14, No. 69-83. In this context, [61] supports the strategic link between manufacturing strategy and competitive priorities, noting that identifying manufacturers’ competitive priorities has long been considered a key element in manufacturing strategy research. There are additional costs involved when implementing TQM, including training, planning and operating the new system. In line with [62,65] argue that improving quality can reduce manufacturing lead time, the amount of time spent on reworking and the quantity of materials rejected, thus contributing to improvements in flexibility, delivery times and unit cost efficiencies. The findings of this research suggest that linking competitive priorities to competitive advantage is the master key for a firm to survive in a turbulent environment. 21, No. The multiple regression analysis, therefore, shows the existence of a significant positive relationship between each of the four independent variables (quality, cost, delivery and flexibility) and the dependent variable (competitive advantage). and External costs, such as repair bills, legal costs and warranties. Few of which are discussed in the above assignment. 2, 2002, pp. Operating systems within an organisation span across the following areas:Manufacture. The second is “to respond”; response generally means reaction or adaptation to changes. Flexibility as a multidimensional construct acts as a competitive weapon in the arsenal of any manufacturing or service firm when managing demand and capacity in response to changes related to customer needs and expectations. In the light of the arguments presented in Section 2, Figure 1 depicts the research model, which suggests that the competitive advantage of a firm is generated by four competitive priorities: quality, cost, flexibility and delivery. Exploiting this shift in consumer behavior, industries can build sustainable operation strategy. A similar approach is taken by [42], who define quality as excellence, value, conformance to specifications and meeting or exceeding customers’ expectations. High quality products will also increase customers’ loyalty to brands and help a firm to differentiate itself from others in competitive market segments. 419-445. In their comments on these dimensions, [61] emphasise the conformance dimension of quality. As firms are forced to respond efficiently and effectively to a changing business environment, one of the strongest challenges that firms face is gaining and developing competitive advantage, which may be defined as the extent to which a firm is able to create and maintain a defensible position over its competitors [3]. Alternatively, it may be considered to refer to the capabilities which allow a firm to shape its competitive advantage so defined and differentiate itself from its competitors [4]. Reference [6] suggests that competitive advantage is achieved by the competetiveness of the supply chain, which means “meeting end customer demand through supplying what is needed in the form it is needed, when it is needed, at a competitive cost”. If communication links throughout are good, the smooth running of a constantly evolving organisation is to be expected. K. Kumar and U. Kumar, “A Conceptual Framework for the Development of a Service Delivery Strategy for Industrial Systems and Products,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. (TQM). • There is a link between quality and competitive strategy: quality is categorised as a primary basis for a differentiation strategy, as firms adopting this strategy will position their products uniquely, based on several attributes, leading to a premium price. 17, No. 1035-1046. Or keeping the same output figure while reducing that of the input. Reference [31] states that the definition of [27] consists of three main elements: The first element is “ability”, which gives flexibility the character of a potential. 7, No. The Operations manager must decide on inspection routines and how much to order and when. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website.

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