2 The four possibilities below explore how information technology may affect the character of war. The use of infrastructure as a weapon system is a new and direct way to attack a government’s political base, often without going through its military first. By 1940, the French army was broadly considered the best in Europe and was prepared to defeat the German forces if they tried to reenact the Schlieffen Plan. Napoleonic warfare found agrarian societies pitting their armies and, at its pinnacle, most of their resources against one another. Popular information technology Articles in 2020 Discover what information technology articles people are publicly sharing on Twitter and Reddit. There is no reason to suspect this time is unique, that the current way of war is somehow permanent. The opinions expressed in this article are his alone, and do not represent those of any organization with which he is associated. Qualitative changes to warfare have always come in the past. Information Technology Subscribe to this topic RSS details. There’s globalisation, digitalisation and increasing marginalisation. And now there’s COVID-19. While organizational learning is important today, once it takes place at machine speeds, organizations that collect useful data and learn more quickly than their adversaries will be able to overcome significant disadvantages, and those that learn slowly will perform poorly. Doing so requires rigorous experimentation at the tactical and strategic levels that produces changes to operational concepts, doctrine, the military education system, and military technology. The widespread use of infrastructure as a weapon system would be a qualitative change to warfare. After all, “it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Beyond the usual challenges of prophecy, the effects of a new type of technology are only fully revealed when two well-developed forces fight each other, creating emergent effects that cannot be predicted by viewing the forces in isolation. How would these disasters affect military resources and planning? Shop now. While the United States would be foolish to abandon its current advantages, it would be just as foolish to discount possible change. Most of its possible benefits, however, are closely tied to the American military’s current advantages in logistics, intelligence collection, and precision strike. If they do not, someone else surely will. It is difficult to know the character of future wars. If this takes place, militaries that do not develop the technology and processes to adapt at machine speeds will find themselves frequently surprised by their adversaries’ capabilities — even adversaries they have previously fought. The evolving nature of information technology and its use by militaries may change the character of war. Cambridge Analytica used a version of social network analysis powered by much larger databases and machine learning to launch sentiment attacks to shift the behavior of societies. One of the first indications of this shift took place at the Battle of Valmy. Targeting is certainly not new — American counterinsurgents in Iraq used social network analysis to map terrorist groups’ members and relationships, then target key nodes for influence or removal. In this case, as shown above, the potential exists. The above list is also not an inclusive list of potential technology-based changes to the character of war. The first is to increase the importance of learning. Shaping the Future of Education. Doing so will allow the American military’s strengths, just like those enjoyed by the Prussian army before the Revolutionary Wars and by the French military before 1939, to suddenly become far less relevant. While an increase in weapon lethality might shorten war, it might also make it difficult for adversaries with autonomous capabilities to employ tactics that require large formations to maneuver, which are typically a key component of decisive victories. The use of infrastructure as a weapon system might be as irritating as creating traffic jams, rolling power outages, or interruptions in connectivity. 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Experiments with infrastructure as a weapon system requires a more strategic approach. Changes to the Character of War in History. This is the same condition that faced European militaries in 1914 — they understood the effect increasing firepower had on colonial adversaries, but did not understand that firepower and massive armies, combined with western Europe’s terrain, would give the defense an advantage. Get the latest technology and engineering news and insight.

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