Departamento de Solos, Universidade Federal de, Engenheira-Agrônoma, Doutora. The impacts of these new bioproducts shall be This assessment Se o balanço para determinado nutriente for negativo, calcário e, ou, fertilizante são adiciona-, dos; se positivo, não há adição. 399p. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science. Fertilizer recommendation to most agricultural crops is based on response curves. p.129-158, ... Research should focus on developing technology for using this effluent in the fertirrigation of coconut or other crops to supply their demand for phosphorous and water. study may support research teams searching to improve the environmental performance of products On the other hand, if the balance is positive, no lime or fertilizer is needed. Critical levels of implantation (in soil of the planting, . Oléagineux, The use of sodium chloride (NaCl) or common salt as fertilizer is a practical means of increasing coconut production. Série Frutas Tropicais -5. Madeira MCB, Holanda SJ, Guedes FX & Oliveira JF (1998) Coqueiro In banana cultivation, fertilization recommendations are almost exclusively based on soil chemical analysis, without considering leaf analysis and expected yield, which can help in the adjustment of fertilization programs. Fósforo em solo e planta em condições tropicais. for K in the adult phase lay a little below the recommendation, Due to the fast growth of the dwarf coconut, the N, P, and K doses recommended by the System from the second, year on are superior to the doses recommended in the Sebrae, considering fruit husk recycling, N and P doses, recommended by the System are inferior to those of the. improve MDF and HDF environmental performances: i) a short-term agenda, focused on reducing Medina, JC (1980) Coco I – Cultura. accumulation in belowground organs in the top 20 cm was on average 3 and 3.4 Mg C by the end of the second and third year, respectively, with roots and rhizomes accounting for up to 80%. will be supplied by recycling of dead leaves and roots. Novais RF & Smyth TJ (1999) Fósforo em solo e planta em The crop demand for K is very high, and the rates recommended by the System are superior to the table recommendations for the formation and initial production stage. the plant, a sum of the immobilized contents in the roots, adjust the nutrient demand equations according to the, Dwarf coconut trees are considered to attain adult age, after 72 months (six years) and begin fruit production at, the age of three years. As a general rule, it is advised that at least a quantity of nutrients exported through harvested produce and above-ground parts are replenished to maintain a balance between export and import of nutrients. advantage of acting as a fertilizer of slow release, constantly setting nutrients free, as well as improving the, At the formation and beginning production stage, fruit, of nutrients into the root system and stem growth (Ouvrier, 1990). are not inherently beneficial to the environment and bring no guarantee of improved efficiency in the use For perennial crops, on the other hand. A refinement of these models is suggested with respect to different agroclimatic regions. cultura ao processamento e comercialização. The stem growth is smaller, (approximately 1/3 of the hybrid growth) and the root, growth was estimated 70 % below that of the giant and, the hybrid coconut, due to the smaller explored soil volume, A young plant is not able to produce a large number of, fruits, and the user should estimate the production around, year on, when the plant is at the top of its production, of the production, it is possible to estimate the total. soil and leaf analyses. This is, the reason for the need to develop a lime and fertilizer, recommendation system with scientific foundation, in a. more mechanist than empirical adjustment. Roots contributed most to belowground C mass during the second growing season but during the preceding winter, root biomass C decreased by 44-67%, and, thereafter, during the third growing season, the proportion of rhizome C increased. Ca is the least studied macronutrient for coconut. 1.ed. potential in terms of environmental performance. stage, since it is assumed that these parts, when formed. terms of plant number ha-1, cob numberha-1, number of row per cob, length per cob, number of kernel Madeira MCB, Holanda SJ, Guedes FX & Oliveira JF (1998) Coqueiro, Magat SS (1991) Fertilizer recomendations for coconut based on. Coco I – Cultura Coco -da cultura ao processamento e comercialização. Among the factors studied, harvest date was the most influential and affected C allocation in all crop components considerably. Engenheiro-Agrônomo, Mestre. The annual rainfall is about 1000 mm in the west and southwest of Hainan, and the drought severity index, A field experiment was conducted in northern Sweden between 1995 and 1997, with the objectives (1) to quantify the dynamics of carbon accumulation in above-and belowground crop components of reed canary grass (RCG) during the second and third year after sowing and (2) to examine the effect of fertilization and soil type (mineral vs. organic) on C allocation. Philippine Journal of Coconut Studies, The giant coconut is a more robust, the System because it is normally cultivated without, The System proposed in this study estimates the, nutrient quantity that is to be applied by fertilization, considering the difference between the nutrient quantity, required by the plant, and the nutrient supply by the soil, volume penetrated by the roots. from field experimental data, obtained for a particular condition and may not be reliable to be applied to other regions. Viçosa, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Ensaios de campo são realizados em determinada região, não sendo os resultados extrapoláveis para outras regiões. Developing support systems for decision-making for fertilization that considers these variables in nutrient requirement and supply is necessary.

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