0000007454 00000 n 0000175507 00000 n High forage yielding alfalfa with high expression of branch rootedness. Winterization allows for accumulation of energy in the roots of alfalfa plants. Moisture from rain or dew can also aid in bloat, so initial grazing should occur later in the day. Seed is planted to produce alfalfa for . The following year’s alfalfa production was a secondary measure in that study. In 2007-08, another study looked at grazing cows over the long, bitter winter. For example, alfalfa that typically produces six tons of hay per acre would provide 300 AUD of grazing per acre. 0000014056 00000 n University Grazing reportedly shortens the life of an alfalfa stand compared to mechanical harvest, especially when grazing is season-long; however, management techniques can allow producers to take advantage of grazing alfalfa, while reducing some of the potentially detrimental effects. Often, it is expressed as animal-unit months (AUM) per acre or animal-unit days (AUD) per acre where one animal unit equals 1,000 lb of live animal weight. Grazing soon after a killing freeze will aid in capturing the best value from the alfalfa. 0000160679 00000 n 0000173054 00000 n In April 2019, they used a soil penetrometer for some measurements. At a minimum, divide the pasture into five or six paddocks so each paddock has 24 to 40 days to regrow after each grazing (Figure 1). Above all, it is important to not become complacent or over-confident regarding bloat-management. Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have shown yearlings can have 1.5 to 2.5 pounds per day average daily gain, and cows can increase body condition score before harsh winter months. This reduces the chance of grazing or trampling new shoots emerging from the crown buds. It is protected by a wide base of pest resistance. When winter grazing, be sure to maintain at least 4 inches of stubble height. Normally, this gas is expelled by the animal through eructation (belching). It delivers excellent forage yield potential and excellent persistence. 0000005651 00000 n Flexibility exists in the grazing time, but do not graze for more than 10 to 12 days. Alfalfa grazing in the fall provides high-quality forage and eliminates any issues of poor drying if attempting to make hay. Bloat remains a potential problem when grazing alfalfa in the fall, especially during the first three to five days after alfalfa has been exposed to freezing temperatures. person will not be tolerated. Alfalfa that started as a hayfield might be rejuvenated for an extra year or two by grazing it. Continuous season-long grazing of alfalfa generally is not recommended because it results in lower harvest efficiency than rotational grazing and may result in a more rapid stand decline. However, keep an eye out for warm periods where the upper soil layers may thaw and the crowns once again become vulnerable. Oklahoma State The root score in April for the grazed area was 1.75 compared to 2 for the ungrazed area, with a P-value of .75. Several plant, environmental, and animal factors may contribute to the development of bloat. 0000173402 00000 n In the Custer County study, where Van Emon is located, 142 head of partially-weaned calves grazed on dryland alfalfa. Provide mineral supplement with adequate sodium (salt) and avoid excessive potassium, calcium, and magnesium. would persist with intensive continuous grazing during the growing season. This will extend the useful life of the alfalfa field and provide excellent grazing for livestock. This will require each paddock to be grazed for about six to eight days. Alfalfa thrives on deep, fertile, well-drained soils with a pH of 6.2 to 7.5, but it can be grown with conservative management on more marginal soils. x�bb�f`b``Ń3� ���Ŵ�� L� Because this tendency to bloat may be partly genetic, offspring or other relatives of bloat-prone animals should be observed more closely and considered for culling. Even though an alfalfa variety may be grazing-tolerant, it still can cause bloat. Subscribing to our services is a three step process. 0000175452 00000 n The same principle applies to driving equipment on the fields as well. In fact, properly managed grazing will have less impact on the plant than cutting for hay. “We didn’t see any negative impacts on alfalfa production in the year after grazing,” Van Emon said. 0000174539 00000 n 0000172538 00000 n

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