Get off your phone and  listen when he talks. #25 Be a fun girl. #10 Always give him first preference. As girly as your guy may want you to be, he would love a girl who can tie her hair up and behave like a guy when she has to. [ Read: Do You Love Him, But You Are Not Sure If He Really Loves You Back? [Read: How to think like a man and impress your guy]. #23 Don’t put him down in front of others. 2. Maybe once a week you can actually ditch the soap opera and play a round of his favorite video game with him and give him the time of his life. Have faith in your boyfriend and let him know you trust him. Wanting to make your boyfriend happy is very sweet of you. If 6 weeks ago you told me that the solution to sorting out my relationship was to perform felatio more often, I wouldve felt cheapened too, but now I realise that in a healthy relationship you should want to do that. Give him a nickname Learn how to keep your boyfriend happy and take a small effort to flourish your love relationship. It’s a pretty silly list because of what KRS said. [ Read: 5 Ways to Stay Loyal in a Relationship ]. Guys love public display of affection. Have faith in your boyfriend and let him know you trust him. 10 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She’s Mad at You, 20 Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry According to the Bible, 18 Signs He’s the One Sent by God for You, 12 Signs He’s the Guy You Should Marry According to the Bible, True Love vs. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Offer Help Whenever … Research shows that communication style is more important than commitment levels, personality traits or stress in predicting which couples will stay happy. Although love is the foundation of any happy romantic relationship, love is not enough. 7. Tell him about the new guy in the office or about your boss being quite ‘too’ impressed by you these days, or about meeting your ex accidentally at the shopping mall. We know how important it is to go shopping very weekend for those little things you might need for the home especially if you two are living together, it is like a lot of shopping. Being honest no matter how difficult it is, is one of the best ways to make your boyfriend happy. Leave behind a love note in his book saying, 'I can not live without you, you make my life worthwhile.' Don’t ignore him when there are other guys around. I love my boyfriend, and he also loves me but he loves his work more and always gives all his time for work and not me, I’m hurt …I told him to change but he says he’s give me all his time after marriage. Be spontaneous and cheerful around your boyfriend and it’ll definitely make your boyfriend happy. [Read: The right way to give space in a relationship]. Your email address will not be published. They too need their share of hugs and kisses. This is one of the most important keys when it comes to making your boyfriend happy. We dont wrestle in bed, and he dont fondle me like I try to do to him occassionally. You do not have to tell everything from your past but the more you tell the better. You can try a new sport together, or go somewhere different. Yes a smile is still supposed to be the best medicine. 5. In a relationship, every side needs to make an effort to make each other happy. The great signs to look for are the signs that he loves you more and more: If he looks like he clings to you more, you know he is closer to you now. What happened to being yourself and never jeopardizing your happiness for someone else? No one’s going to be happy in a relationship if they don’t feel like they are trusted. Men need some time off everyday just to be by themselves. It’s not enough in a relationship to only put forth effort in the beginning. The deeper you go in a relationship your expectations about each other grow. Any tip on how to avoid being one? Having the desire and ability to be a supportive partner is one of the important things you should do in order to keep him happy. And the best part, it’ll also show him how wonderful and special you really are! But they love it when their sexy girlfriend clings to their arm or kisses them on the cheek in public. What Is Resilience and Why Is It Important for Success? Ignoring issues will only make them build over time. Being high maintainanced will make him feel stressed. In the relationship you both are incomplete without each other but that does not mean you should be completely dependent upon each other. Go ahead girls make your boyfriend happy, he deserves it! 11 Tips on How to Keep Your Boyfriend Happy Everyday. If he feels too secure, he’ll start to take you for granted. When a guy sees his girl happy, he can’t help but be happy as well. Your presence is more than enough to bring a smile on his face. If you want to know how to make your boyfriend happy everyday in little ways that can help him realize how special and wonderful