However, the way an individual performs gender is also strongly influenced by their internal sense of their gender. Gender identity is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine (Diamond 2002). Following the more recent writings of Michel Foucault, sociologists are now less inclined to take the body for granted, and to see it rather as an object of social analysis, recognizing that the social meaning of the body has changed through history. Source: Boundless. Gender. in  Individuals who have a sex phenotype that defies categorization as either ‘male’ or ‘female’ are known as intersex. Much of this literature is reviewed in Sara Delamont 's The Sociology of Women (1980). While sex is the determination of whether a person is biologically male or female, gender is the sociocultural determination of understanding of what it means to be a man or a woman. Sociology vs biology? In these two-phenotype cultures, male and female are generally understood as the sex binary, or the dichotomy of the sexes. A person’s sex, as determined by his or her biology, does not always correspond with his or her gender. Retrieved 27 Feb. 2017 from Every society sort's men and women into separate groups and give them different access to property, power, and prestige. However, some individuals have neither XX nor XY variations in chromosomes, and instead they have XXY, XYY, XXX, XXYY, XYXY, XXXX, or other variations. Around the world, gender is the primary division between people. ; Sex–How humans are identified based on the make-up of their reproductive organs.The most common categories used in the classification of people are male, female, or intersex. See all related overviews in Oxford Reference Asked by Wiki User. Gender Theories in Sociology What is Gender? It is important to distinguish between sex and gender. Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0., Define and differentiate between sex and gender, Though males and females have biological differences, they are. Typically, males are defined as having an XY 23rd chromosome and male-associated reproductive organs, while females are defined as having an XX 23rd chromosome and female-associated reproductive organs. This oppression is based on cultural stereotypes of women as the weaker sex but is often linked to females’ biological capacity for bearing and nursing children. (1959) Elsewhere, men routinely wear make-up and it is seen as masculine. Such cultures include the development of breasts and the presence of a menstrual cycle in the female sex phenotype. Some physical differences between the male and female sexes are thought to occur as a result of both biological and cultural processes. This is known as gender stratification. Around the world, gender is the primary division between people. ", UN Summit on Non- UN Report on Domestic Violence, HIV/AIDS and Mobility in South Asia- UNDP Report 2010, India's Development Report Card vis-a-vis MDG, Sociological Perspectives on Health and Illness, Scientific Method in Sociological Research, Theories of Gender differences and identity. So, for an individual, gender is an interaction between the social norms expected of their biological sex, and their innate feelings what they believe their gender actually is. According to historian and feminist Gerda Lerner there is not a single society known where women-as-a-group have decision-making power over men (as a group). The first is that it is based upon a false dichotomy between the biological and the social. Therefore it can be difficult for researchers to determine which came first: the expectation of greater strength for men, or the biological development of greater upper body muscle mass. It consists of both primary and secondary sex characteristics. While many cultures only recognize two sex phenotypes, there are many more possible. Social sciences One criticism of the sex versus gender distinction has been Foucauldian, denying that there is a biological difference—sex—that is in any sense outside of the social. This difference is partially the result of differences in the biological development of the musculoskeletal system but is exacerbated by the cultural tendency for men to use their upper body muscles more than women through gendered physical labor and athletics. On the other hand, there is the criticism that would reassert biological difference as being extra-social, and argue against a view of gender that discounts the true significance of the body. For example, in some countries, wearing make-up is associated with women and is seen as feminine. Sex physically distinguishes males from females; gender refers to what people call "masculine" and "feminine. Gender expectations can vary widely from culture to culture. Gender – The socio-cultural phenomenon of the division of people into various categories such as male and female, with each having associated roles, expectations, stereotypes, etc. A Dictionary of Sociology », Subjects: From:  Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). Again, this may partially result from different biological make-ups, but decreased life-expectancy gaps in developed countries prove that cultural institutions contribute to the gap.

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