The guidelines provide instructions for semi-annual and final performance reporting. Browse 367 Administration for Community Living Grants below, sorted by the last date to apply. A grantee may request an amendment to a current grant award, as identified by Federal Administrative Regulations (45 CFR Part 75). Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy. For more information about COVID-19, please visit CDC’s website: Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System Reporting. Associated with performance under this award; or, ii. This amount reflects an individual’s base salary exclusive of fringe and any income that an individual may be permitted to earn outside of the duties to the applicant organization. Skip to main content 7102). This project was supported, in part by grant number 90XX####, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Skip to main content ACL does not provide grants directly to individuals. Submission of up-to-date program progress and financial (SF-425/PMS) reports; Reporting of federal cash transactions in the Payment Management System are up-to-date; and. “Getting more funds to community organizations that deliver meals to older adults, such as Meals on Wheels, is another example of the Trump Administration’s whole-of-government, whole-of-America approach to combating the COVID-19 pandemic.”. ACL awards more than one billion dollars in grants, primarily to state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education and small businesses. See 2 CFR 200 Appendix XII for full citation. Select a specific Administration for Community Living … Copyright ©2007-2020, Disaster Assistance for State Units on Aging (SUAs) and Tribal Organizations in National Disasters Declared by the President, Native American Independent Living Demonstration Project, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Health Service Delivery Models, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Accessible Transportation, Partnerships in Employment Systems Change, Training and Technical Assistance Center for State Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Delivery Systems, Centers for Independent Living Competition, UCEDD Network Diversity and Inclusion Training Action Planning Grant, Alzheimer's Disease Initiative - Specialized Supportive Services (ADI-SSS) Project Financed Solely by 2016 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF 2016), Senior Medicare Patrol Projects - Empowering Seniors to Prevent Health Care Fraud, Business Acumen for Disability Organizations, Learning Collaboratives for Advanced Business Acumen Skills, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service National Training Initiatives, Diversity Fellowships and Partnership Planning Grants, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase II 93.433 HHS/ACL/NIDILRR, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families, FY2016 Lifespan Respite Care Program--Competing Program Expansion Supplements, 2016 Lifespan Respite Care Program: Grants to New States, Assistive Technology Act National Activities: State Training and Technical Assistance for Assistive Technology Programs and National Assistive Technology Public Internet Site, Field Initiated Projects Program: Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) - Research, Field Initiated Projects Program: Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) - Development, Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Minority-Serving Institution ARRT, Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Interventions to Promote Community Living Among Individuals with Disabilities, Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities, No Wrong Door System Key Elements: Transforming State LTSS Access Functions into a No Wrong Door System for All Populations and All Payers, Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program. A. Some are awarded in accordance with formulas (mandatory grants) established in legislation, while others are awarded in a competitive process (discretionary grants). System for Award Management (SAM) annual registration and DUNS information are up-to-date. Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise, connected to the government of a covered foreign country. Means any entity other than a State, local government, Indian tribe, or foreign public entity, as those terms are defined in 2 CFR 175.25. a. ii. Eligibility and funding levels for mandatory grants are based on legislation which often uses a formula to determine the allocation of grant funds across eligible entities (such as states, tribes, territories, and other organizations specified by legislation). ET, excepting federal holidays). Grants for Women |  Find the instructions in the Current Guidelines for Preparing Performance Reports for Grants (PDF, 332KB). Register in SAM.GOV prior to submitting an application or plan; 2. 2.Our right to terminate unilaterally that is described in paragraph a.2 or b of this section: i. Implements section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended (22 U.S.C. Should the collection of information require the use of an information technology system (2 CFR 200.58), the grant recipient and subrecipient(s) will be expected to adhere to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to help ensure the security of any system used or developed by the grant recipient or subrecipient(s). This salary limitation also applies to subawards/subcontracts under an ACL grant or cooperative agreement. To help you administer your grant award, the following sections offer general information, as well as links to ACL and other federal resources. The EIN number is an expansion of the 9-digit Employer or Tax Identification Number assigned to an organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Grants and cooperative agreements are the major vehicles through which ACL transfers its appropriated funds to organizations providing, supporting, or researching community living. Information regarding past awards can be found at Has an employee who is determined by the agency official authorized to terminate the award to have violated a prohibition in paragraph a.1 of this award term through conduct that is either —, a. The revised. Get instructions for navigating this site. Accordingly, recipients must review and revise, as needed, any policies and procedures which interpret or apply Federal statutory or regulatory references to such terms as “marriage,” “spouse,” family,” “household member’” or similar references to familial relationships to reflect inclusion of same-sex spouse and marriages. Administration for Community Living Grants All Americans - including people with disabilities and older adults - should be able to live at home with the supports they need, participating in communities that … Washington, D.C. 20201 Browse 305 Administration for Community Living Grants below, sorted by the last date to apply. ACL, in turn, provides the funding to states and local governments, community organizations, colleges and universities, and other organizations who conduct research or provide services and supports for older adults and people with disabilities. Your Grants Management Specialist and ACL Project Officer are always available to answer questions and discuss issues that arise during implementation of the grant program. If you wish to search for a specific keyword or view grants sorted by category, utilize the menu links. FTA awarded $64 million in competitive grants to help veterans, military families, and others connect to jobs and services in their communities by improving access to local transportation options. Aging and Disability Networks - The aging and disability networks include national, state, and local organizations that support community living options for older adults and people with disabilities. Older adults who need assistance can contact the Eldercare Locator to find services available in their community. Get instructions for navigating this site. 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or transferred pursuant to section 4002 of Public Law 111–148 shall be used to pay the salary or expenses of any grant or contract recipient, or agent acting for such recipient, related to any activity designed to influence the enactment of legislation, appropriations, regulation, administrative action, or Executive order proposed or pending before the Congress or any state government, state legislature or local legislature or legislative body, other than for normal and recognized executive-legislative relationships or participation by an agency or officer of a state, local or tribal government in policy-making and administrative processes within the executive branch of that government. At a minimum, ACL and a recipient must ensure the following: Note: Always read your subsequent NoA for any possible changes to the agreement. The General Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Public Law 116-94), signed into law on December 20, 2019, includes provisions for a salary rate limitation. Each FOA contains all information needed to apply for a grant. Skip to main navigation Gun Control (Section 217) “None of the funds made available in this title may be used, in whole or in part, to advocate or promote gun control.”, Restriction on Distribution of Sterile Needles (Section 522) "Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no funds appropriated in this Act shall be used to carry out any program of distributing sterile needles or syringes for the hypodermic injection of any illegal drug.”. Regardless, both financial and programmatic reporting is required by statute for all ACL grant programs. b. ACL provides further instructions as appropriate. Advancing independence, integration, and inclusion throughout life, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, Get instructions for navigating this site, Americans with Disabilities Act National Network, Senior Centers and Supportive Services for Older Adults, State Councils on Developmental Disabilities, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Aging and Disability Resource Centers Program/No Wrong Door System, Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Transportation Research and Demonstration Program, The President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, For American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training (ARRT) Program, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program, Field-Initiated Projects Program Rehabilitation Research, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Program, Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) Program, Small Business Innovation Research Program, National Family Caregiver Support Program, Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Support for People with Limb Loss, Paralysis and TBI, Strengthening the Aging and Disability Networks, Aging and Disability Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, Duals Demonstration Ombudsman Program Technical Assistance, Volunteer Opportunities and Civic Engagement, Projected Future Growth of Older Population, Reports to Congress and the President, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Medicare Improvements for Patients & Providers Act, Connecting to Specific Programs or Services, View the tables with mandatory grant awards, see the programmatic and fiscal contacts list.

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