S. Patterson.I. The omniscience of GOD is laid open to men by the word; and those who have not the word still feel that omniscient power in their consciences. It leads you into the lower Christian life (John 3:30); it discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart, the hidden self-complacency, the hidden ambition and self-will; it enters into the very joints and marrow, the energies and sentiments, the motives and springs of our actions, the true character of our rejoicing and mourning, our elevations and depressions; and then you say with the apostle: I have no confidence in the flesh, in my old nature, in me, body, soul, and spirit, as I am of Adam. Our word of account is to God. Our word of account is to God. 1685. No, no, I will not sell it. "The Word of God," His utterance in judging, His discernment of character, His estimate of conduct, is no dead or dormant thing; it is living and active; it is sharper than any two-edged sword; it divides and discriminates where man sees only the inseparable; " soul and spirit," the immaterial part of us in one aspect and the same immaterial part of us in another aspect, it can cleave in twain; thoughts and feelings, exercises of intellect and exercises of affection, it is apt and quick to distinguish between and to pronounce upon. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. "The Word of God," if not a person, is yet a personal communication, as much in the voice that utters as in the ear that hears. She already knew good because she was in the presence of the Almighty God, it was evil that she lacked in knowledge, understanding, and experience. (William Gurnall. Hebrews 4:13-16 -- Approach the Throne of Grace in Prayer Hebrews 4:13-16 13 And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account. It is diversified according to circumstances, but the whole is based upon this principle — love to God and love to man.VI. I tell you no. Discernment is knowing the difference between them both; just having the knowledge is not good enough. Thus we reach the double text, which tells of the impossibility of eluding God's judgment by any differences of circumstance, or by any counterfeits of character. The characteristics of this Divine Word are manifested in the effects of it upon the heart, in producing sanctification. He did not become simply the Son of man, but the Son of men — the Son of mankind. "Commentary on Hebrews 4:13". Time is Against Us, God is For Us, Each Second is Someone's Final Call! How this should make us reconciled, however He may deprive us; how we should be grateful for anything we have, for anything short of hell is the gift of his grace, to us who are deserving of hell; and, therefore, we ought to say, oh! “his eye-lids try,” &c.]” — — —]. We also are passing through a great crisis. Anyhow, the general meaning is clear, that before God we are all manifest, stripped of every covering and concealment, our very thoughts, our ‘secret faults,’ revealed to the eyes of him with whom we have to do, i.e with whom our business is (a sense that may be seen in 8:7; 8:28). Your behavior shapes your character and your character is what you do when no one is looking. It searches out what has hitherto lain buried in the heart, and uncovers the false and transient from what is true and eternal. It is thus a "discerner of the thoughts."II. There is nothing that is not open to Him. The last solemn words recall the connection of the whole passage. The phrase "all things" indicates the universal range which the eye of Jehovah takes. If we had merely to do with our fellow-creatures, it might suffice to have our actions right, even though there were some defect in our motives and principles; but when we have to do with the heart-searching God, we should be careful that every motion of our hearts be agreeable to his mind and will. This sword can hew in pieces the most stony heart in the world; to see what blindness in the understanding, what frowardness in the affections. I repeat what I wrote earlier, remember what the Lord purchased with His own blood, He will never sell back to the world, to the flesh, or to the devil. A parent has a claim upon a child as long as it lives. )God is presentK. It was enough to cause the ancient Roman to be circumspect, if the words" Cato sees you "were whispered in his ear. It carries with it undoubtable credence, and forces the reluctant will and judgment. "With Him," directly and personally, "we have to do." It divides so closely as to lay bare everything in man's composite nature.III. Notice, Satan leaves out both sin and death. Eve, as well as Adam, had listened to the words that proceeded out of the mouth of God, and by obedience to those words they would live, and by disobedience they would surely die.

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