Greek. Archimedes is also responsible for innovative machines such as compound pulleys, the screw pump and more. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. Thales of Miletus is considered the founder of the school of philosophy concerning nature. Early in his life, Ctesibius spent time working as a barber. Thales was a geometer, military engineer, astronomer, and … He made diagnoses and prescribed simple treatments like diet, hygiene, and sleep. But did you know that it too has its roots back in Greece? Archimedes: An ancient Greek scientists who discovered that submerging a solid object in water will displace an amount of water matching the object's weight - … One person who did follow Aristarchus was the Babylonian Seleucos (fl. By asking questions about themselves and the world around them, these philosophers helped create modern civilization. Democritus was one of the first people to advance the idea that there are worlds besides the Earth. The discovery fusing iron and using it for the casting of statues is credited to him. Match. Theophrastus was the first botanist we know of. Hipparchus is credited with inventing the astrolabe. By suspending judgment, by confining oneself to phenomena or objects as they appear, and by asserting nothing definite as to how they really are, one can escape the perplexities of life and attain an imperturbable peace of mind. Aristotle was the first philosopher who developed a systematic … Epicurus might be the most misunderstood Greek philosopher. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. He was responsible for setting up a number of axioms and rules that were based on reasoning. He began the measurement of the specific gravity of objects. Greece has produced some of the most well-known pieces of literature in existence. Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greek Scientists. Zeno is famous for his paradoxes and for attempting to kill a tyrant named Demylus but failed. The sound of thunder was created by balls of metal being mechanically dropped onto a drum. Instead, he believed that simplicity was the key to happiness. He is known for discovering the change in the orientation of the Earth’s axis and the axis of other planets with respect to the center of the Sun. Aristotle's ideas on science were widely believed for centuries and had a profound influence on Islamic thinkers. He is credited with having invented what is called the screw of Archimedes for pumping up water, as well as an engine to throw heavy stones at the enemy. Ptolemy wrote the Almagest, a work on astronomy that provides us with information on the work of earlier Greek astronomers. Yes, though the first kinds of alarm used by the Greeks weren’t as that of the present-day buzzers, they are however credited for inventing the concept of having alarm clocks. Ionia, in addition to Egyptian influence, was exposed to the culture and ideas of Mesopotamia through its neighbour, the kingdom of Lydia. At least one—the discovery that the sun is the center of the solar system—was ignored and then rediscovered. Mathematical Reviews - Volume 2003 - Page 4687, year = 2003, R. W. Gerchberg, Super-resolution through error energy reduction. N.S. 287 BCE), Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 287-c. 212 BCE), Hipparchus of Nicaea or Bithynia (c.190-c.120 BCE), Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria (c. 90-168 CE), Aristarchus of Samos: An Ancient Philosopher With Modern Ideas, Claudius Ptolemy: Astronomer and Geographer from Ancient Egypt, A Short History of the Scientific Revolution, Philosophers and Great Thinkers From Ancient Greece, 14 Notable European Scientists Throughout History, M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota, Studied refracted and reflected light, as well as sound, Learned to make inferences from observations, A theory of proportion, which allowed for irrational numbers, A method for finding areas and volumes of curvilinear objects. This was known as Hero’s Fountain and worked from hydrostatic energy that was self-contained. This made it possible for the ancient Greeks to burn attacking ships. Aristotle regarded Zeno as the inventor of the dialectic or dialectical method of argument, which is considered one of the key methodologies in Western and Islamic philosophy. He determined the cause of an eclipse—the moon coming between the sun and Earth or the Earth between the sun and the moon depending on whether it's a lunar or solar eclipse. Many did not believe him. List of famous Greek scientists with their biographies that include trivia, interesting facts, timeline and life history. Additionally, Ctesibius discovered the concept of the elasticity of air. Zeno's major belief was logic, which he believed existed to help people avoid deception. Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. The Pythagoreans were reputedly vegetarians and pacifists who believed in reincarnation. Too much music deafens the ear, Euclid thought that light travels in straight lines or rays. Learn. The Greeks developed philosophy as a way of understanding the world around them, without resorting to religion, myth, or magic. Pythagoras is a famous mathematician who is credited with inventing the Pythagorean Theorem, one of the key computations in geometry. (the Battle of Halys between Medes and Lydians). Thales of Miletus was an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher. It was known as Hero’s Engine. The purpose of ethics was to achieve happiness by living according to nature, Zeno believed. Too much color blinds the eye, Classification : People : By occupation : Scientists : By nationality : Greek Flashcards. It was also said that Democritus thought the sun was made of stone. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. He is said to have written a geographical survey, as well. The achievements of ancient Greek science were amongst the finest in antiquity. He is known to have invented ore smelting as well as casting. Socrates eventually gave his life for liberty. The odometer that measures the distance travelled by a vehicle has become one of the most widely employed gadgets of the current world. He was also deeply interested in ethics. Ancient Greek inventors made significant advancements in science and technology. L. Read this section to know more about famous Greek scientists. Pyrrho rejected education and regarded knowledge as impossible because everything is unmeasurable. Democritus was also one of the first scientists who wrote books on a wide variety of topics, including animals and plants. Aristotle. Even though he thought that a simple lifestyle was the key to happiness, in the modern world, the term Epicurean is known as a lover of fine things. He also improved the process involved with mixing tin and copper to produce bronze. The famous Greek philosophers were among the most influential people in history because they invented both philosophy and science. Many of their original principles are still being used today! Diogenes rejected society as corrupt and hypocritical and lived a simple lifestyle instead. Charalambos D. Aliprantis (1946–2009) - Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the journals Economic Theory as well as Annals of Finance. Legend has it that he lived in a barrel and mocked authority figures, including Alexander the Great and Plato. Thales was a geometer, military engineer, astronomer, and logician. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Scientists from Greece This category is for articles about scientists from the European country of Greece . Eratosthenes was an Ancient Greek scientist born in the town of Cyrene in about 276 BC. Archimedes discovered the usefulness of the fulcrum and lever. The king suspected that his crown, which was supposed to be made of pure gold, contained some silver alloy, and he asked Archimedes to prove or disprove his suspicion. Epicurus believed in equality: he educated slaves and women in his school when most Greeks believed they were incapable of learning. He also refused to believe in the gods and taught that the universe had no purpose. Pythagoras realized that the land and sea are not static. These accomplishments caused others to refer to him as the Father of Pneumatics. Hermann Göll/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. Did you know that ancient civilization believed that diseases were God’s way of punishing humans? And that isn’t it – Geometry, one of the oldest branches of mathematics, was studied by the Egyptians and Babylonians but it were the Greeks who laid the foundation for modern-day geometry. He is also known as the teacher of Alexander the Great. This list may not reflect recent changes (). Previously, illness had been thought to be a punishment from the gods. Pages in category "Ancient Greek physicists" The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total. Astronomy, which began with the organization of the stars into constellations, was used for practical purposes to fix the calendar. He invented abstract geometry, including the notion that a circle is bisected by its diameter and that the base angles of isosceles triangles are equal. • Agis III (r.338–?331 BCE), Spartan king who rebelled against Macedon in 331 BCE It is widely accepted the ancient Greeks are responsible for creating the foundation for all western cultures. Many of the ancient Greeks' discoveries and inventions are still used today, although some of their ideas have been overturned.

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