The parents and the godparents will make some important promises for the child in the service. The “Whispered verse” is a long standing practice of the minister/priest whispering a verse of assurance only to the person – infant or adult -as the Bible verse to turn to in the most difficult of lonely times of hardship. Receive the sign of the cross.”. By completing a thorough renaming and christening ceremony, the newly named boat will please the nautical gods and once again be protected in the sea. As a called and ordaining minister of the Gospel, now I give you the following most solemn charge and obligations to guide and direct you throughout all your life. Both are acceptable within Christian doctrine. This is the child’s baptism. “…Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God.”. It’s a significant moment, which marks the child as belonging to God. (In the ancient Christianity, ministers and priests were considered to have great authority from God to assign duties, blessings and abilities – which the ministers and priests did exercise – of spiritual matters of both service to God and Christendom. Amen. They also receive a baby dedication certificate. the Christening of such a very special young lady/gentlemen. This we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. The practice of incorporating the naming of Godparents or sponsors into the baptismal liturgy is an ancient practice in the Church.     Let the little children come unto me and forbid them not; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. SUITABLE CLOSING FOR AN INFANT/CHILD or ADULT CHRISTENING. may his/her obstacles be few and far between, and may he/she forever be held in the palm. Conventional Charge to Godparents: “…I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Christening of Name if a child: The minister shall pour the water upon the forehead of the child/believer, and say -). This is the heart of a christening.    building) This is an ancient “Charge” that I find uncompromising in faith and at the core of original Christian Faith and Service, though many may find it overwhelming: ________________, from this day forward, you are a dedicated member of the body of the church and of the Kingdom of God. Today, we dedicate _________________ to Our God in this Christening/Baptism. No man or woman could be possess more than this. Yet in the anointing of Christ before his death on the cross, we were shown the true measure of possession, inheritance and wealth is not found by worldly measures. God loves you and so do we. Love others as we would have others love us. As the Charge to Parents and Godparents, particularly if the Traditional charge is used – as it is contains very powerful and absolute declarations of the specifics of Christian faith – a particularly  awkward surprise to a non Christian Godparent or sponsor. Amen.” Next. Water which is blessed in the church’s font will be poured over the child’s head by the vicar. (Each Parent present, and then each Godparent/Sponsor, shall each in turn make the sign of the cross upon the forehead of the child/believer, and repeat after the priest/minister: In the name of the Father; Christening for baby - as occasions go - it's right up there at     “If anyone would come after me, let that person disregard themselves, take up their responsibility daily, and follow me. This ceremony must be performed by a qualified officiator from the church to which the baby and his parents belong. ( Log Out /  that your dreams and hopes will be within your reach. Do you promise to love, honor, support and encourage the child/believer throughout his/her life? The selection will be a single verse, easy to memorize and take to heart. Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secret is kept, we place ourselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The language for a non Christian Sponsor of a child is found below. “…People of God will you welcome this child and uphold them in their new life in Christ?”. This is the heart of a christening. I baptize you/thee in the name of the Father; A “Sponsor” does not have to be a Christian. We pray for the care and protection of this. Oppose Evil; ( Log Out /  Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The traditional boat christening ceremony involves breaking a bottle of wine or champagne on the bow of a boat. The modern conventional language focuses upon positives and uses softer language. In many churches, a special oil may be used to make the sign of a cross on the child’s forehead. Amen. child] -. Amen. (In every person’s life, there are times of lonely trial and hardship. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy God, forever and ever; Amen and amen. In Baptism you are seal by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever and ever. (The minister/priest makes the sign of the cross and says:) Knelling in reverence to to our Lord God, in the private place, light this candle and and through pray ask for the safekeeping of ___________ in both body and soul from our Heaven Father, the revelation of grace and salvation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit. IF the person being Christened/Baptized is an older teenager or adult, the charge and declaration of faith is ONLY presented to this person, not the parents or sponsors. By it you confess your faith and formally dedicate yourself to our heavenly Creator, pronounce your faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, call upon the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and profess fellowship in the circle believers of Christendom. Our true Lord God shall always be with you; the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ shall always be your salvation through grace in faith, the Holy Spirit shall always minister to your heart and mind; and the multitude of God’s angels encompass you (optional, not required). Amen. “…Christ claims you as his own. Often, this is the point in the service when parents and godparents will be invited to come out to stand at the front with the child.     and Keep you; Families are warmly invited to come to church whenever they can. as a child of the covenant, receive this blessing. The vicar, or someone else from the church, will pray for the child and for all those who will support them in their path of faith. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I christen you that you may know the pure and holy spirit of God, your eternal source of faith. great welcome speech, adapt them (In traditional Christian worship, ministers and priests would “charge” the person or people the subject of the ceremony with various duties, goals and honors. There are several moments in the service which have a special meaning too. Grant us and this child/believer now dedicated to you, our Lord God and Heavenly Father, a clear understanding of the duties and obligations we now assume. Should there be a time in the future of _______________for which he/she faces difficult times of trial, be called upon to make grave decisions – of hardship or joy, or become lost in spirit – you should, as the duty and obligation you have assumed today – find a quiet place alone to yourself. and the Holy Spirit; You are a citizen of the Kingdom of God and body of believers of Christendom, in this world and in heaven. What name have you chosen for this child? the truth that from childhood/this momenthe/she may realize his unity with God and of Christian doctrine, the gospel ministry and of the salvation by grace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? There will be a Bible reading, and the vicar will also talk about what a christening means. Love God with all our hearts. Dearly beloved, we are honored with the privilege of being present here today to witness and support in faith the christening of _________________________(full name); the son/daughter of ________________ and ________________ (parents full names) born into this world on _____________ (birth date).

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