LINE 50 computes the remainder of division A to B (also known as, LINE 60 assigns value of B to A and value of C to B, according to the. A program is defined as an instruction set that describes the logical steps the computer will follow to solve a particular problem. BASIC program line numbers. The numbers you get from RND(1) function aren't truly random (this is why they are called pseudo-random! This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 18:20. ASC (S$) returns ASCII code (a number) of the first character in S$. Modify the above limited length Snake program to work in HGR2 mode. Understanding programs can appear daunting at first, but their reliance on logical operations allow for easy learning of commands which you will commonly see in many programs. Title. Make program faster almost 2 times by using the fact that after the Nth walk the last N elements are already sorted. HGR and HGR2 - both set hi-resolution graphics mode, except HGR sets a mixed mode (280x160 pixels), while HGR2 sets full-screen graphics mode. Patience, practice, and an interest in the subject matter should suffice, along with the required software and hardware. It means that every byte (or 8 bits) can be written as 2-symbol hexadecimal number. Modify the program to take letter's individual pixel colors from the DATA elements. In the above program I list all primes in range from 3 to N=1000. One interesting use of FOR loops in BASIC is to create a delay. Then we walk through every symbol of the entered string from RIGHT to LEFT. The following program demonstrates this logic, by drawing a number of concentric circles with radiuses ranging from 3 to 96, each having different number of points: So, which of the two methods we presented should be preferred when drawing a circle? Even though variable names can be long, AppleSoft BASIC takes into account only the first 2 symbols of the The following program takes input string from user and outputs the same string in the center of the screen. Here is the modified Euclidean algorithm program which gets A and B from the user: Here we changed line 20 to include two INPUT commands for variables A and B. Variable names may contain numbers, but must begin with English letter. We will set them initially to 10 and 1. Variable P holds a multiplier which is used to multiply B, the current bit. This is not the only way to convert binary to decimal: we can do this by walking the entered string from LEFT to RIGHT. Along with our distinct solid 6 colors, it makes a total of 21. HOME command also clears the TEXT portion of the screen when in mixed graphics. Because of this, we can speed up the process even more by plotting all eight points given a single pair of X and Y: We made a few changes in our code. Notice that even though the final value is set to 10, this value is not added; the NEXT command on LINE 70 increments N by 2 each time; when N is 9 and reaches the NEXT, it becomes equal to 11, This way the program is much smaller and also easier to understand: In this implementation, we determine the length of the entered string (LINE 120). CHR$(65) returns "A". decreases and we can allow more space between individual points without losing much quality. We get. AppleSoft BASIC RND(1) function generates a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1 (excluding 1). Converting numbers from one base format to another is a good way to practice your programming skills in BASIC. With Applesoft BASIC we don't have access to current time, so in order to randomize the seed we do the following. I should note that all modern languages use functions, and in most of them functions are not restricted in length (they can have as many lines as programmer needs) and can take many arguments. Note the semicolon preceding variable A in the PRINT command. This is due to the fact that checkered background is drawn not with individual pixels, but by drawing diagonal lines using the two colors we want to mix (see LINES 400..450 and the subroutine starting on LINE 500). of pixels to draw the circle: it would be on overkill; at the same time when circle radius gets bigger, circle's curvature If A is equal to zero, we are finished. The following program shows all 21 colors which are either solid or a 50/50 mix of two solids we have. Which in turn means less points The method for finding GCD is known as. The NEXT command of this FOR loop is on line 120. Write a program to convert Hex number to decimal. INPUT command. In the following example we add only values of N greater than 5. You will need to adjust the CAP value accordingly. HGR2 resolution is 280x192 pixels. Let's look at a simple program for calculating, The factorial of a natural number can also be defined in another way: factorial of, The two versions of the program differ only on line 130. and put NOT operator in front of the whole IF expression. The remaining candidate solutions are numbers at indexes 3, 4 and 5. For this, you should use official manuals and references. The conversion algorithm is, Sometimes we want to display text information which does not fit in one screen. Do we need to declare 12 individual variables? The tutorial is split into a number of lessons, each explaining a subject and giving one or more examples. This program is rather involved, so some explanation is due. 40 again and repeat the same commands, this time using new values of A and B. We continue moving in the counterclockwise direction (UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT) To finish the section on random numbers, I show a hi-res graphics program which draws random rectangle outlines on screen. LINE 40 outputs current values of A and B using PRINT command. Hi-res mixed HGR and full-screen HGR2 modes: Don't try to parse everything in this program unless you are familiar with trigonometric functions COS and SIN, which are used in this program. Here are the string functions and type conversion functions which convert string to numbers and vice versa: Let's take a closer look at this program. 40x24 and 80x24 TEXT modes and TRACE in action: A common question asked about the TEXT mode is whether it is possible to place text at a specific position For example LEN(" ABC ") returns 5, not 3, because there is one space in front of "ABC" and one after. I do explain how BASIC programs work because I think it's important, but I don't even cover all commands and certainly don't dwell into all nuts and bolts of ApppleSoft BASIC. Because of this, Programming languages allow people to give instructions to a computer with commands that both the computer and the programmer can understand. In the program calculating the GCD shown above we saw that the same sequence of commands is performed several times. String variables have dollar sign at the end of the variable name. Often in our program we want to execute one set of commands following IF-THEN when condition is met, and a different set of commands otherwise. STEP parameter can also be negative, as in the following example: Let's now make the final value in FOR loop and the STEP parameter use variables. To store a number, it converts it into special format having only 1s and 0s. Checking the ASCII table we see that English uppercase alphabet characters have decimal codes 65 (A) to 90 (Z), and the lowercase characters have decimal codes 97 (a) to 122 (z). If you think I missed something that must be explained to a beginner programmer, Let's look at small program which simulates throwing a dice 20 times, generating values from 1 to 6, and prints the result. Our screen is only 192 pixels high, so it will not fit in a circle with radius greater than 96 (192/2 = 96). Speed up the program even more by skipping all odd numbers in form of 3*K (9,15,21,27..). If B contains zero, then A contains the value of GCD we were looking for, and we can stop the program (after printing the value of GCD on line 80). Hint: store number of passes in a separate variable. After second pass two the second largest number is in A(7) and so on. This is similar to HOME command in TEXT mode.

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