Not affiliated with Harvard College. Throughout high school, I realized that I had to make many decisions, which were all dependent on what actions I took. Thus, in Chapter Eleven, Krishna proves Himself as the Supreme Lord and He establishes the criteria that anyone who claims to be God must also show a Universal Form. In Chapter Fifteen, auspicious, elevating activities were described as part of the banyan tree. Arjuna, who was born a warrior, overcomes with pity and looses Krishna first briefly answers Arjuna’s first five questions and then begins explaining in detail how to know Krishna at the time of death. Each shloka consists of a couplet, thus the entire text consists of 1,400 lines. Then qualities that endear a devotee to Krishna, which Krishna next mentions, such as equality in both happiness and distress, independence from the ordinary course of activities, satisfaction, and the faithful following of the path of devotional service, are also part of the process of worshiping Krishna in devotional service. Chapter Eight begins by Arjuna asking Krishna about Brahmam, karma, the demigods, the material world, and knowing Krishna at the time of death. Summary. Share these articles on facebook to help spread awareness of Hinduism on the internet. For beyond the ages, he dwells within these bodies, though these bodies have an end in their lifetime, he remains immortal, immeasurable. Discuss the relevance of Arjuna's situation in the Bhagavad- Gita to universal ethical dilemmas. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. The Bhagavad Gita is an exemplary text that gives examples as to what we should do a righteous people and it also shows life lessons that can sometimes shape our thinking to make better decisions. Kudos to the author. kindly quota the chapter & verse number for my clarication. It clarified several issues for me. Impartially viewing the external world, he should reside in his body aloof from bodily activities. Now, in Chapter Fourteen, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in detail, explains the three modes – goodness, passion and ignorance – those forces that bind and control all conditioned souls within this world. Arjuna opens Chapter Thirteen by inquiring about the field of activities and the knower of that field. With his mind reeling, he foresees not just a battle between people who know each other, he also foresees the imminent death of people who are (or have been) close to him: his teachers; his relatives; his friends. Feel free to get in touch with us via email to: We use cookies to create the best experience for you. And all Krishna asks for is an offering of a leaf, a flower, or some water – if it is offered with devotion. The blind King Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya to recount to him what happened when his family the Kauravas gathered to fight the Pandavas for control of Hastinapura. "Bhagavad-Gita Study Guide". 27-28) and continuing on to the Sixth Chapter (wherein Krishna explains practical points for a practicioner), Krishna explains ‘dhyana- yoga’ concluding that ‘dhyana’, or meditation upon Krishna, is meditation’s final goal. Chapter Four ends with Krishna glorifying transcendental knowledge and requesting Arjuna to arm himself with this knowledge – which burns all sinfull reactions to ashes – and fight! 10/22/17 While t… It is dated sometime between 1000 and 700 B.C.E., close to when recorded history began in India, and when the battle that became the Mahabarata supposedly occurred. The Bhagavad Gita is a poem written in the Sanskritlanguage. Much like most religious texts, the Bhagavad Gita is a story with multiple morals and symbolic situations, happens to be called the Bhagavad Gita or as it translates to English “The Song of God”. Krishna tells Arjuna that he must rid himself of the three. (Each leads Arjuna to fight) Thus, one can achieve the self-realized position of ‘brahma-bhuta’ and that position, detached from all material things, one can practice pure devotional service. Arjuna does not believe, The Bhagavad Gita looks at the purpose of life in their own unique way. They can see Krishna as the fire of digestion; as the Paramatma in everyone’s heart; as the giver of remembrance, knowledge, and forgetfulness; and as the goal of the Vedas and the compiler of Vedanta. Thus by pract yoga and remembering Krishna, Krishna explains, one will go to the eternal spiritual world and never again to return to this temporary, miserable material world. The Bhagavad Gita is a religious text written by an unknown author in the 1st or 2nd century BCE. In Chapter One and in the beginning of Chapter Two, Arjuna presents his arguments for refusing to fight. In answer to Arjuna’s fearful prayers, Krishna first shows His four-armed form before again returning to His original two-armed form. Krishna immediatly responds saying that one engaged in His personal service is the topmost. Krishna assures him that the soul can never be