower, where they discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. Sie befiehlt Weaver und Rogers, Henry etwas anzuhängen, aber sie weigern sich. He offers her a ride on his bike, and as he is teaching her how to use it, she playfully compliments him and questions him about his knowledge of her story’s ending. They all blow out their candles together, but Henry opens his eyes to see he is now alone. The Queen accuses Regina of making her son soft, but Henry affirms he is strong because of his family, and it's something she'll never have. Laws of Magic:Henry is limited by powers, unable to resurrect the dead, change the past and make someone fall in love with someone else, though they're have been exceptions to this. Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret discover from the Author that Cruella is actually powerless and cannot kill anyone. He shows interest in the book, and casually flips through it. He then asks to be untied so he can help rewrite Nick's story, but Nick knows he is only offering that in an attempt to trick him. Henry believes that, while Robin's story is over, he is still out there somewhere. Henry relates his concerns about his mother to Regina, suspecting she dragged him to Storybrooke for more than work-related business, and believes Emma is struggling since turning down Walsh's proposal. When Nick returns with drinks for his companions, he suggests Henry should try his hand at getting to know other women in the bar, and Rogers agrees by telling him to ask out the next woman who walks through the door. Hazel Discovering the door has a protection spell, Robin pulls aside the hallway sofa and tears off a vent cover, which has a crawl space passageway leading to the office. After Anna, Elsa and Kristoff return to Arendelle through a portal inside a mansion, Henry explores the building. He kisses his mother on the forehead, thus breaking the curse. Other Family: The boy returns to beg for Hook's life as Liam is trying to kill Killian, and when Liam hesitates, Hook knocks him unconscious. Suddenly, Pan senses Mr. Gold has entered the entrance barrier, and he goes to face him downstairs. When David is reported in a daze in the woods, Emma is ready to go look for him when Henry cuts in. When he openly inquiries about this later, David laughs at the thought. Unknown to Henry, Violet has broken his heart not because she does not reciprocate his feelings for her, but because Emma took Violet's heart and forced her into it as she needs a tear from a broken heart to free Merlin. Archie cuts him off; telling him that if he continues on with his crazy idea, people will think he is insane and lock him up. Under pressure from Regina, Henry forfeits it, but he gives her the fake copy instead of the real one. She gets up to leave, and on her way out, she asks Henry to take the chest out to the shed later. ("The Dark Swan"), At the castle, King Arthur introduces the group to his Queen, Guinevere, and he announces there will be a ball held in their honor. Henry and Violet briefly try to destroy magic, although they are later convinced to abandon their plans. He sees a woman and tells her that his name is Henry and that she should not be afraid. Outside, Tiana informs Henry that a man has come to see him. Eventually reaching New Fairy Tale Land, he falls in love with Ella and becomes the … Henry goes with Ruby to the meeting at the town hall, but David never shows up. All three of them are lifted to safety. Despite the setback, they do find a disheveled and alive Kathryn in the diner alley. In the aftermath, Zelena successfully makes off with the infant, but due to Henry's belief that Regina possesses light magic, she defeats her sister and stops the time spell from being enacted. Later, Granny lends him tools to fix up the car. He admits to not liking it but wants her to be happy. The Storybrooke natives then head for King Arthur's castle in Camelot. Pan, who has been observing the fight, beckons Henry to use his power of belief to turn the stick into a sword. Species: Henry then returns to the castle and steals the pen's ink from Cruella's hair before preparing to use his writing ability to free Jacinda and Lucy, however, Rumplestiltskin steals both items so Sir Henry can aid him in writing the Guardian's powers out of existence. Images: Jack Rowand/ABC (1); parrillas/Tumblr (1); onceland/Tumblr (1). Later at the sheriff's office, Henry hears from Regina about Zelena's botched attempt at killing the Black Fairy. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, at the dock, Henry summons Emma, who swiftly answers his call by magically appearing. Relatives: With Mr. Gold's near demise, the Apprentice absorbs the darkness in his heart and traps it in the hat, however, it escapes and begins infiltrating Regina. Regina explains to the head nun that she wishes for the storybook Author to rewrite her a happy ending. Henry explains he has limited time to get home due to the portal he came through, however, Cinderella is not interested in hearing his story and mentions she has a ball to attend. The sorcerer, now tethered to Excalibur and forced to obey Arthur, warns Emma that she must give the flame to Arthur or her family and friends will die.

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