Of Which vs Whose We can use “of which” instead of “whose” for the objects but “of which” is used in non-defining relative clauses. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1408686, http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1413169. That's right. Instead, Priscilla decided to open Graceland to the public. This is the machine. The clause helps by telling us which one. Then, it should have been "She has, I agree with Qomi and Johndot that this sentence doesn't make sense as it is written. When did organ music become associated with baseball? One of them is Disneyland. You've got it! Because the clause likely needs an object and the object must appear in the objective case (whom or whomever). The modifying clause is placed after the noun it modifies. The Disney Company has several parks. All Rights Reserved. Both words deal with the pronoun who yet they aren’t interchangeable. The following is a mini-tutorial on the uses of "who," "whom," and "whose." Whose is the possessive form of the pronoun who, while who’s is a contraction of the words who is or who has.. Which replaces an object noun in a quantity phrase of a modifying clause. / Both of them have been informed. ¹An object relative pronoun cannot be omitted from (left out of) a nonidentifying clause. Where can you find the new version song of dota? 5. Both of us can swim. This is the machine whose properties I described. Thanks in advance. See That vs. None of them felt right to Priscilla. 7. Below, many of whom serves as the object of the modifying clause. She has a boyfriend whose two houses are in N. I think it’s better with the comma, in this instance. Some native English speakers and writers might have trouble understanding why this is confusing topic for English language learners. A blue-eyed man whose father and mother were both brown-eyed married a brown-eyed, woman whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed. 0 1 2. (opens its doors,  provides services or accommodations). 5. 9. This is the machine, the properties of which I described. There seems to be an inconsistency between the bold parts. "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" 1954 – 1992  IMDB. , I took that sentence from a grammar book: ", If it were indeed a case of polygamy, it would have to read "...a friend whose two wives....", On the face of it, based solely on the sentence as given, I don't see how it can be anything other than one friend with two wives. A number of them include expansion. The modifying clause is placed after the noun it modifies. 6. possessive. Why? Disneyland, some of which is crowded with people, is a favorite tourist site. What are their genotypes? When be is specifying, it is followed by a definite noun (NP, Ger/Infclause) that identifies the subject noun (NP). Priscilla received a lot of suggestions from friends. host (n./ v.) – a person, place, company, or the like, that provides services, resources, etc., as for a convention or event: Our city would like to serve as host for the next Winter Olympics. What genotypes are possible for the others? a) Which car will se drive? In 2005, several EPE shares were sold by Lisa Marie Presley. Many of the visitors / Many of them come to Disneyland. Who's is a contraction for who is and whose is What is worse? Crispi, whose strong anti-clerical convictions did not prevent him from regarding the papacy as preeminently an Italian institution, was determined both to prove to the Catholic world the practical independence of the government of the Church and to retain for Rome so potent a centre of universal attraction as the presence of the future pope. 8. In both sentences, who’s is being used as a contraction. Modifying Quantity Clauses Quantifier — All of Which . An error in mitosis or meiosis. See below punctuation. It is also called restrictive, essential , or necessary clause. 4. Both / Both of my parents are teachers. Commas are added when the clause adds extra information, "nice to know", but not essential to identifying the noun. (opens its doors,  provides services or accommodations). Note that the object of the quantier phrase "one of them" modifies "parks"; therefore, we cannot simplify "one of which" to just "which". Why would we need to know his name? The couple has a. blue-eyed son. When you spot a clause that already has some other word acting as the subject, the word whom (or perhaps whose) will always be correct. Walt Disney was devoted to his children, all of whom adored their father. You must log in or register to reply here. What are their genotypes? The following is a mini-tutorial on the uses of "who," "whom," and "whose." A quantity phrase with which is placed at the front of the modifying clause and then the clause is placed directly after the noun it modifies. Hi to all. Also see:  Specifying / Ascriptive "be" , The reason is – "Be" and Pop-Q – Specifying "be". 3. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_relative_clauses, "She has a boyfriend who has two houses in N.". EPE (Elvis Presley Enterprises) manages licensing and sales of Elvis' products. She has acted in a movie whose name I don’t remember. After all, who on earth would say: It was an idea the time of which had come.