Your life probably seems quite ordinary and of little interest to anyone else. My grandpa helped pay for college by playing pool. By age 80, you’ll only remember the faintest outlines of the big things that happened to you. Will this fit the cover from my (...), Hi Erika! I know it’s hard to believe right now. Hi Bradley, the refill-only version of the Note 21 should (...), Hi Patricia, this post is several years old and I don't (...), I'm looking for a Quo Vadis diary. It’s a very small notebook and therefore each day’s content is quite limited — forcing me to distill my day into the two or three items I most want to record. Instead of hashing out my emotions, instead I created a record. Categories . The horse died. Journaling improves your health. There are a myriad of other benefits to keeping a daily journal besides remembering what you ate five years ago. Here’s a list of possible desktop digital tools in which to keep your journal: The internet provides several options for you to store your journal in the “cloud” and even share it with other people. My grandpa, Bill Hurst, was a journal writer his entire life. I’m hopeful that the discipline of doing that small bit of writing at the end of each day will blossom into fuller journaling (in a different notebook) as the year progresses. After all, journaling should be fun, not a chore. I want to start a diary/journal and I dont know how to start it. Unfortunately, it's not easy to think of great topics that you can write about. One of the biggest difficulties in journaling is to know what to write about. And as we mentioned above, while you might think your life is boring, your great grand kids won’t. So to answer the original question: think about what types of content you would enjoy reading later, and write to that. A few tips to consider: Do not worry about structure. Rich black pages with a dot grid just wai, Why put off a task that could be done now? Keep up the good work and use today’s journal entry to give yourself a pat on the back. • Last updated: October 3, 2020. Talking to interesting people? He gives a very descriptive account on how castrating sheep is performed. Just write about your day. It is an tangible piece of evidence to leave behind that you were here! Some days you might not have the energy or desire to write in your journal. To reflect on why it happened this way. There are hundreds of books that give you “suggestions” of what to write about in your journal. Just do what works for you. I think there is value in tracking things. 101 Interesting Topics To Write In Your Daily Journal. Now the… um, contents… of one’s journal are being referred to as “content”? When your great-grandpa was kicking it in the 1920’s, he thought to himself, “Who would want to read about this new fangled radio or how I get my food out of an icebox? Should You Lift Weights Before Doing Cardio? Now, I’m not saying that their greatness is directly attributable to their journaling. We created the topics to write about below to help you or children with the daily journaling process. Lots more. There's no time like the present - download Journey app today! And how many men were ignored in their lifetime, only to be celebrated after their death? Our affordable I. I would write page after page in my journal about my thoughts and feelings, on and on. A journal helps make you immortal. Reader question: Which pens on which paper? I’ve been writing this way daily for more than two years now, and it has become an excellent record of my years. Note 21 giveaway winners and a sneak peek at another new planner! He did it. 0 0. Several studies have shown that writing about traumatic or stressful events and your deepest feelings and emotions  boosts your emotional and physical health and sense of well-being. If you want to make it a habit, just pick a time in your day for journal writing and make it a non-negotiable in your life. Thanks. This is a great question, and I think it’s something a lot of people face with journaling. What do you write that you enjoy reading later? Now what do you remember from those days besides that time a dog bit you in the face? Tell us about what kind of journal you’ll be using and your journaling tips and stories on the Community page. Journaling grants you immortality. 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