The main difference between sympathy and empathy is understanding a feeling versus actually experiencing another’s feelings. At its Latin roots, compassion means “to suffer with.” When you’re compassionate, you’re not running away from suffering, you’re not feeling overwhelmed by suffering, and you’re not pretending the suffering doesn’t exist. Empathy for the plight of others is very positive and powerful. Whereas empathy is a very internal feeling, compassion moves outwards. Empathy can be considered as a higher level of emotive behavior. This is the difference between feeling heartbroken when you see another person crying, and giving that same person a comforting hug. And this repeated activity of engaging your passions contributes to overall positive feelings. “Hicolor apps scalable empathy” by GNOME icon artists – HTTP / FTP. Compassion is the willingness to relieve the suffering of another. The next step, is not looking for fault, blame, or centering thoughts on hindsight, just understanding that- choices were made and that life didn’t give them the tools to make better choices and decisions. The healing process, that’s what compassion is about. But compassion takes it one step further. Compassion, however, is a renewable resource. Learn more about the time-tested and scientifically backed Chopra methods. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © 2010-2018 Difference Between. You can’t just sit and watch another person struggle. Empathetic people also feel the positive feelings of those around them, like happiness, excitement, and joy. Empathy vs CompassionAn important distinction between feeling empathy and compassion is how they can affect your overall well-being. Don’t take it from me, though. But this isn’t entirely correct. Help others thrive and find purpose with a mind-body-spirit approach. One of the main differences in empathy vs compassion is the active component. It’s not all negative, though. It needs basic understanding of the emotional standards of human beings. Empathy is lower state of emotion. Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D., is the Dalai Lama’s principal English translator and author of the course Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT). Maybe you rail against the injustice of the system and move on. It starts with practice. 1. Get certified. EarthBound is correct in saying that empathy is innate it only leads to an understanding and yet it is a deep emotion but it doesn’t lead anywhere. Earth-Bound-Misfit is absolutely correct. This is why it is used instead of empathy by the dalai lama. By the way, empathy isn’t just for unpleasant feelings. This makes it easy for one to have compassion towards another than empathy. Empathetic feelings allow you to feel what another being feels. You strongly feel sorry for the state of a person without attempting to know what is there in his or her mind. Where empathy puts you in the shoes of another person’s feelings or experiences, compassion spurs you to action. In very simple words. For example, if someone’s father has passed away, you may not be able to viscerally feel that person’s pain. Compassion is deliberate. It contains articles, conferences, definitions, experts, history, interviews, videos, science and much more about empathy and compassion. 1. Whereas empathy is a very internal feeling, compassion moves outwards. Compassion: We approach from our point of view. That feeling means your mirror neurons have kicked in. Empathy means that you feel what a person is feeling. And you’re putting action into practice. As a teacher of CCT, I often field questions about compassion. Empathy: The individual attempt to share the feeling. When you see a homeless person on the street, what’s your first instinct? Empathy is considered the reflexive and automatic part of our psychology which originates in the emotion centers of the brain. Compassion: Compassion refers to sympathetic feeling towards another without attempting to know their feelings or even understanding the intensity of their sufferings. The word itself literally means “co-suffering.” And it comes up when you see another person suffering. Would you like to be more compassionate in your daily life? But passion and compassion are intrinsically different. What's the Difference Between Sympathy, Empathy, & Compassion? Compassion is a type of feeling where you tend to feel for the person concerned. For example, has anyone ever truly listened to you as you share a problem? Where sympathetic people care about other people’s suffering, it generally stops there. My students ask if certain acts are considered compassionate, because they believe their small acts aren’t “enough.” I ask them to consider how, oftentimes, the smallest act of compassion can have the biggest impact. And in the world of compassion vs empathy, one can feed into the other. You may not always automatically feel how another is feeling, and that’s when you need to rely on your imagination. Think of seeing someone living on the streets.

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