Join us for the next Conference on Community May 17-19, 2020, REGISTER NOW! By the 1980s, the original fascination surrounding hippie communes had largely faded, and they began dropping off the map. Madrid is a tiny town (population: roughly 200) that still contains all the trappings of its dusty and rusty past: old gas stations, general stores, dirt roads... except all of them are now covered in turquoise tchotchkes, or landscape paintings, or the hippies that made either of the two first things. But since when does Florida do ANYTHING like the rest of America? Over the years, Ann Arbor may have grown to be more yuppie than hippie, but it still draws counter-culture freaks both young and old. And while Eric Cartman still hates them all, they all need a place to call home. In New Hope, which sits on the Delaware River along the New Jersey border, that means shacking up at one of the bougie/rustic bed and breakfasts perched along the winding waterfalls and streams, after breaking out the Birkenstocks and tie-dyed shirts. So if you’re planning on moving to one of those “super-hip” cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles or New York you may end up finding yourself deciding if you want to take the plunge and move in to a hippie commune in order to save money and live in a desirable part of town. And hippie celebrities like Willie Nelson aren’t shy about popping into local venues and saying hello, since most people recognize that our differences are just a construct, man, and that we're all just made of star dust anyway. Focused on back-to-the-land and free love, they became the practice of the hippie philosophy put into practice. Visiting and don't have anything to bring? And while the city might be known more for basketball than basket weaving, it’s still the lone bastion of hippie-dom in the Jayhawk State. Trash-rummaging hobos -- encouraged by the mild California climate -- are a constant sidewalk presence, and if you were a resident through the ‘60s counter-culture movement that once found its capital here, you’ll likely spot a few of your old friends picking on leftover seitan stir-fry. The product of this dissatisfaction was hippie culture, and from hippie culture sprang hippie communes–group living spaces, communities, or villages where like minded individuals could live simply like their agrarian ancestors (usually with the help of some mind altering substances). But Louisville holds the hippie banner high, known in theater circles more for its annual Actors Theater -- Humana Festival of New American Plays than it is for its horse racing. Like country mouse and city mouse, mountain hippie and city hippie are very different animals. Buckingham County Order NOW! The closest thing you’ll find is Fairhope, a town in the Eastern Shore near Mobile. This one-time resort boomtown in the Wichita Mountains still has all the trappings of an artsy getaway city -- galleries, outdoor coffee shops, hot sauce boutiques.

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