Being a man who sold his soul to the Devil, Spawn came back with a vengeance. Taking over the mantle of the Black Panther, he is the protector of Wakanda and one of the most fearsome Marvel heroes. Goku dodged the kick and cupped his hands together and fired another wave of Ki, Strange then threw another blast which caused an explosion that cancelled out the two attacks. W. Strange is also way smarter than Goku since he was a Surgeon while Goku hasn't even went to school, So The Sayain is outclassed in Brains and Brawns. Billy Batson's story is one of the most interesting ones in the DC Universe. Unless you're a Super Saiyan, that is. As we all know, our favorite protagonist is more than up to the task on that front, leaving this battle out of the hands of Shazam. The Sayain fell onto the ground huffing in exhaustion. On top of that, Vibranium is not invincible, and Goku would easily be able to tear through it at some point during their battle. B. On top of the adamantium claws and skeleton that lies under his skin, Wolverine has a healing factor unlike any other hero in comics. But still Doctor Strange is the Sorcere Supreme hell the strongest of all! Goku might be fast, but with the Flash's connection to the Speed Force, he can turn any battle to his favor. Freeza laughed to himself for a couple of seconds until he looked at Strange and said "Well 'Doctor Strange' I guess your going to die!". The power that Superman possesses is simply astronomical. Until he heard of a treatment in Asia and of course he went there, And he even met The Ancient One a Bald Frail Woman living in a temple. The Sayain cringed in fear before he was slashed in the side causing blood to spray from his wound, Goku shouted in pain before he then grabbed Strange by his head and began battering his face with the other. Even aliens wouldn't be able to stop someone like Goku. W. Alright the Combatants are set it's time to end this debate once and for all! The Flash isn't the most adept when it comes to martial arts or fighting style, but he doesn't need to be. Not a big DBZ guy but from what I've heard he's close to Superman's power level. 8 Would Lose: Doctor Strange The thing is, Doctor Strange has a plethora of powers being the master of the mystic arts and while Ultra Instinct Goku might be too powerful, Doctor Strange might just turn out to be too smart. It's one of the more glaring weaknesses of the Dragonball universe, and it remains the case regardless of Goku's power output. Goku scrambled to his feet and got into a stance as he said "… However, it doesn't contain the sheer power or force capable of defeating somebody like Goku in the heat of battle. She fixed his hands and the second one She gave him magical abilities! Strange floated in space staying where he was before the explosion, Strange then stood up straight as he then said "Thanks for the battle Goku!" NOT THAT WAY YOU PERVS! Marvel's equivalent to Superman is a little bit different. An ancient spirit named Nabu, he has been around for centuries honing his skills and becoming more powerful as time goes on. Goku entered into his battle stance and said "I won't end up like Freeza!" In round one Goku wins I think, cause standard Goku is better than standard Strange. While that's largely true within the context of the DC Universe (especially when he fights Superman, the Justice League, the Flash...anybody really), we'd wager that the same strategy wouldn't help him out as much if he were to fight Goku. The Planets and the Solar Systems could get destroyed and 2. B. (Cue: Let us know in the comments! Strange was severely injured as he clutched onto his head and looked up to see Goku preparing his Dragon Fist Attack, Strange shouted in fear and anger as the Golden Ki Dragon slammed straight into and through his stomach. Strange looked in confusion before he was kicked in the back by Goku knocking him into the air leaving him open for a bicycle kick sending him spiralling a couple of feet away, Strange stopped in mid-air and used the chains Cyttorak to trap The Super Sayain in place. Even if Green Lantern were to throw a giant fist to try and send Goku into the sun, the Dragon Ball legend could not only dodge it, but take the opportunity to finish off his opponent. When suddenly time went backwards until it was right before Strange was murdered, Doctor Strange smirked and jumped over the Dragon Fist and created a lasso and threw it. Next up is speed and still Strange is leagues above The Sayain, Sure Goku being a couple thousand times faster than light or maybe even millions times light, But Strange is Quintillions since when he was launched to the edge of the Universe he flew back in a matter of seconds. Whether they can overwhelm him with even greater physical strength or outwit him with clever strategies, these 9 characters have what it takes to stop Saitama in his tracks. He can render people essentially brainless without moving a single muscle. B. Goku also has his final form Ultra Instinct which allows him to use his instinct to dodge attacks without even thinking! Strange just has too many ways to counter Goku's greatest attacks and his just physically superior in every way! While it's fair to assume that Spawn doesn't have the strength that Goku does, he more than makes up for it in the roster of abilities he has at his disposal. To beat Strange, you either need to have as versatile a power set as him, or have something that can specifically counter his magic. Strange suddenly saw a bright white light in space and turned around and saw Goku standing straight with his head tilted upwards until finally the dispersed revealing Goku in his Ultra Instinct Form staring at Strange. He could even drag Goku into the Speed Force, where he would be much stronger and finish off his anime foe. Yeah, that's right!) You can't hit what you can't see. How come nearly every character in this show can go faster than the speed of light, It doesn't seem impressive anymore, W. Yeah I guess that's true but anyway Strange has quite a few weapons such as his Many magic artifacts, such as the Eye of Agamotto, which draws power from the cosmic being of the same name and can pierce through any illusion, gives him massively upgraded senses, open dimensional portals, and many other effects. Son Goku propelled forward after Strange. There is no such thing as spirit! Strange is far too versatile for Goku to be able to do anything to him. If he did a Kamehameha, couldn't Strange just reverse it, or block it, or send it through a portal? Not only are his mental abilities not strong enough to stop someone like Goku, but all the Super Saiyan would have to do is get the Manhunter surrounded and the fight would immediately go to him. Or a mage who uses magic offensively. This caused a shock wave so powerful that it caused the planet Jupiter to explode into pieces, Goku floated backwards in pain before he coughed up a massive amount of blood before turning back into his Base Form. Any greater distance, or if Goku makes the mistake of powering up, an he's banished to a much less funny version of hell than he's used to. The Wand of Watoomb, which can control "cosmic winds" allowing him to reach anywhere in the universe very quickly, or banish others to the far reaches of the universe, and the Ring of Full Power, which allows him to access all of his power while in his astral form. His powers are way over 9000 these days, and any opponent hesitates for trying to pick a fight with him. Goku stood his ground as he shouted at the top of his lungs "KAAAAAA MEEEEEE HAAAAAAA MEEEEEEEEEEEEE............!". Goku's got his strength and energy blasts, but Silver Surfer's powers far eclipse that. He can Regenerate from Death, Can create Force-Fields, Can create Black Holes, Shape Shifting, Sealing resistence and many many MANY other stuff. ", W. A long, time ago, there was a planet known as Vegeta, which was home to the mighty race known as the Saiyans. What happens when you take the son of a king and train him in every weapon known to man? But still he is one of the strongest anime heroes of all time!

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