you are, use these 25 ways. 16. This is one of the biggest things you need to remember if you want to keep your boyfriend happy. We didnt even sleep in the same room. You don’t have to swallow or get any cum in your mouth, but sucking is nothing. Admire his new sturdy motorbike. If you want to make your boyfriend happy, learn to give him his space. Instead of talking about his mistake, help him overcome it. Who wouldn’t like being told that they look good or they are smart? It’ll make him respect you more and take you seriously, which matters a lot in love. Most guys don’t care about public display of affection. Besides being a girlfriend, never forget that you are also his companion and partner in life. The stereotype that guys don’t care about how they look is a thing of the unreal past. 'Be responsible', 'you are being so careless', 'take out more time for our relationship', are you finding these expressions familiar. Not only girls’ love compliments, boys love it too. #19 Get along with his friends and family. Show your support to him. In order to have a healthy relationship, both parties have to be willing to work on it. Yes a smile is still supposed to be the best medicine. I am curious about what being “too accommodating” means. But if you have to do all these things on a regular basis in order to keep your man happy, you are probably with the wrong man–particularly if he sees no need to reciprocate. Guys hate feeling insecure. stop being a doubting Thomas. Healthy couples don’t avoid conflict, but they do know how to keep the … Looking for ways to make your boyfriend happy? Photo by Ishan Gupta. Look we understand the fact that it may be really tempting to give in to that cute office guy who has been giving you the hints since a long time now, or maybe the hot guy you met at the college canteen, but before that do recall all the love and passion you’ve jointly shared with your boyfriend, and also the moment when he first proposed you wasn’t it amazing? You may call him 'sugar cube' if he is charming and cute. Wear your heart on your sleeves. I never want a dick in my mouth, and my boyfriend knows it. 15. Make him feel appreciated. Good luck! Making a craft let him to know that you want to spend time on him and to think about him more. He says that Sadhna is his support. It’s not hard to tell how much you love him and it’s not even harder to show how much you adore him. Probably, you love spending time with your partner but there are also times in every relationship when you just need to give each other space to grow as individuals. Some of these are good, but not all of them are necessary. It probably is the only curve that would make all the things straight. Spend time cultivating your shared interests, but also be willing to explore different interests. #15 Be his shoulder to lean on. 4 Main Reasons Why You Should Not Check Your Partner's Phone, 5 Dating Mistakes That You Should Stop Before You Start New Relationship, 6 Probable Signs Your Partner is Emotionally Cheating on You, Pay Attention to These 6 Ways on How To Tell Someone is Annoyed by You, Here are the 6 Things on What You Should Not Do When Caught Your Partner Cheats, Follow These 7 Ways on How To Cut Ties With a Toxic Friend, 5 Logical Reasons Why You Should Not Rely on Your Partner and Why Is It Bad for You, 5 Rational Reasons Why You Should Stop Stalking Your Crush's Social Media, Follow These 6 Ways on How to Deal with Toxic Co-workers and Stay Mentally Strong, 9 Signs You're Working in a Toxic Workplace You Have to Realize, Ways to Say I Love You without Saying I Love You, Ways to Say I Can't Stop Thinking About You. Pick up a cute nickname for your love. Do you feel envious when your boyfriend talks with someone who is of opposite sex? Your man loves it every time you cook! Appreciating your partner on a daily basis is a great way to make him feel happy. This is one of the Physical Signs A Woman Likes You which means that you are not afraid to be intimate with him. 8. Support him Women need to be in love to have sex but men need sex to be in love. Gaurav and Sadhna are going to celebrate 3rd anniversary of their relationship. Don’t always give in too easily. For the most part, men have a few essential needs in a relationship, and if you make sure to fulfill those needs, they'll have few complaints. But always remember the one thing that makes love so special. Slowly but surely you will start to see the signs that his love towards you is getting more intense. “learn to dress like a goddess in bed” This advice doesn. Compliment him. You do not need to serve your boyfriend hand and foot to make him happy, men enjoy the simplest things in life. He needed to feel like he was worth the extra effort and I hadn’t done anything to show him that in a really long time (not just sex, but anything). Be honest to him.

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