This is a list of Egyptian Gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology.The old Egyptians worshipped a few gods at different times and in different places. King of the gods. The Hours of the day deities – 12 divine embodiments of each hour of the day: partly major deities (1st: The Hours of the night deities – 12 goddesses of each hour of the night, wearing a five-pointed star on their heads. Mut was a mother goddess who rose to prominence in the New Kingdom. "GVC09-24: Mystical creatures and gods -Egyptian". 2. Most were named during the pre-dynastic times. The moon god. Osiris – god of death and resurrection who rules the underworld and enlivens vegetation, the sun god, and deceased souls. One is the creation, and the other is afterlife. Isis. Amun - Early in Egyptian history he was a god of air and wind. Goddess of healing, magic, marriage, and protection. She was viewed as a creator / primordial goddess, and was often shown with either vulture or lion features. These stories attempted to describe the role of Egypt in the universe. Others are portrayed as mythological creatures. Nut was also at times depicted as arching over the sky and heavens over her husband Geb. Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Ptah. "Egyptian Gods - The Complete List". "The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt", "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)", "GVC09-24: Mystical creatures and gods -Egyptian", "McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia introduction and main index", "Aswan History Facts and Timeline: Aswan, Egypt",, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. This is attributed to changes in Egypt’s political climate at the time the stories were written. The characters of the gods were not clearly defined. Mut. Ptah – A creator deity and god of … Most were generally benevolent but their favor could not be counted on. [1] Some gods changed in importance over time or were nonexistent until later eras. Depicted with the head of jackal and body of a man. Two prominent deities in the creation myths are Re and Nun. One of the most popular or famous deities in Egyptian mythology, she was the goddess of love, beauty and femininity. As Zeus was to the Greeks, the Egyptian god Amun-Ra or Amon was considered the king of the gods and goddesses. Most Egyptian gods represented one principle aspect of the world: Ra was the sun god, for example, and Nut was goddess of the sky. 5. God of falcons, skies, and war. Some gods changed in importance over time or were nonexistent until later eras. Ancient Egyptian Gods List Below we have listed the names of just a few of the major gods and goddesses that were worshiped in ancient Egypt; as mentioned earlier there were likely thousands of gods. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)". Many Egyptian texts mention deities' names without indicating their character or role, while other texts refer to specific deities without even stating their name, so a complete list of them is difficult to assemble. Ptah began as a local god in Memphis but as the influence of Memphis expanded over Egypt, he became popular elsewhere as well. From all-important deities to minor ones, Egyptian gods are an important part of literature. Let’s take a look at the top 10 most worshiped gods of ancient Egypt: 1. Also called Amun-Ra and Akmun-Rah. Amaunet - The Ogdoad Goddess of the North wind, this carried the rain, she was the female form of the originally androgynous God Amun. In total, there are more than 50 named deities. She took on the attributes of several deities. Some gods were spiteful and had to be placated. God of the underworld, afterlife, and rebirth. 1. Therefore, certain gods and goddesses either became more powerful over time or lost their power. Egyptian Goddess List Names A-Z. The Hours of the day deities – 12 divine embodiments of each hour of the day: partly major deities (1st: The Hours of the night deities – 12 goddesses of each hour of the night, wearing a five-pointed star on their heads. The old Egyptians worshipped a few gods at different times and in different places. Depicted as a dwarf. "Aswan History Facts and Timeline: Aswan, Egypt". translations, translated by Raymond O. Faulkner; with additional; Wasserman, a commentary by Ogden Goelet JR.; with color illustrations from the facsimile volume produced in 1890 under the supervision of E.A. Most animals associated with the gods are common animals like birds, dogs, and cats. 6. Celebrations of the afterlife, complete with food, weapons, gifts, and other necessities, are also commonly found in Egyptian mythology. [1] These gods and goddesses appear in virtually every aspect of ancient Egyptian civilization, and more than 1,500 of them are known by name. Took the form of a man with the head of an ibis. This page was last edited