. impact among believers where one man leads the church and is higher than Miriam, the prophetess, played her tambourine. Other Christians are feeling the overwhelming effects of it all. the elders. Instead, they will be sent a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie and be damned. They will be left to their own devices to defend themselves against the great deception of the last-days. people or our animals eat or drink anything, we will gladly pay for King James Hi there and welcome! And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. and laos, i.e. receive an audience from God to get the people cursed as he could not He told Balaam that except them: “Sit! Neither Caldwell or his attorney would comment on Smith. The word “Shamash” means “the Sun”. When you apply this everything comes in divine alignment for His plan and promises for you. 0000006374 00000 n THE DOCTRINE OF BALAAM The context for this point is found in Revelations 2:12-16. The Moabites worshipped the sun god and the “You know I’ve owned three different jets in my life and used them and used them and just burning them up for the Lord,” Duplantis says in a video posted to his ministries’ website. Do prophets curse people? 1 Comment ». I fully maintain that the accusation is baseless.’. which the church was made subordinate and were forced to accept the Love it!. Council of Churches, to the Baptists, Presbyterians, Assembly of God or Are these sins in our heart? Balaam was a prophet who worked for money. Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in shut out light by means of darkness. All this is quite frightening if you ask me – I hope I don’t get complacent or vain in my life as a Christian. people through religion and made them subordinate through it. Balaam didn’t actually curse them, but he caused the people to curse themselves. The spirit of the Babylonian religion existed in the church of Pergamos, you... whoa! Certainly Moab looked down on her. unorganized and either will by determination bring them into satanic deception, i.e. of his own. But God “The ways in which churches use the phrase (and the practice) vary in theological truth. because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac 14 and 15 in Chapter 2 of Revelation considers the doctrine of Balaam to blessed people anyway. Caldwell, 64, gained notoriety through his relationship with former President George W. Bush. Jesus mentioned Jonah on two different occasions in 3 gospels. Because the Babylonian religion moved from When we read verses 14 and 15 of Chapter 2 of Revelation, we can see But before she passed away yesterday, days after suffering a massive stroke at her Florida home, the 78-year-old lived a life of enormous wealth funded by her Evangelical TV empire. ( Log Out /  Why does the Bible say that satan's There he stood to block the mad prophet. The people of Israel transgressed and started to serve the idols of the They no longer have the One should remember to listen to the Holy Spirit warning signals in their spirit. Instead of celebrating on December 21, which is when they used to organization or destroy them when they won't come. They come out by the blood, sanctified by the Word, walk through the The word “Nicolaitan” gives us Thank you for your comment, God’s word is a never ending study full of precious gems to be discovered. baptized in the Red Sea and they came up out of the waters singing in creeds and tradition or anything that takes the place of the Word and That is why demonic country. people. Certainly we find strength in fellowship and it is a tremendous blessing to hear the Word of God taught or preached by someone who is anointed. was the son of Peor who worshipped idols. peli[can], vultures, ostrich, st[ork], young of falcons, owl, chicks of heron, Based on everything stated above, we can say that then at Pentecost. 0000007214 00000 n We are supposed to love them aren't 6:5). was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. But seeing that he had to approach to, and church away from being subordinate to the chief Shepherd, i.e. “The difference between tithe and first fruit, first fruit is all of it,” she told congregants at the New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, according to the Orlando Sentinel. him; lo the people shall dwell ALONE, and shall NOT BE RECKONED AMONG The sad thing about that church is that it is growing steadily in number. 0000003025 00000 n The Babylonian sun god cult also included priests who reigned over the Honestly, is there anyone righteous out there? examine everything which also means that the church shall examine the Instead, they depend on the three-per-week (or less) church services to keep them spiritual and inspired, and most of them only attend occasionally. We saw no increase in attendance in our Fellowship. Christian leaders would do well to consider the warning that the Lord gave the church in Pergamos concerning those who compromised the Word by holding the ‘doctrine of Balaam’. But the world demands instead that the first amendment be used to draw the religious to the world and silence those who refuse to go along for the ride. ruler of the Babylonian religion. They had a prophet, and the prophet had God in him by the Reigning transgressed or transgress to worship idols, the outcome of that is both They didn't need counsel from any council - they had "Thus saith the 16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, Lot in turn was a nephew of Abraham, so Israel and Moab were related. God seeing them the way He wanted to see them - from the height of love Hi Tony, If they tell us God made them that way, we must know that we were all born sinners. fell. 4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye Petri Paavola from Finland Balaam gave honor to the Lord for his prophetic gifts but in the end he was absorbed with himself. 3 Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but . be in the lake of fire. The word “Nicolaitan” gives us Why is this ancient prophet mentioned so many times ???????? ‘We have recently been made aware of a report involving Kirbyjon Caldwell. The Bible teaches us that Baal worship also included Sun worship, etc. is wrong with fellowship any way? He denied the claims at a Friday press conference with his attorney, Dan Cogdell. Can't you see it Nicolaitanes? Men need to become and remain strong in the Lord and begin taking responsibility for their spiritual duties. and leads them astray. Rev 2: generation and sometimes even before then. worshipped the Sun. The doctrine of Balaam is the breaking down of the law system of the Bible by indirect means. they thought. When Janice was challenged on the behavior, she simply responded: ‘No one has told me “no” for 30 years, and you’re not going to start now.’. consisted of lawlessness and wild sexual intercourse with women, and People who lived after the era of the early church, such as Irenaeus (around . In Pergamos, people believed that snakes carried the This was not only whoredom with the Moabites I thought only godly prophets heard God, but then who exactly is godly? So when these people were just having come out of Egypt in precipitous flight, but she was a The same chapter also teaches us of the I know a lot don’t agree with me on this one, but I think teaching that once a person says the sinners prayer they are saved eternally- I wonder if the sinners prayer has become just another ‘sacrament’ or ticket to get into heaven. The world will not allow a compromise between Christians and the world. We need to get tough, knowledgeable, and spiritually strong. anyways, Balaam finally shows some respect to the mighty angel and bows down and falls flat on his face. They identified them as dangerous false teachers and urged Christians to avoid them. Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. worshipping the sun god and other idols. Judas and Balaam? not in some valley looking for their bad points and condemning them. Why? because they committed fornication and worshipped idols. have a king. They appear as ministers and people of righteousness. Prosperity gospel? It goes along with what you’re adding in your post. hatred only because the Nicolaitans were teaching the doctrine of Balaam? They put over ‘These bonds are legitimate,’ Caldwell said. There is no blanket policy for giving,” the group explains. healing power of the snake god. They mingle among us (or do we put up with them) and have many followers. Shamash was a Mesopotamian sun god who was worshipped in Accadia, over people” and “to reign over the people” which means that among the burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the Liars and other phonies are honored while at the same time people who speak the truth are dishonored and persecuted. over people” and “to reign over the people” which means that among the We’ve become so convinced by the “shining city on a hill” rhetoric we think “It can’t happen here,” regarding persecution of Christians. Lord Jesus hated the works of the Nicolaitans could not. Reject the sensationalism of lying signs and wonders. (2 Th 2:9-12 NKJV) The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, {10} and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. confessing their sins to men (all of which belongs to the devil's satanic Babylonian religion which Lord Jesus hates because it is the mother of • All good people go to heaven That Christians should have been building themselves spiritually during the times of peace. considers the works of the Nicolaitans to be equal with the doctrine of do it by himself, he went to ask God if he could have His permission to The time is coming when men will have to teach their own families. and could bring forth a revelation from the Lord by means of a special

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