Human being and the nature of human being is unpredictable because whether human beings do not know what will happen in next minute they always tend to make plans for future. Advantage: PowerPoint Presentations have always had a higher hand over others because there is always an excitement about what the slides will reveal. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Overhead. Advantage: The content can be presented in the form of bullet points, which is a cue for the presenter. Planning helps the company in evaluating the actual performance of the company with plans set by the company and if there is any deviation then the company can easily identify where the loopholes were and take corrective measures so that actual performance matches with the plan. Planning kills creativity and innovation because employees have to work according to plan and if an employee has some innovative idea or way of working then it is not easy for the employee to implement that as any deviation even if it leads to the benefit of the company will not be implemented leading to a loss for the company. What is benefits management 1. It gives you repeatable processes, guidelines and techniques to help you manage the people and the work involved in your projects. Additionally Project Managers can never accurately assess the length of any task, and pad their estimates so that they won’t wind up with a late project. Methodology obsession: Instead of just “getting the project done”, some Project Managers become so closed and so protective their own methodology that they refuse to experiment with another one that might be faster and better for their current project. There are many presentations, especially ones related to the technological sector where graphics cannot be interesting. Another con of project management is that it may be possible that there is no competent staff to carry the responsibility of project manager and if management selects incompetent staff then project will be a failure leading to losses for the company. Comparison Lets us draw an estimation with an overview of the advantages and disadvantages, of this technique: Advantage: These can be created easily, one does not need to be some designing expert to prepare an amusing presentation. PowerPoint Presentations gained their share of recognition and fame, as soon as they were introduced to the technical and not so technically strong world. When there are types of project management methodologies in the business, we have to be conscious of the ones, which would do the job best for certain kinds of projects. Hence in a way planning helps the other important management function that is. By using this site, you agree to this use. Disadvantage: This very often proves detrimental, because people end up preparing presentations which are either filled with images or are just plain text. When preparing a PowerPoint Presentation one should remember that it is a critical technique. Planning reduces the risks and uncertainties in the sense that plans are made after taking into account various risks factors like the risk of fire, theft, competitor’s actions, contingent liabilities etc… Hence in a way company which has made plans is better equipped to handle uncertainties as oppose to those companies which have no plans in place. In order to understand the concept of planning better let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of planning – Advantages of Planning. Advantage: This is always at test, but with a PowerPoint Presentation the confidence is boosted. The first and foremost advantage of planning is that it helps the company in laying specific objectives or goals for the employees of the company and hence there is no confusion about the roles and responsibilities among the employees as everybody has an idea about what is excepted from them. Selecting the most appropriate project management methodology might be a tricky undertaking. Workers can benefit from learning these principles so they can further implement the methodology in the company. PowerPoint® and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Get The Latest Templates Delivered To Your Inbox, Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint. Loss of resources, scheduling problems, security issues and interpersonal conflicts are major disadvantages of project management. Another advantage of planning is that it reduces overlapping and duplication of activities of the employees of the company as every task is assigned to a specific department which reduces the chances of the same task going to different departments which in turn saves a lot of time and energy of the company. There are various project management methodologies to benefit distinctive projects. Wondershare Mockitt: Design Mockups with Interactive Gestures, Animated Spookfest Halloween PowerPoint Template. Benefits of Project Management.

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