Photosphere: about 5800K, although sunspots are about 3800 K - that's why they are dark. For one thing, the sun is made of 8 layers with special names that define each part. (Intermediate), Which planet is most similar to Earth? TheCutest. What is the best way to fold a fitted sheet?  The Curious Team | Web Design © Siliconian | Image Credits | Team Login, Why does the Earth tilt back and forward once a year? Why do the Kardashians only date black guys? Solar Flares, Solar Prominences & Coronal Mass Ejections, What is the Sun? The hottest part of the sun is the core. It is at the center of the sun and has a staggering 28080000 degrees Fahrenheit temperature. The Radiative Zone is the hottest layer of the Sun's Atmosphere because it's the only layer closest to the core of the sun. (Intermediate), Why do different stars appear with seasons? The centre of the Sun: about 15 million kelvin (K). She is the Project Scientist for the Galaxy Zoo project. In an emergency, it is most critical to be able to stop the vehicle within a short distance, therefore the brakes, are most critical. The hottest part of the sun is the core. How hot is each one of the layers of the sun? (Beginner), Why is Earth's core molten? The sun is the only star in our solar system. Not Sure About the Answer? The temperature then drops to 5,800 K (10,000 degrees F) at the visible surface, although the corona (the part just above the surface, where solar flares are), can get much hotter (2 million K, or 3.6 million degrees F). Motion B. core. Convection Zone: drops from 2 million K to 5800K in this zone. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. - Facts, Layers & Temperature, The Sun's Chromosphere: Definition, Temperature & Facts, Forces Keeping Stars in a Stable Equilibrium, Radio Telescope: Definition, Parts & Facts, Three Models of the Universe: Flat, Open & Closed, Development of Astronomy in Ancient History, Astronomical Units & Light Years: Definition & Examples, Types of Telescopes: Radio, Reflecting & Refracting Telescopes, Different Kinds of Traditional Reflecting Telescopes, Introduction to Physical Geology: Help and Review, Prentice Hall Earth Science: Online Textbook Help, Glencoe Earth Science: Online Textbook Help, Ohio Assessments for Educators - Earth & Space Science (014): Practice & Study Guide, CSET Science Subtest II Earth and Space Sciences (219): Test Prep & Study Guide, Physical Geology Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, ILTS Science - Earth and Space Science (108): Test Practice and Study Guide, NY Regents Exam - Earth Science: Tutoring Solution, BITSAT Exam - Physics: Study Guide & Test Prep, NY Regents Exam - Earth Science: Help and Review, Introduction to Natural Sciences: Certificate Program, High School Biology: Homework Help Resource, Biological and Biomedical Relevance. (Beginner), How are light and heavy elements formed? (Intermediate), What will happen to Earth's tides as the moon moves away from us? 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. There is little vertical air movement in the __ because of the cold, heavy air at the bottom of the layer. (Intermediate), Astronomy Department at Cornell University. (Advanced), What is the difference between a "star" and a "sun"? The other layers of the sun are also hot and play a major role in building the ball of fire. A change in position of an object is its: A. List your source if you have one please. The corona is the hottest layer of the Sun. Hottest Layer of the Suns Atmospere.The core is the hottest layer of the sun. What year was ptsd or post traumatic stress disorder, recognized by the american psychiatric association? Karen was a graduate student at Cornell from 2000-2005. There are three inner layers of the Sun, and the Convection zone is the outermost one. (Beginner), Do we know everything about the Sun? For one thing, the sun is made of 8 layers with special names that define each part. The other layers of the sun are also hot and play a major role in building the ball of fire. The sun is the only star in our solar system. This layer receives large amounts of solar energy that increase its temperature. How did Eli Whitney change things socially? Photosphere: about 5800K, although sunspots are about 3800 K - that's why they are dark. Anonymous. (Beginner), Are there telescopes that can see the flag and lunar rover on the Moon? The Radiative Zone is the hottest layer of the Sun's Atmosphere because it's the only layer closest to the core of the sun. Radiative Zone: Temperature falls from about 7 million to about 2 million K across this zone. (Intermediate), How can spiral galaxies keep their shape? Ask an Astronomer is run by volunteers in the Astronomy Department at Cornell University. The surface of the Sun called the photosphere has a temperature of about 10 000 degrees Fahrenheit while the chromosphere or the layer of the Sun’s atmosphere lying beyond the photosphere is about 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Photosphere: about 5800K, although sunspots are about 3800 K - that's why they are dark. A good way to de-magnetize something is to O A. get it wet O B. place it in a magnetic field C. heat it D. place it in an electric field ​. (Beginner), When was the last time all of the planets were aligned? Answer. (Beginner), How many sunspots can the Sun have at once? (Beginner), (Beginner) >" onclick=",'win2','status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no'); return false;" rel="nofollow">, If we invented special suits could we ever go to the sun? The core of the sun is where hydrogen is fused into helium through nuclear fusion reactions. In this layer, all of the hot material found near the center of the Sun rises cools down and drops back into the radiative zone to get more heat. Convection Zone: drops from 2 million K to 5800K in this zone. A. Chromosphere B. corona C. core D. photosphere - 11411516 She went on to work as a researcher in galaxy redshift surveys at Harvard University, and is now on the Faculty at the University of Portsmouth back in her home country of the UK. (Beginner), What is the significance of the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle? For one thing, the sun is made of 8 layers with special names that define each part. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? SitemapCopyright © 2005 - 2020 Anonymous. Photosphere: about 5800K, although sunspots are about 3800 K - that's why they are dark. (Intermediate), How do you measure the distance between Earth and the Sun? For one thing, the sun is made of 8 layers with special names that define each part. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Answer The center of the sun is the hottest part (at around 15 million Kelvins, or 27 million degrees Fahrenheit). What is the difference between Astrophysics and Cosmology? When did organ music become associated with baseball? 5 Answers. © 2020 Education Strings, All rights reserved. The Radiative Zone is the hottest layer of the Sun's Atmosphere because it's the only layer closest to the core of the sun. Radiative Zone: Temperature falls from about 7 million to about 2 million K across this zone. Why are animals so friendly to capybaras. 1 decade ago. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal The other layers of the sun are also hot and play a major role in building the ball of fire. The other layers of the sun are also hot and play a major role in building the ball of fire. How hot is each one of the layers of the sun? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Although the sun hasn’t been studies extensively, the data available through proves and satellite expeditions have given us valuable insight into the many layers of the sun and their properties. What did The Weeknd mean in his lyric "bring the 707 out"? This layer marks the border of what we usually refer to as the … 0 0. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The hottest later of the sun is the core. Why do the Kardashians only date black guys? Which state of matter has the most energy? (Beginner), How many Earths fit into the Sun? Acceleration C. Speed D. Momentum. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation having a frequency of 5.00 x 10 to the power of 12? When was this discovered? Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC.

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