You know, endless permutations of things like "My boss Jeff is a total jerk, he constantly changes my code without asking and overrides me all the time with his BS arbitrary decisions, should I quit? Being disorganized slows you down and prevents you from seeing patterns that would otherwise be obvious. The reasons you decided on your solution, and the way you conceived of your answer is more important than the “right way” or the “wrong way”. I think I realized I don't want to program because I landed at a company where people are quite good. And once you resolve a problem, there is almost always another problem right behind it. No spam ever. If you look at this list and see them in yourself, rest assured, you will truly suck at programming and should probably find something else to do with your time. Learning higher math skills may help with that, maybe? Make reasonable guesses, take a position, and be willing to change as new information comes to light. Self Reflection: You need to take a step back, and look at the bigger picture of how you are approaching things. Hi. Any answer can be “right” if you can justify it given the circumstances. They are not very useful common as far as applications, but they are lot more "math-y" than the others. Apparently, career questions are not welcome there either. You want to get paid big money? And the overall quality of your work is diminished. That’s the whole reason computers were invented! Acknowledge Your Progress: There is a lot to learn, and the journey of programming never ends. Sign up now. "* I can understand deciding to outlaw the entire class of career questions because they're frequently soft, opinion-y, and highly specific to the person asking. Environment plays a big part in any job, no matter how intrinsically amazing that job might be. Coding and solving mathematical problems/research are actually intimately connected. If you've been programming for a few years and haven't developed a taste for it by now, it seems doubtful to me that anyone would suddenly develop one overnight. Find a resource which you find more compelling, and run with that. Now I haven't typed a line of code in probably 2 years; it has never been necessary or useful during my math studies (except maybe some random Mathematica stuff that is pretty easy to look up how to do). As humans we are limited creatures. I was great at math as a kid, but perhaps because I didn’t like it much, no one steered me towards programming. I guess we have to just eat our vegetables. Having the mind of an artist allows you to play with options and possibilities, rather than thinking there is only one way. The first is a rigid and narrow approach to thinking. Rotate image Save Cancel. Here Are 8 Data-Driven Reasons, How to Make Your Python Loops More Pythonic, How to Prepare for a Python Coding Interview. This is a very interesting top-down approach that I've never really used, I usually write plenty of small components and combine them to make bigger ones.

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