Congratz on the Baby! Churches that offer baby baptism also offer confirmation when the child is older, around 12-13 years old. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, : The views and opinions expressed in these forums do not necessarily reflect those of Catholic Answers. I found an old post from this site which talks about how the terms were no longer interchangeable after Vatican II but nothing else. hahaha, Baptism You christen a ship by smashing a bottle of champagne on the hull, hardly a baptism. If you can accept that God took on human flesh, was born of a virgin, suffered and died on a cross, and rose to new life on the third day, then ascended into heaven… I think you can learn to accept the doctrine of Purgatory whereby the faithful are purged of impurities after death before they enter heaven. However, it seems that the original word was christen – to make someone a christian. Which is kind of odd because they all originated from the same place – God’s word in the bible. But to casually use the word christening instead usually doesn’t amount to much. Princess Charlotte was christened in July 2015, Prince Louis christened in July 2018 and Archie christened June 2019. I have migrated my family tree from FH using GEDCOM and I am now trying to sync with my tree on FamilySearch. My children received both christening and baptism cards when they were baptised and I didn’t really even notice, so I’m sure the it won’t offend anyone if you give a christening or baptism card. But honestly, all God really wants is our hearts. That Limbo place was to me taught that in school was very far fetched. This question has probably been asked a million times…. What other questions do you have? Maybe I was the only one? I’m putting a document together to put into the invitations (with directions, the steps involved in the Rite of Baptism, etc…) and wanted to put a little blub on the subject. Baptism is religious sacrament which involves purification from the sins before getting admitted to the Christian; Water is most commonly used for Baptizing. The main difference today is that the word christening is often used when a baby is baptised. The person executing the sacrament does not even have to be Christian. Baptism may include pouring water three times on the forehead of the person being inducted into the Church or having the person take a dip in a water tank. This used to really confuse me. Most of the cute ones I could find in the newsagency and department stores said ‘Christening’ on the front and not baptism. I really want to know more on the subject, but can’t find official church documents that explain. No, really. A christening service is nearly identical to a baptism service, but may vary slightly from church to church. “Old church laws” are not the same as timeless Church doctrines (which are objective truth). “Christening challenges me to be true to my calling. When the word christian was first used in the bible in the book of Acts it meant “little Christ” (from the Greek word christianos). Recently, all of my friends started having babies. But no one is invited. This usually takes place in a social hall at the synagogue or at the home. Taken out of the religious context, a baptism represents a form of initiation. The word christening itself came about because some non-catholics deny the efficacy of infant baptisms, and instead do a sort of “naming” ceremony for newborns. To be honest, I thought only Baptists and other protestant religions called it a Baptism. Some churches use the word ‘baptism’ while other churches use the word ‘christening’. Most other christian churches (Lutheran, Catholic, Anglican etc) offer baby baptism instead as they believe baptism is available to all. In our vocabulary (secular as well as religious) we often use “unofficial” words, and since everyone knows what we’re talking about most of the time, it doesn’t mean very much (“that’s not a shovel, it’s a spade” or “that’s not a spatula, it’s a turner”). Are there other ceremonies that I should address? The other is for a boat or an airplane not for a human. Maybe now that Limbo is not a factor, that might have been the reason for no rush w/ my parish. I even had all of the sponsor certificates ready before I attended the class, but they refused to schedule the baptism without all steps completed. She has been interviewed by the New York Times, Associated Press, Fox & Friends, TODAY in NY and many more. This seems to me the type of thing that Jesus would do, he loved connecting with people in a helpful and inclusive way. Baptism vs. Christening. Christening is not its own ceremony or sacrament but rather a reference to the part of the Baptism where the priest asks, “What name have you given your child?” Even though the words baptism and christening are used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference. Baptism vs Confirmation Religion provides a basis upon which human beings can build their faith. In my opinion it is absolutely fine to give a christening card for a babies baptism or a baptism card for a christening.

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