3,584, August 3, 1869. Gearing. March 17,1903 We may look for something like a revolution in railroad practice as a result of alternatingcurrent distribution. There were heavy grades at either end of the tunnel, and the locomotives, working hard, emitted much smoke and gas. However, when the motors came through, the tests bore out all the calculations, and this construction was very quickly put on the market.". An interlocking system commonly known as the "hydropneumatic" system. 319,365 I feel quite convinced that if he had lived its application would have been more widely extended and its introduction into automobile work would have been accelerated quite materially. Later the General Electric Company took up similar lines of experimentation and published a description of a split-phase system somewhat earlier than the Norfolk & Western, although apparently this system was never applied commercially. Hose Protector. We have considered his relations to those who worked with him and we have looked at him physically and socially. 323,246, July 28, 1885. These little incidents show the fundamental difference which often stood between Westinghouse and the bankers. That company, incorporated in 1878, was the earliest company organized in this country for carrying on a general system of incandescent electric lighting. Their requirements for working capital were immense. This patent is well known to the art as the Westinghouse Oil-Cooled Transformer patent. Westinghouse had a considerable advantage over his fellow mortals in his physical stature. We are writing at the moment particularly of the kind of electric traction which has been developed in street-railway working and cross-country trolley roads, but from some indeterminate but early time he began to look forward to the general use of electricity on railroads. WESTINGHOUSE was not the first man to bring natural gas into Pittsburgh. Westinghouse had the courage and sagacity to apply it to a new and experimental situation. The first system patent, showing fluid-pressure motors for moving switches and signals, closed hydraulic columns for controlling the motors, compressed-air apparatus for setting in motion the hydraulic columns, and an interlocking machine for manipulating the combination. With this improvement added to the then existing brake system the graduation of brake pressure was greatly improved. goes on in growing volume. No. 268 The capital stock was increased from $28,000,000 to $41,000,000. In later years, the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company introduced a comprehensive and liberal plan of group insurance. Well-Drilling Apparatus for Oil. Steam-Power Brake Couplings. It was an alluring notion which was in his mind long before he began to think of the uses of alternating current, and lingered there long after the epoch-making developments in electric transmission at Niagara Falls. Only a few years ago such things would have been physically impossible, and they are possible now only through the development of the air brake, Westinghouse's own invention, and the development of the art of signalling and interlocking, in which he was a bold and fertile pioneer. High spirit flowed down through the Westinghouse companies and left enduring love, loyalty, and enthusiasm. The plan of 1895 was always in mind and was pretty well carried out, but often. Into this story steps the brilliant and eccentric Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla, an advocate of AC despite all the opposition. Dec. 7, 1897 727,040 This was successful and popular amongst the men, and had excellent results in at least two ways. In the meantime I had started the development of the first springs built at the Machine Company, which incorporated the pump device. He refused permission. This meant numerous small generating stations. De Laval had demonstrated that. The effects of such short circuits are so enormous that in some of the earlier large units, the end windings "twisted up like a wet towel," as one customer explained. He had imagination, as is obvious to the world. ELECTRICAL This device consists essentially of an exhausted glass globe containing multiple positive electrodes and a single negative.

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