"description": "",       "assignee_user": "",                   {               "num_public": "",  Retrieves the reputation of the specified Email address based on the filter criteria that you have specified.      "nameservers": [],           "billing": "",       "publication_status": "",           "is_active": "",  (Optional)  Indicators that are associated with the incident on the ThreatStream platform.                      "name": "",               "name": "",  Anomali ThreatStream offers the most comprehensive Threat Intelligence Platform, allowing organizations to access all intelligence feeds and integrate it seam      "import_session_id": "",  Valid query to be run on the ThreatStream server.          "offset": "",               "id": ""               "approved_by": {  Anomali ThreatStream offers the most comprehensive Threat Intelligence Platform, allowing organizations to access all intelligence feeds and integrate it seamlessly with internal security and IT systems.      "is_public": "",  Retrieves the reputation of the specified domain based on the filter criteria such as the domain name and other input parameters that you have specified. Retrieves the reputation of the specified IP address based on the filter criteria such as the IP address and other input parameters that you have specified.      "approved_by_id": "",  You can also use the yum command to install connectors.                  "nickname": "",                   "total": "",               "expiration_ts": "",       "circles": [],  Email ID for which you want to retrieve reputation information.              "filename": "",               },  Global setting that applies to any imported URL-type indicator, when you do not specify an explicit itype for the URL-type indicator.              "confidence": ""  Added annotations to functions.              "type": "",       "created_ts": "",               "start_date": "",           "display_name": "",  Les sources de renseignements sur les menaces incluent : ThreatStream facilite l'exploitation de renseignements de menaces en : Les IOC peuvent être directement gérés au sein de la plate-forme ThreatStream et envoyés vers d’autres systèmes à des fins de surveillance ou de blocage.              "name": "",  You must have a registered username for the ThreatStream server and the API key for a ThreatStream API integration.          "limit": "",               "status": {  }, The output contains the following populated JSON schema:      "votes": {  The query must conform to ThreatStream’s Filter Language Query grammar.      "modified_ts": "",           "resource_uri": "",  You can add multiple intelligence IDs using the comma separator.          "me": ""           }                   "organization": {  Maximum number of results, per page, that this operation should return.              "rdns": "",       "tags": [],               "status": "",               "feed_id": "",       "result": ""       "date_modified": "",       "resource_uri": "",  (Optional) Description associated with the status of the incident that you want to update on ThreatStream. Executes a WhoIs lookup on the specified domain name and retrieves a list of domains based on the domain name and filter criteria that you have specified.      "numIndicators": "",       "default_comment": "",       "modified_ts": "",           "id": "",  (Optional) Specify other fields that you want to include with the incident that you want to update in ThreatStream. Name of the domain for which you want to retrieve information from Whois. To access the FortiSOAR™ UI, ensure that port 443 is open through the firewall for the FortiSOAR™ instance. We bring to your security team the one thing that's been missing - external context.      "publication_status": "",               "watched_by_me": "",           "resource_uri": ""       "starred_by_me": "",               "country": "",  We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. Compatibility with Anomali ThreatStream API Version: v2 .              ],       "circles": [  L'utilisateur peut également tester et acheter des flux tiers haut de gamme directement deL'APP Store d'Anomali. Name of the domain for which you want to retrieve reputation information.      "sandbox_reports": [],               "trusted_circle_ids": [],  This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions. Valid query to be run on the ThreatStream server.          "incidents": [],  Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete. Duration after which the observables will expire on Threatstream. Name of the incident that you want to update on ThreatStream.              "resource_uri": "",               "latitude": "",       "activity_dates": [],  Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified or not.                  "detail2": "",                       "id": ""       "status": "",       ]  Prerequisites to configuring the connector, operation: Get Submitted Observables Status by Import ID.              "name": "",  Updates an incident in ThreatStream based on the incident ID and other input parameters that you have specified. That's our mission. Anomali ThreatStream API Version Tested on: v2.      "description": "",       "messages": "",       "parent": "",                   "name": "",  {               "trusted_circles": [],       },  }, The output contains the following populated JSON schema: Three new playbooks: >Anomali ThreatStream > Create Alert, >Anomali ThreatStream > Fetch and Anomali ThreatStream > Ingest have been added for data ingestion.          "name": "",           "total": "",       ],  Get Submitted Observables Status by Import ID. You can choose from the following options: New, Open, Stalled, Containment Achieved, Restoration Achieved, Incident Reported, Closed, Rejected, or Deleted.          "name": "",  API key configured for your account for using the ThreatStream API. IP address or Host name URL of the ThreatStream server to which you will connect and perform the automated operations.      "victims": [],                       "name": "",  The JSON output contains the list of file hash as per filter option and information of the specified file hash such as threatscore, country, type, feed id, IP, modified timestamp, and created timestamp.          "email": "",               "watched_total_count": "",  The output contains the following populated JSON schema:      "incidents": []               "orginal_intelligence": "",       "intended_effects": [],               ],           "id": "",  Global setting that applies to any imported email-type indicator, when you do not specify an explicit itype for the email-type indicator.      "tipreports": [],                       "id": ""  This document provides information about the Anomali ThreatStream connector, which facilitates automated interactions, with ThreatStream server using FortiSOAR™ playbooks.      "id": "",       "organization": {               "tags_v2": [           {       "created_ts": "",  Check out the Threat Stream API on the RapidAPI API Directory.              "is_cloneable": "",  Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified or not.      "date": "",       "tlp": "",           }  ID of the generated incident whose details you want to retrieve from ThreatStream.      "processed_ts": "",  About the connector.          ""  The output also includes a message that includes the execution status of the playbook, for example, message: Executed Successfully and the total number of results returned in the result item, for example, result [1] as shown in the following image, which displays a sample output: The JSON output contains the list of email addresses as per filter option and information of the specified email address such as threatscore, country, type, feed id, IP, modified timestamp, and created timestamp.              "source": ""               "num_private": "",           "name": "",           "resource_uri": ""       "actors": [],       "emails": []               "created_ts": "",       ],       "tags": [       "body_content_type": "",  Confidence value that you want to assign to the observables that you want to import into Threatstream. You can see the bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOAR™ after importing the Anomali ThreatStream connector. (Optional) Attachment IRI that is used to access the file directly from the FortiSOAR™ Attachments module.              "confidence": "",       "id": "",       "end_date": "",       "description": "",               "url": "",  Added Validate Input parameter for all operations, except the Run Filter Language Query and Run Advance Query operations. {               "numIndicators": "",  You must have a registered username for the ThreatStream server and the API key for the ThreatStream API integration.              "is_anonymous": "",                   }       "meta": {               "workgroups": [],       "num_public": "",       "status_desc": "",               "id": "",       "organization_id": "",               "publication_status": "",  ID of the incident that you want to update on ThreatStream.          "must_change_password": "",           }  URL for which you want to retrieve reputation information. Security Intelligence, Government. Retrieves the reputation of the specified IP address based on the filter criteria that you have specified.      },       },               "intelligence_source": "",  {  0 based index of the page that this operation should return.          "resource_uri": "",       "is_public": "",       "ttps": [],           "avatar_s3_url": "",           "actors": [],       "organization": {               },  This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions.              ],                   "email": "",  Threat Stream is a SaaS Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform designed for enterprise and government security operations.      "jobID": "",       "external_references": [       },  Intelligence value based on which you want to filter incidents to be retrieved from ThreatStream.      "fileName": "",  With Anomali you can now identify suspicious or malicious traffic before it even reaches your network. Retrieves the reputation of the specified FileHash based on the filter criteria that you have specified.      "starred_total_count": "",       "watched_by_me": "",           "limit": "",  Runs an advanced search query using ThreatStream’s Query grammar.              "is_public": "",  You can choose from the following options: Red, Amber, Green, or White.      "numRejected": "",       "tags_v2": [  }.          "offset": "",           "ttps": [],  Deletes an incident from ThreatStream based on the incident ID that you have specified.              "tags": [               "is_public": "",           "name": "",                       "id": ""  Threat Stream is a SaaS Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform designed for enterprise and government security operations. Anomali helps organizations find and respond to cyber threats.      "parent": "",       "starred_by_me": "",       "status": {  }, The output contains the following populated JSON schema: Name of the domain for which you want to retrieve reputation information. Analytics cookies.      "votes": {  The output also includes the total number of results returned.                  "detail": "",       "num_private": "",                   "media": "",  Retrieves the details of import jobs from ThreatStream based on search query that you have specified.              "resource_uri": "",           "resource_uri": ""           "can_share_intelligence": "",  Retrieves the reputation of the specified URL based on the filter criteria such as the URL and other input parameters that you have specified.          "next": "",  Threatstream recueille des données de renseignements sur les menaces auprès de centaines de sources.

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