on 13 November 2020, at 15:27. Like many other ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses that were eventually assimilated with their local/regional versions, Amun was later merged with Ra into Amun-Ra which remained the chief god throughout the period of ancient Egypt. While they all take different shapes, the gods’ appearance (and descriptions) are mirrored closely by those the ancient Egyptians worshiped. Early gods created by ancient Egyptian tribesmen were strongly associated with the animal world. Lorton, Claude Traunecker. Copyright © 2019. Many gods are first mentioned in the stories of creation. Bastet was a popular goddess in Egypt, and was a daughter of Ra and Isis. Neper – A god of grain. Certain themes appear commonly across Egyptian literature. If you reference any of the content on this page on your own website, please use the code below to cite this page as the original source. Nun – The primordial Egyptian god associated with the watery mass that is the source of all aspects of divine and earthly existence. from the French by David (2001). Therefore, depictions of nature and weather patterns are common. (Amonet, Amentet, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit, and Ament) Anut - A warrior Goddess, defender of the Sun God and protector or … Horus. Ancient Egyptian deities represent natural and social phenomena, as well as abstract concepts. In both literature and pictures, the gods’ appearance gives some indication of when they were formed. Mut was a mother goddess who rose to prominence in the New Kingdom. In later mythology, gods appeared in more human-like form. This page was last changed on 5 July 2020, at 03:43. Different cities and pharaohs each favored their own specific set of gods. Mark, Joshua J. One of the most popular or famous deities in Egyptian mythology, she was the goddess of love, beauty and femininity. This is a list of Egyptian Gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology. Some are more famous than others, but all have played a part in shaping the world’s history. Petry, Alan W. Shorter; with a new bibliography by Bonnie L. (1994). Each region of Egypt had its own gods, and the success or failure of these deities closely mirrored the regional shift in power. 7. AMUN-RA: The Hidden One. Ra - The god of the Sun. For example, many later gods are illustrated as a human figure with an animal head. In Egyptian mythology, politics often play a role in the status of a god’s power and dominion. Therefore, they are illustrated as half human, half animal. Neb-t tehen and Neb-t heru, god and goddess of the 1st hour of night, The Khnemiu – 4 deities wearing red crowns in the eleventh division of, The Renniu – 4 bearded gods in the eleventh division of, The Setheniu-Tep – 4 deities wearing white crowns in the eleventh division of. Amun-Ra – The combination of two Egyptian deities Amun and Ra, thereby symbolizing the invisible force of wind and the visible majesty of the sun. Nemty – Falcon god, worshipped in Middle Egypt, who appears in myth as a ferryman for greater gods. Created by Moonlight Developments. Ancient Egypt's gods and goddesses looked at least partly like humans and behaved a bit like us, too.Some deities had animal features--typically their heads--on top of humanoid bodies. 3. The following is a list of the names of Egyptian gods and their roles: God of the dead, funerals, embalming, and tombs. She was often viewed as having cow horns or the head of a cow. Goddess of healing, magic, marriage, and protection. Wallis Budge; introduced by Carol A. R. Andrews; edited by Eva Von Dassow; in an edition conceived by James (1994). She was often viewed as having cow horns or the head of a cow. Willockx, Sjef. Transl. Although they were still depicted as animal hybrids, they had fewer animal body parts. Known in Egyptian mythology as goddess of the sky, Nut was often represented as a cow or as having a human body and the head of a cow. Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: Re, the sun god, emerges from the chaotic seas called “Nun” to create mankind. A cat or lion-headed goddess, Bastet was a protector of the home, and also a goddess of sensual pleasure. [2], "GVC09-24: Mystical creatures and gods -Egyptian", "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)", "McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia introduction and main index", "Aswan History Facts and Timeline: Aswan, Egypt",,,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Aai – 3 guardian deities in the ninth division of, The Her-Hequi – 4 deities in the fifth division of. Link will appear as Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: - Gods & Goddesses, November 13, 2020. Protector of households. He became Amun-Ra after being amalgamated with the sun god Ra.

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