– Max Goldberg, writer and frequent contributor to cinema scope. “This secret and unpredictable man,” recalled one of his earliest collaborators, “dressed unlike anyone else, always ready to defend lost and difficult causes.” As much a password as a pseudonym, the name Chris Marker first appeared in postwar France as a byline for cultural reportage, educational dossiers, travel guides, and a novel (Le Cœur net). Une journée d’Andrei Arsenevitch, Chris Marker by Luc Vancheri, La mémoire en jeu vidéo dans Level five (1996) by Thibaut Garcia, Le Monde 25.10.2013 :: Sur les pas de Chris Marker, explorateur du siècle, Thomas Sotinel, Letters from an Unknown Filmmaker: Chris Marker's Sans Soleil and the Politics of Memory – Chuck Tyron, Micrologie de Chris Marker by Nicolas Geneix, Montage, Militancy, Metaphysics: Chris Marker and André Bazin by Sarah Cooper, New York Review of Books 23 Aug 2012 :: The Lost Futures of Chris Marker, J. Hoberman, New York Times 07/31/12 :: Chris Marker, Pioneer of the Essay Film, Dies at 91, Dennis Lim, Petit Cinéma of the World or the Mysteries of Chris Marker by Susana S. Martins, Statues Also Die — But Their Death is not the Final Word by Matthias De Groof, The Equality of the Gaze: The Animal Stares Back in Chris Marker's Films, The Filmic Page: Chris Marker’s Commentaires by Rick Poynor, The Imaginary in the Documentary Image: Chris Marker's Level Five by Christa Blümlinger, Time Remembered: Chris Marker's Bill Evans CD, Un cinéma du territoire by Suzanne Liandrat-Guigues, aaaarg collection Chris Marker by silverliebt [dlp], Brandon's Movie Memory – tag Chris Marker, Chrismarker.ch – On a Quest from Switzerland, Film Studies for Free, 07.30.12 :: In Immemory of Chris Marker (1921-2012), Catherine Grant, Kosinki's Channel YouTube – Chris Marker Shorts, Libération, Chris Marker: Une succession de questions, 4.12.12, marckarlin 19 Nov 2013 :: Chris Marker: Marc 2, MIT Press – Chris Marker Books – La Jetée, Les Films du Jeudi – Chris Marker Catalogue, Les Mutins – Si j'avais 4 dromedaires DVD, From the Tower: Spiral Time, Blanchot, Algeria and Elephants, Blow Up: Luc Lagier’s homages to Chris Marker, Hillary Radner & Alistair Fox publish Raymond Bellour: Cinema and the Moving Image, Nadine Bolkovac Reviews Chris Darke’s La Jetée, Vincent Jacques Interrogates Chris Marker, Media & History. Vol. He incorporated audiovisual elements in addition to the snippets of dialogue and poetry that "Computer" exchanged with the user. Leila Attacks Chris Marker, 2006. Presented in conjunction with the MIT List Visual Arts Center’s exhibition Chris Marker: Guillaume-en-Égypte (Oct. 18 – Jan. 5, 2014), the first comprehensive presentation of Marker's pioneering work in text, photography, film, video and digital media, reflecting his role as a chronicler of the second half of the 20th century through its images. KINO Chris Marker, 2011. This Guillaume-en-Egypte t-shirt is available from the Wexner Center for the Arts Store, Chris Marker section.

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