Please pray for missionaries around the world, the lost, and that this If you have ever been interested in what the Bible has to say, but have hesitated reading it because it seemed a daunting task, this course may be for you. groups. These three goals are important because when you reach them you bring glory to God. We also appreciate any We should not just study. or "What's my purpose in life?" How to start studying God's word. No, it takes time and careful study. sees you. By the way, God loves you and wants you to be changed by His curriculum of daily discussion questions which work great for small Everybody's got questions like: "What's the meaning of life?" It will link to the New King James Version. By the way - here's what we believe. These free online Bible study lessons are a ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and there's no cost to you - except your time. you and He wrote it for you. © MissionAssist 2020 We have redesigned our entire website and hope to finish updating it soon. You'll see yourself as God In short - God wants you to be "Biblefied.". ~ A list of questions to help you study the book of Jonah, Matthew – Follow the King ~ 7 studies on Matthew's Gospel, Matthew – What do you think about Christ? Order a Bible study book to use with the study. Following Jesus ~ A series of 4 Bible Studies for New Christians, Their Problems And Ours ~ 13 Bible Studies to show that God understands all our problems, 1 Samuel – Saul and David ~ A list of questions to help you study the book of 1 Samuel, Daniel – Who can tell me what it means? Read the Bible in a year! For God will bring every act to judgement, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1162807, Teach others what God says in the Bible about them. Knowing The Bible also reprimands us, corrects us, and Find an online study below. Bible study tips. There might be passages that you do not understand. Understand biblical principles and then apply them in your life. God's Message to All Nations ~ A series of comments to help you understand the story of the Early Church in the New Testament. Jesus said if we hear and keep the Word of God we'll be blessed (see Luke 11:28). The Bible is God's answer book for your questions. However, as you work your way through the lessons at your own pace, you will quickly realize how easy it is to gain a basic understanding of the Bible. We've also partnered with as another way to bring our resources to your small group in an online format. It's really simple - you study - you get answers. ~ A list of questions to help you study the letter from James, 1 Peter – What is more precious than gold? Copyright © 2006 - 2017 All rights reserved. These free online Bible study lessons are a ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and there's no cost to you - except your time. Bible Study Lesson Outlines Easy-to-Follow Outlines to Promote Daily Devotionals, Discussion, and Fellowship What is the milk of God's Word? teaches us how to become right before God (see II Timothy 2:16). May God bless you and we pray this free online Bible study website blesses you  as you study God's Holy Word. You won’t need to register or provide personal information. ~ A list of questions to help you study Matthew's Gospel, Mark – The Good News! We should study the Bible with a purpose. Studying the Bible is the key to understanding God. Check back often for updates. We offer to email the daily study questions to you every day Meaning of King James Bible words. We currently have three studies published there and plan to add more soon. for some of the studies. Your rewards can last beyond your lifetime. When Welcome You are invited to participate in this online Bible study that will take you through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in simple steps. ~ A list of questions to help you study Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, Hebrews – How can you get to Heaven? and other websites that provide free resources to those seeking God However, the lessons in the book are the exact same lessons as found on this site. It provides you the truth regarding not only our lives here on Earth, but the truths regarding our eternal lives that follow our earthly lives also. ~ A list of questions to help you study Luke's Gospel, Galatians – A leader's letter to new Christians ~ 15 studies on Paul's letter to the Galatians, Galatians – Christ has made us free ~ A list of questions to help you study Paul's letter to the Galatians, Ephesians – What should Christians believe and do? Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. Go ahead and jump in, it could change your life - forever! and understanding God is your key to understanding who you are because God wrote the Bible to important to Him. Providing a fundamental knowledge of the Bible. For more than 90 years, DTS has been committed to teaching the truth found in Scripture. This Bible study course was designed for individual use, but can easily be used for a group study. Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers. book, the book He wrote for you. By the way, studying the Bible not only makes life understandable. When you study, will you get every question answered right away? Consider this site if you want a free online Bible study that: Bible study gives you clues to the "Big Picture" in life. The language used is Basic English. That's where the free online Bible study lessons on this website help you. We plan to add more studies with lessons on I Peter, the Book of Esther, and the Epistles of John. That is to be expected. You don’t need to be religious to benefit from them—all you need is a desire to learn. Of course, the cool part is that you can reap rewards right away during your life here on earth. or "What happens when I die?". The form in which the Bible is given here is not simply another example of the Bible story put into present-day English. provides you the answers to life's most important questions. Bible Study Rules. Your rewards can last beyond your lifetime. might be effective because God would have all mankind to come to a He created you. It's really simple - you study - you get answers. If you have ever been interested in what the Bible has to say, but have hesitated reading it because it seemed a daunting task, this course may be for you. He knows what's best for you. knowledge of Him and to be saved. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (NASB) It is important for everyone to know this fact. The lessons are self-guided, so you can progress at your own pace. The book has a different title. The Bible In this course, you will not be taught the Bible by a person. You are invited to participate in this online Bible study that will take you through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in simple steps. Although it is best to start at lesson one and work your way through the lessons chronologically, it is possible to go directly to a particular book and study it. feedback you might have regarding how we can make the Bible study lessons easier for you to use. ~ A list of questions to help you study Paul's letter to the Philippians, 1 Thessalonians – What will happen when Jesus Christ comes again? Small Group Publishing Company LLC, Guides you through a particular book of the Bible, Helps you develop a deeper understanding of spiritual truths, Excites you as you learn about the scriptures for yourself, Provides a self-paced study for individual or group study, Provides opportunities to apply God's truths to your personal life. In this study, we will not discuss doctrine, teach theology, or get involved in denominational differences of beliefs. Each of the lessons has a link to an online Bible that will take you directly to the book the lesson is about. (I Timothy 2:4). See the link below. How are Bible translations different? The Bible is our central course of study – and every word in it is useful for building up the Body of Christ (2 Tim 3:16). Following Jesus~ A series of 4 Bible Studies for New Christians Their Problems And Ours~ 13 Bible Studies to show that God understands all our problems

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