killed and that death is nothing to fear. Surrender unto Me alone. Bhagavad-Gita Summary. Since one attains what one remembers at the time of death, if one remembers Krishna, one goes to Him. About Bhagavad Gita Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism is purely a spiritual document that encompassed everything relating to human beings and life on mother earth. Krishna then explains the fortunate position of such devotees: If one worships Krishna, Krishna cares, compensates for his deficiencies, and preserves his strengths. He looks to Lord Krishna, and He begins by comparing the material world to a gigantic, upside-down banyan tree, invoking Arjuna to detach himself from it through surrender. One should therefore directly take to Krishna’s service in Krishna consciousnes. The Bhagavad Gita is a section of a large Indian epic called “The Mahabharata,” which is essentially a long epic vital to the Indian culture. Throwing down his bow and his arrows, Arjuna decides he will not participate in this battle. Krishna (in Hindu belief the Supreme Personality of the Godhead) agrees to be Arjuna’s charioteer. He will not fight this day (or any other) if the battle requires him to fight against such people. Those who have renounced the world achieve knowledge, but the key to truly being free is … The Kauravas and Pandavas both claim the kingdom, but only the victors will be able to rule over it. Those who can see the truth has witnessed this truth. Sanjaya, after narrating this conversation to Dhritarashtra, ecstatically thinks of the wondrous two-armed form of Krishna and predicts victory for Arjuna, the supreme archer, for he is surrendered to Krishna, the master of all mystics. i want to practice it in my life can any one suggest how to make it live. friends. In nutshell… it was following teachings contained in Bhagavad Gita Hinduism… human gods like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammed finally gained enlightenment in their lifetime. The Bhagavad-Gita," of which a translation is here given, occurs as an episode in the Mahabharata, and is regarded as one of the gems of Hindu literature. Brian Raftery Your email address will not be published. In the Symposium, Plato states that desire is part of the pathway to achieving spirituality. Krishna can only be known through surrendering to Him in devotional service, and by this direct process – free from karma or jnana, Arjuna should need not fear any sinful reactions. He then recommends Arjuna to regulate his senses, become fixed in his pure identity as a servant of Krishna, and thereby avoid lust’s control. The Bhagavad Gita forms a section of the sixth book of the Mahabharata, an important Sanskrit epic in the Hindu tradition that recounts a lengthy struggle and brief war between two sides of the Bharata family—the Pandavas and the Kauravas —over their kingdom of Hastinapura. Already a member? Those mahatmas who know Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead take shelter of Him and serve Him as the only enjoyer and the supreme object of worship. Krishna answers by describing how the combination of the modes of material nature that control a particular person will dictate a person’s faith, worship, eating, sacrifices, charity and austerity. Upon the death of the human body, the Atman previously contained in it gets reincarnated in accordance to its merits or demerits about karma. The foolish can learn to see properly by understanding that it is Krishna who is the splendor of the sun, moon, and fire, as the one keeping the planets in orbit and making vegetables succulent. The second, rajas, or fire, binds people to action with strong desires. Change is the law of the universe. Arjuna, although acknowledging that Krishna in the two-armed form that he now sees before him is Supreme, still requests Krishna to reveal that all-pervading Universal Form that supports the Universe. The most confidential knowledge is then explained by Krishna: “Become My devotee, always think of Me, act for Me, worship Me, and offer all homage unto Me. ©2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The Bhagavad Gita is the crown jewel of Vedic literature and has had a huge influence on Hindu thought, ethics, and practices. Sanjaya has been given the gift of clairvoyance and can tell Dhritarashtra everything that took … Then, in answer to Arjuna’s question on the cause of a soul’s being impelled to improper action or neglect of duty, Krishna names the enemy: lust. Fixing his mind on the self and on Krishna, he attains transcendental happiness in the kingdom of God. Unfortunately, I'm not God and I'm not sure that He visits this site. The metered verse does not rhyme. Because the world’s activities are conducted by the three modes of nature which emanate from Him, (Although Krishna is independent and above them) only those who surrender to Krishna can cross beyond these modes to know Him.

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