In the early Church it was hard for Jews, who were steeped in centuries of tradition, to recognize that the Christian faith was not an extra bit of doctrine, tagged on to the Jewish religion but the fulfillment of God’s promise to make a new covenant with them. believing Jews) have been united into ONE BODY in Christ, and together are designated “the true Circumcision” of God. Philippians 3:3 Treasury of Scripture Knowing. Or in and with our own hearts and spirits, which should be engaged in every part of religious worship with much attention, diligence, and fervency; or in a spiritual manner, in opposition to the carnal worship of the Jews, and the bodily exercise of formal professors; and which lies in drawing nigh to God with true hearts, sincere and fervent ones, with grace in them, and that in exercise: and rejoice in Christ Jesus; or "glory in" him, and make their boast of him; for a different word is here used from that in ( Philippians 3:1 ) . Physical circumcision may identify a person as Jewish, but only those who believe in Christ can be called “the true circumcision”.In his concluding exhortation to the Galatian Christians, Paul summed up this vital truth with great clarity – Jews, who desire to make a good showing in the flesh try to compel YOU Gentiles to be circumcised. However, BELIEVING Jews are also referred to as “the Israel of God”. Attempts were made to incorporate Jewish rites into Christian worship; to confuse Israel with the Church and to combine the programme God must carry out through His chosen nation – Israel, with the work He is currently undertaking through the body of Christ – which is the Church.“Circumcision” was a special sign, which God specifically gave to the nation of Israel – through Abraham It was a sign that sealed the unique and important role they were to play in God’s plan for man’s redemption. Gentiles are not genetically linked to Israel and have no association with physical circumcision. Praise God that Gentiles – together with “the Israel of God (i.e. The progeny of these patriarchs, up to the present day, are called “JEWs”. They did not understand that the Law of God, the Prophets of Israel, the Psalms and the Feasts-days were all pointing to Christ – and that “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”, had set them free from “the law of sin and of death”.Today, as in those early days of Christianity, there is still much confusion about the “gospel of God”, and there are many attempts to add law to grace and works to faith. If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised Philippians 3:1–11 warns Christians about the influence of false teachers, particularly those who add legalism on top of the gospel. We are the ones who serve by God's Spirit and who boast in Christ Jesus. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. "Worship" is either inward or outward; inward worship lies in the exercise of grace on God, as of faith, hope, love, fear outward worship is the performance of certain external actions required by God, and both are to be performed: and it is also either private or public; private worship is in the closet, or in the family, and consists of praying, singing of praises public worship lies in tire observance of the outward ordinances of preaching, praying, hearing singing in the church of God; even all such ordinances as God has appointed, which are recorded in the Scriptures, and are confirmed by the authority of Christ. In the early Church it was hard for Jews, who were steeped in centuries of tradition, to recognize that the Christian faith was not an extra bit of doctrine, tagged on to the Jewish religion but the fulfillment of God’s promise to make a new covenant with them. Gentiles, both saved and unsaved, can never become a Jew, and will never be part of “the Israel of God”. Philippians 3:3(NASB) Picture courtesy of David - Imagebase. Jesus, however, clearly labels unbelieving Jews, both before and after the cross as “children of their father – the devil”.Gentiles who trust God have physical, Gentiles ancestry, while Jews remain physically linked to Israel’s three patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Such who have a true sense of themselves, and a spiritual sight of Christ, will not glory in themselves, in their wisdom, strength, riches, or righteousness, but in Christ, in his wisdom and strength, in his riches and righteousness, and in his person and grace only: and have no confidence in the flesh; in any carnal descent, or birth privilege, as to be of the seed of Abraham, of the of Israel, or of such a tribe, or family, or born of such a parent; nor in circumcision, or any of the carnal ordinances of the ceremonial law; nor in any civil, moral, legal, and external righteousness, for so to do is but to make flesh an arm; or indeed to trust in anything out of Christ, or short of him; and all this makes up the character and description of a true believer in Christ. And the Alexandrian copy reads, "which worship in the Spirit of God"; and so the Complutensian edition, and several copies. They desire to have you Gentiles circumcised so that they may boast in your flesh. Both before and after the cross there are Jewish men and women whom Paul calls “the Israel of God”. We don't put our confidence in rituals performed on the body, The Complete Jewish Bible But, according to the host, Philippians 3:3 clearly draws a direct link between circumcised Israelites and uncircumcised, believing Gentiles. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. And rejoice in Christ Jesus - See Philippians 3:1. Praise God that they been called to worship the Lord in spirit and truth – to worship in the Spirit of God; to glory in Christ Jesus our Lord and put no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3 (CEBA) We are the circumcision. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. All rights reserved. 3 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh— 4 though I myself have reasons for such confidence. or "glory in" him, and make their boast of him; for a different word is here used from that in (Philippians 3:1). Salem Media Group. They are men and women of faith, who are not only physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but Israelites who have trusted God – and their faith is credited as righteousness.People like David, Daniel, John the Baptist, Paul the apostle, Mary of Bethany, Barnabas and many others were physical decedents of God’s chosen nation.. and because they believed God and trusted His Word – they were justified in God’s sight. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. There is no need to have confidence in any physical, fleshly identification with Israel – for we have been spiritually identified with Christ Himself – and are ONE with Him.What grace that we who were once “Gentiles-in-the-flesh”, and called “the Uncircumcision” by the ones who are called “the Circumcision”, are NOW called “the true ‘Circumcision”, because of our faith!Before our salvation we were at enmity with God, outside of Christ, aliens to the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the Promise. Verse Thoughts. That is, we have, through him, renounced the flesh; we have become the true worshippers of God, and have thus attained what was originally contemplated by circumcision, and by all the other rites of religion. Paul exclaimed God forbid!! He warned that “the circumcision” were trying to impose physical circumcision, and other Jewish traditions onto Gentile believers, and yet they do not even keep the Law themselves! However, believing Jews, both before the cross and following Christ’s resurrection, are all called – “The Israel of God”.Physical circumcision was given as a sign from God to the nation of Israel through their founding fathers and is a product of the FLESH. Philippians 3:9 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Philippians 3:9, NIV: "and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ--the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith." Proud member That is, we have, through him, renounced the flesh; we have become the true worshippers of God, and have thus attained what was originally contemplated by circumcision, and by all the other rites of religion. We were devoid of hope and without God in the world – but now we have the privilege of being “the true Circumcision”. The object of worship is "God", and him only; not a creature animate or inanimate, stocks or stones, beasts, birds, men, or angels; only God, Father, Son, and Spirit: that the Father is to be worshipped, is not disputed, see ( John 4:21 John 4:23 ) ; and the Son is to be worshipped with the same worship the Father is; since he is in the form of God, and equal to him, is the Creator of all the Lord of angels and men, and is to be, and is worshipped by both; prayer is made unto him, baptism is administered in his name, and trust and confidence are placed in him; and so is the Holy Ghost, he being equally God with the Father and the Son, and therefore the same homage is to be given to him as to them: and so some indeed read the words here, "which worship God the Spirit"; or the Spirit, who is God. Heavenly Father, thank You that I am not required to jump through various Jewish hoops to reach You, but have been saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, and together with believing Jews – the true Israel of God, we are all one in Christ, members of His body and joint heirs with our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray, AMEN.

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